Friday, March 4, 2011

Online headline: "Mideast Turmoil Risks Fueling Record Global Food Inflation" -- Yeah, right, now the liberals wanna blame countries that offer little to the world's food supply as the reason for hyper-inflation. Just because it works for 'oil', doesn't mean it will work for food.
Online story: "WASHINGTON -- The White House called for $6.5 billion in immediate spending cuts Thursday as negotiations opened with tea party-backed Republicans in Congress seeking reductions nearly 10 times as large in their drive to reduce the size of federal government. -- Wow, the Emporer Imam-a thinks, excuse me..'feels', there may be $6.5 Billion he can do without. Heck, he could cut $6.5 Billion from the White House entertainment budget alone!
Online story: " (At Rutgers) The co-ed housing pilot program starts in the fall and is aimed at helping gay students feel more safe and comfortable." -- Since when have gay relationships been co-ed? isn't that what differs them from heterosexual relationships?
What's with the L-E (certainly not the majority of its readers) whining about 'the birther bill" requiring proof of American birth for presidential candidates in GA primary races? Our forefathers thought that to be important enough to include it in the Constitution, just as they included the 1st Amendment to give the L-E the right to make asinine opinions. All the L-E needs to know is that such a GA law will keep distracting situations created by Emporer Imam-a from re-occurring.
The extraordinary amount of travel expenses incurred by the Auburn Bowl trip is a great example of how easy it is to spend other people's money. The football team had 473 "necessary" people and the band/cheerleaders had 435 "necessary" people. What should be used as the "necessary" numbers of people needed to travel to a game should be based on how many people were necessary for regular season games. I'd love to see a published list of those people who literally did not play for the football team, in the band, nor cheerleaders, with a brief description of their reason to be considered 'necessary' for the trip.

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