Saturday, March 19, 2011

So Emperor Imam-a is taking Spring Break in Rio de Janeiro? Why is he taking his family to his home state of Hawaii to stimulate its economy? Maybe it's the $4.00 gas; maybe it's the proximity to Japan?
Can you halfway imagine this weekend's newspaper and CNN headlines if Bush 43 was still President, and he took his family to Rio de Janeiro under any cirumstances, much less these?
Why hasn't N.O.W been up in arms about Geraldo Rivera comparing Charlie Sheen's "babes" to Gaddafy's "Amazons"?
Online headline: "Judge Blocks Wisconsin's Contentious Union Law" -- A county court judge overruling a state law that hasn't even been published... Madison, Wisconsin must have a branch of 'the Fish House Gang' up there.
Online headline: "Libya Ceasefire Announced After U.N. Approves Intervention" -- Heh heh heh....Gadfly must remember when his tethered pet goat was 'surgically removed' by a rocket when Reagan sent him a message.
L-E headline: "Obama’s trip seeks to engage with Latin America" -- Oh...Emperor Imam-a has a golf game with Hugo Chavez scheduled? Or maybe the Emperor is just checking on George Soros' oil investments.
L-E headline/story: "CBO: Obama understates deficits by $2..3 trillion * The estimate from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office says that if Obama’s February budget submission is enacted into law it would produce deficits totaling $9.5 trillion over 10 years — an average of almost $1 trillion a year. * Obama’s budget saw deficits totaling $7.2 trillion over the same period." -- Remember when the media roasted a Pentagon General for his flippant comment that "a Billion here, a billion there, and soon we're talking about real money"? well with Emperor Imam-a substituting trillions for billions, guess we're talking about "Monopoly Money".
This will be a daily inclusion of the Breakfast Club: Diane Schneider, a representative with the National Education Association (NEA), said that graphic sex education needs to be taught in the classroom. * "She said that 'gender identity expression' and sexual orientation are a spectrum, and...that those [who are] opposed to homosexuality are stuck -- quote -- 'in a binary box that religion and family create.' -- This should be sent to every teacher in every school district, and they should be asked to either endorse it, demand Ms Schneider be fired, or drop their NEA membership.

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