Sunday, November 11, 2012

God bless our veterans.. past, present, and future.


Online story: "MACON, Ga. -- Former President Jimmy Carter has become a member of the board of trustees at Mercer University. * Mercer President Bill Underwood said Carter brings a wealth of experience and that it was a "great honor for our institution to have someone of his stature." -- I disagree... 30 years ago, he might have been a 'plum', but now he's more of a dried up prune.


A couple of reflective tidbits about the 2012 election. When you subtract the California and New York popular results, Mitt Romney won the popular vote by 466,743 votes in the other 48 states. Now this is scary... California counties split 29-to-29 for each candidate.


Online story: "Administration officials said the White House was first notified about the Petraeus affair on Wednesday, the day after the election. Obama, who returned to the White House that evening after spending Election Day in Chicago, wasn't informed until Thursday morning." -- We must have a puppet as President/Commander-in-Chief. potUS Oblunder says he "didn't know" about Benghazi terrorists, he ''didn't know'' Reverend Jeremiah Wright was a hate mongering racist, he "didn't know" the Boston police officer was well within his rules of engagement, and now he "didn't know" his director of the CIA had resigned until 24 hours after his staff?


There's a lawyer ad telling people that if they are physically or mentally handicapped then it' their "RIGHT" to get Social Security checks, even if they have been turned down before. Another case of what 99% of of lawyers do for the reputation of the rest.


Where do Muslim suicide bombers/Jihadist think Allah gets all the 72 virgins he's "promised" such fanatics? Surely there's a limit to how many teen virgin girls are "honor killed" and in Allah's purported 'heaven'

Political pundits analyzing the election are chiding the Republicans p-poor effort at appealing to people "of color". That's the problem... when it's obviously an "effort', then sincerity is in doubt to begin with. Republicans should just treat all men and women equally and let people "of color" recognize which party is really looking after their and their family's interest and future.


Bet the L-E staff wishes it had gone to bed before the Auburn and Bama games were over so the scores wouldn't be in today's paper.


L-E headline: "Students claim Phillips’ plan limits their success " -- Two things... one the testosterone-free School Board has sent the interim superintendent as the messenger to be slaughtered, but it looks like the Academic Success teachers/administration have offered up their stidents as their messengers as well. Guess that attitude runs amok.


Looking at the local precinct votes cast, potUS Oblunder wouldn't have won re-election it he had run as a Republican.


It's 'compromise' that has nearly brought America to its knees. The first compromise, no matter how slight, lowers the standards by a notch. Each subsequent compromise brings it down exponentially, and the snowball effect takes over. Unfortunately, the DIM&DUMBerats don't have a bottom to how low they set the bar.


RE: the L-E's editorial listing of war sites - Wounded Knee? Well, then how about Ruby Ridge and Waco and Elian Gonzalez's aunt & uncle's closet?


Ditto above: Bunker Hill? As history used to report this, that was actually Breed's Hill. Online confirmation: On June 17, 1775, American troops displayed their mettle in the
Battle of Bunker Hill during the siege of Boston, inflicting casualties on
nearly half of the British troops dispatched to secure Breed's Hill (the actual
site of the battle). --- L-E story: "NEW YORK — Even as the lights came on for many who lost power in New York and New Jersey during the super-storm and a later nor’easter, hundreds of residents protested Saturday outside a Long Island utility, frustrated by its slow response to outages. " -- Many out-of-area power companies sent help. New York actually refused some of them because they weren't a union shop. So much for unions' being inclusive. --- This is the flag clip art the L-E used to highlight Veterans' Day:
It's the international signal of distress and dismay. How dare the L-E do such "honoring" our veterans! Pathetic, L-E!!!

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