Monday, March 7, 2011

When someone doing evil is described as a "Christian", the world looks at it as an 'un-Christian' act. When someone doing evil is described as a "Muslim/Islamist", the world doesn't look at it as an 'un-Muslim/Islamist" act. There's a true difference in the belief system.
From a fellow BCer: Funny how the pol scientist from univ of ga. has time to bash the birther bill, since more attention is needed with other bills, Funny no comment about the Bicycle bill, and numerous others, they truly fear its outcome' " -- A very worthy point, and one not taken by the L-E when reporting such gibberish from UGA pols.
Online headline: "Afghan President Rejects US Apology Over Killings" -- Now, when Karzai rejects one of our 'foreign aid checks', let me know...that would be real news.
Online headline: "Witches Outraged Over Charlie Sheen's Comments" -- Oops, my bad. Thought Pelosi and Boxer were upset over one of their own California constituents plight.
From L-E's "Today in History": "In 1911, President William Howard Taft ordered 20,000 troops to patrol the U.S.-Mexico border in response to the Mexican Revolution . " -- Take a clue, Emporer Imam-a.
For the Westboro Church (_@_)'s, I support free speech for everyone, but I also support letting my Glock speak in defending other's rights to it.
L-E headline/story: "U.S. Marshals end surrender program * More than 34,000 people in 20 cities have turned themselves in through Fugitive Safe Surrender, which got its start in Cleveland in 2005 in response to the killing of a police officer by a fugitive during a traffic stop. * Spokesman Jeff Carter said the program cost $250,000 annually" -- Typical government logic. Government will give millions of dollars to study the sex lives of termites or vegetables, but when it has a program that appears to be successful .versus the higher costs of individual pursuit/arrest, government cancels it. Guess government doesn't want to have to explain when it actually gives value to tax dollars being dispensed (6 years times $250K = $1,500,000.00 divided by 34,000 arrests = less than $45.00 per arrest).
L-E story: "NEW YORK — The Obama administration may consider tapping into U.S. oil reserves on concern that crude prices above $104 a barrel could damage the U.S. economic recovery, White House Chief of Staff William Daley said Sunday. * The 727-million-barrel U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve is the largest stockpile of government-owned oil in the world. " -- At 42 gallons of gasoline per barrel, there's over 30 Billion gallons of gasoline that's been off the market and highly affecting the daily price per gallon we pay at the pump. If Emporer Imam-a wants to 'tap into something', how about 'tapping into' the billions of barrel oil reserves in and around the US!
One of our BCers was selected as the "Board Member of the Year" for the Boys & Girls Club. Congrats, Dan!

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