Friday, November 30, 2012

If Warren Buffet is so concerned about not paying enough in taxes, then he should void his current will, die intestate, and let the government distribute his lifetime earnings.


Online headline: "Obama Signs Whistle-Blower Protection Law" -- Ooops, my bad. Thought potUS Obluster had signed an Executive Order to keep Talk Radio from criticizing him when he blows his own whistle about eliminating Osama bib Laden and such.


Swedish toy catalogs have become counter-intuitive to children to promote gender equality. Girls are shown shooting guns, and boys are featured with hair dryers and steam irons.

It's discouraging ( at a minimum) to see a police officer breaking traffic laws when personal efforts to get those particular laws modified have been rejected by traffic control officials. Cases in point: In the school zone at River Rd School, a police vehicle passed my car and another then accelerated to full speed well before the sign designating the end of the school zone. Granted, it was after 8:30, the crossing guards had left, and no children were present, BUT the School Zone lights were flashing.
Then the same police vehicle continued down River Rd to Veterans. At that light, there is a right turn arrow and signage to such. As straight moving traffic continued on a green signal, the right turn traffic was faced with a red light. 3 cars, including our police car made right turns in spite of the red arrow and signage, and none actually came to a full stop before proceeding. The traffic engineer has arrogantly stated no changes will be made.

Hmmm, forget Big Bird, what I want to know is whether Sesame Street has purged Elmo.


potUS Obluster is confirming he "couldn't be prouder" of Susan Rice. Hmmm, I reckon not. She has played the sacrificial lamb to the hilt... the hilt of the suicidal sword.


