Sunday, March 27, 2011

There's a DUMB&DUMBERat South Carolina State Representative who is introducing a law to ban prisoners from using Facebook (or any social network, for that matter). My question is why are prisoners allowed to use computers at all?
In the last 3 weeks, we've gotten 3 calls at our business number and 2 at home wanting us to come to the Columbus Health Department and get certified, re-certified or get vouchers for WIC. Sounds like we have government employees drumming up ways to spend more tax dollars. This should stop! Call 706-321-6281 and complain. If she has that much time to call us, she doesn't have enough to do, so why is she on the payroll?
If you wonder why I refer to non-conservatives as DUMB&DUMBERats, you only have to digest the latest DUMB&DUMBERat proposal to balance the budget (drum roll, please), taxing you by the miles you drive in addition to the outrageous gasoline taxes you already pay.
Why do DUMB&DUMBERats not understand that the first step, whether you're a public or private entity, or a big or small business, to balance a budget is to identify ineffective spending and cut or eliminate such? Why, because they'd have to admit they are not effective managers of tax dollars.
From L-E story: "Phil Mooney, Coca-Cola’s director of heritage communications, gave Columbus the credit, saying Coke was created here and carried to Atlanta, from whence it spread around the world, today sold in every country except Cuba, North Korea and Myanmar." -- Wow! Coca Cola is finally acknowledging what we knew all along. I can remember the tour guides at "The World of Coca Cola" in Atlanta being prompted to squelch any one taking a tour's comments about Coke being started in Columbus.
Talk about placement...Stacked headlines in the L-E: "New Handbook For Husbands May Settle Some Fights - Or Not" followed by "Dusty Nix on area's homeless problem" --
It's both nice and uncomfortable to talk about 'the homeless' situation and some solutions, but like most government programs, the funding goes primarily (usually in the 78% and higher range) into salaries and benefits for the administering of such programs.

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