Thursday, March 24, 2011

Online story: "U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates acknowledged there is no clear end to the international military enforcement of the no-fly zone over Libya, but President Barack Obama said it "absolutely" will not lead to a U.S. land invasion." -- It bothers me enough when Emperor Imam-a just makes a 'promise' that I know won't be kept, but it really bothers me when he adds such a degree as "absolutely".
Online headline: "Boehner Presses Obama to Define Libya Mission" -- Good luck with that! The last time we had a DUMB&DUMBERat President, he was having difficulty defining "is".
Online headline: "New Mortgage Rules May Hurt the Little Guy" -- Like the old ones hadn't almost destroyed us little guys?
Another liberal L-E "soundoff": " I don’t really care who runs for president, but I can tell you this: It’s going to take a man from the moon to beat Barack Obama." -- Can't you see the DUMB&DUMBERats protesting the birth certificate if this happens?
From the looks of the news shows and newspaper front pages, Afghanistan has been replaced by Libya. Of course, the L-E doesn't know they exist because neither country is an SEC sports power.
It's gratifying that the L-E recognizes its past shortcomings and are trying to do something to regain readers and readers' confidences, but it is missing the boat. Chatter and banter are not the solutions; good and consistent investigative reporting of City, School, Business, and Crime issues (versus 'tiptoeing around'), plus focusing on Columbus' lifestyles other than the "bar scene" should show positive results.
L-E story: "After a tour of the 8801 Macon Road facility in Midland, Bishop also said he supported President Barack Obama’s effort to establish a no-fly zone in Libya to stem civilian bloodshed by Moammar Gadhafi’s troops. * As developments in Libya unfold , Bishop said he’s pleased the president has taken strong action with support from the international community, United Nations, the Arab League and major coalitions to keep Gadhafi’s from slaughtering his own people. * “As a matter of morality, as a matter of humanity, it’s necessary that those actions be stopped,” Bishop said. “The international community spoke with one voice with the United Nations.” -- Of course the L-E failed to mention Bishop supported HELL-thScare, and TARP, and that while he was out chumming up to Pratt-Whitney in Columbus, there were more DUMB&DUMBERats chastising the Connecticut P-W plant for eliminating hundreds of union jobs in Connecticut.
This will be a daily inclusion of the Breakfast Club: Diane Schneider, a representative with the National Education Association (NEA), said that graphic sex education needs to be taught in the classroom. * "She said that 'gender identity expression' and sexual orientation are a spectrum, and...that those [who are] opposed to homosexuality are stuck -- quote -- 'in a binary box that religion and family create.' -- This should be sent to every teacher in every school district, and they should be asked to either endorse it, demand Ms Schneider be fired, or drop their NEA membership.

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