Online headline: "Iran Launches New Warships" -- Alright! US Navy target practice!
Online headline: "Wall Street Watch: Why Aeropostale Is Flying Low This Season" -- Wall Street had to find a reason to explain things? How about parents simply taking the debit/credit cards away from their children....
The $580 million dollar lottery had a big winner alright... government! Estimated take for the two winning ticket holders will be $232 million ($116 million each), while government will net close to $928 million in basically volunteer taxes from Obluster voters.
"Wreckit Ralph" incarnate... the Colorado (_@_).
Online story: "The Josephson Institute of Ethics’ biennial report card on American youth suggests that cheating, lying and stealing among high school students is on the decline for the first time in a decade, despite the abundance of high-profile, technology-aided cheating scandals that seem to imply the opposite." -- Compared to what... Does the potUS Obluster administration think everyone is as dumb as his voters? Some of us remember the Secretary of Education is from Chicago, and cheating in education without leaving clues would be no different than cheating at the ballot boxes.
Further above story info: "When it comes to lying to authority figures, 55 percent admitted lying to a teacher about something significant in the past year, down from 61 percent in 2010." -- Oh! Like the students wouldn't lie to the research pollsters as well?
Online story: "juvenile crime--bringing the underage crime rate to the lowest level since the state started keeping records in 1954. * According to a recently released study, much of that improvement can be credited to the decriminalization of marijuana." -- Brilliant deduction....NOT! If you decriminalize underage drinking, speeding, not using seat belts, hooky, vandalism, gangs, and a few more categories, you could bring California could bring youth crime rated down to zero, but is that good for society?
Online headline: "Hillary Clinton Praises Susan Rice" -- DOH? Hillary wants to be replaced as soon as possible, and having Rice as her replacement will make Hillary look good in the future.
Online headline: "Harry Reid Doesn't Understand John Boehner's Brain" -- DOH? It would probably be easier for Reis to do so if...IF he Reid had one at all!
Online headline: "Jeff Zucker Named CNN Worldwide President: Network Officially Hires Former NBC Universal Chief" -- No wonder mainstream media is mentally crippled... they are totally incestuous!
Online headline: "Obama Inauguration Theme Will Be 'Faith In America's Future' -- Hmmm... the subterfuge continues... The COMPLETE theme is "'Faith In America's Future Continued Implosion"
Online headline/story: "Bigfoot DNA Tests Prove Hairy Creature Exists, Genetic Researcher Says * Ketchum's study showed that part of the DNA her team sequenced revealed an unknown primate species, she said, which suggests that Bigfoot is a real creature that resulted from this primate "crossing with female Homo sapiens." * Radford suggests that if the mitochondrial DNA is identical to Homo sapiens (modern humans), it could mean one of two things. * "The first, endorsed by Ketchum, is that Bigfoot ancestors had sex with women about 15,000 years ago and created a half-human hybrid species currently hiding across North America." -- Hmmm, "a half-human hybrid species currently hiding across North America"... hiding across America? Yeah, in plain view disguised as DUMBERats!
Online headline: "NFL Players Using Viagra? Bears Star Says So" -- Hmmm, maybe the teams that hold hands in the huddle should stop.
L-E story: "Two weeks after shutting down all of its Twinkies, Ding Dongs and Ho Ho’s production, Hostess Brands still has not notified Georgia officials that its 426 workers who earned a paycheck at the Dolly Madison Bakery in Columbus are being terminated or laid off. * Email requests for comment sent to Hostess Brands’ media office were not returned Thursday." -- Ron White is SO RIGHT... you really can't fix s-t-u-p-i-d.... especially government stupidity. Even the Dolly Madison worker responsible for reporting to the state lost his/her job at the same time!!!! Who does the GA Dept of Labor think is working there to answer phones and e-mail?
If I had a center fielder on my team with a $75 million dollar contract, I think I would eliminate my left and right fielders and make my center fielder bat three times in the lineup.
Liberal's L-E "soundoff": "Corporate greed closed Dolly Madison. The CEOs of Interstate Brands, who made no wage concessions, had every intention of shutting down. Only 30% of employees were union members. Quit using the union as a scapegoat. " -- Yeah, the 70% who were smart enough to know taking a pay cut was better than losing their jobs had nothing to say in the union vote which voted down such a proposal.
L-E headline: "Lindsay Lohan charged on both coasts " -- Guess her PR firm is trying to keep reviews of her latest movie off the front pages. Her getting arrested is less damaging to her career than the truth about her acting skills.
Earth is billions of years old... why are the Chicken Littles', so frantic about any one day's, one year's, or one decade's weather events?
L-E headline/story: "VETERANS | Disability claims * Despite promises, delays on claims skyrocket * The 262-day average is the highest that measure has been in at least the past 20 years for which numbers were available. * The VA’s long-term goal is to get the processing time to an average of 90 days." -- Hmmm, in the last 20 years, there's been DUMBERat control in the White House for 12 of those. Like the national debt, the DUMBERats are not interested in lowering claims delays from 262 days to 90. That would mean making the government more efficient by eliminating politically appointed jobs.
L-E story: "Two laptop computers issued by the Muscogee County School District were reported stolen in different ways Wednesday, according to Columbus police reports." -- I cannot speak for the teacher's computer, but students at Carver and Shaw (and why only those?) have been supplied with way-over-priced netbook computers with theft-tracking software installed. Trouble is not many of the units stolen/lost inn the last 3 years have ever been recovered (per MCSD board inquiry). The MCSD board should demand the theft-tracker company give a complete refund for the costs, and pay for replacement of the unrecovered units. Otherwise, garnishee the cost from the School Board members' salaries.
L-E story: "WASHINGTON — The Obama administration Thursday offered to get the nation off the fiscal cliff with a package that includes $1.6 trillion in tax increases over 10 years," -- Hmmm, let's do some math: $1.6 trillion in new taxes over 10 years. That would mean his plan would eliminate the $16 TRILLION dollar National Debt in 100 years....but only IF he presents a balanced spending budget that doesn't include spending any of the $1.6 trillion in new taxes. Yeah, right.
Write your Congressperson not to designate January 8th as "Elvis Presley Day"! Famous musician or not, we don't need to promote drug abusers to our children. Also, theis would pave the way for August 29th being named "Michael Jackson Day" and having a pedophile pedestalized.
L-E picture:
"The "Redneck Christmas" tree won the prize for "Most Creative" at the second annual River City Festival of Trees and was breated by the Bulloch House." -- Once again, the artsy-fartsies poke fun at ordinary people. In this case, "Most Creative" is really another phrase for "how gauche, how common".

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