Saturday, November 17, 2012

Oh...thought of a third "Peter Principle" as it applies to government: When you tax/rob the Pausl and give it to the Peters, you get all the Peters' votes.


Online headline: "Susan Rice Libya Remarks Defended By Democrats" -- DOH! Certainly no non-DIM&DUMBERats would defend such an obvious attempt to lie about the truth.


DIM&DUMBERat spinmeisters are trying to convince us that changes made to the CIA talking points on Benghazi were made to protect classified information. Excuse me? If the Director of the CIA authorizes a statement, then that information has already been declassified.


Question: "How do DIM&DUMBERats classify the truth?


The US is on its way to becoming the world's leading producer of oil... not because of potUS Oblunder and the DIM&DUMBERats, but in spite of them.

Tradition references the Friday after Thanksgiving as "Black Friday" symbolizing when retailers start making their annual profits. Under the current environment, we should start calling it " Red Friday" to reflect the blood left by aggressive customers and the bloody red bath retailers will have following potUS Oblunder's re-election.


Union bosses declared " war on work" by destroying Hostess Brands. 18,000 workers are now jobless because the union bosses thought getting paid $0.00 per hour was better than taking an 8% pay cut. You know, just going along with the pay cut would have given the workers an opportunity to get through Christmas while they looked for new jobs or opportunities. The rub is that the union bosses will still have their jobs, and are getting paid from the dues paid by now unemployed members.

Question: When union workers start drawing unemployment, are their union dues deducted from their unemployment checks?


DIM&DUMBERats are not only not listening to voter complaints, they are not listening to sworn testimony in the Benghazi.


The abandoned bank building at the corner of Veterans Parkway & Whitesville Road has a new tenant. Don't know if it is a second location or a full relocation, but "Sneakers" is the new store. Hmmm, guess that means we may be able to stay in our cars and use the drive-thru window to pick up our exercise shoes/clothing.

Kirk Cameron should be named to be our next Director of the CIA. Kirk has a clause in his work contracts specifying he will not kiss a woman other than his wife.


Since the courts are striking down photo IDs at the ballot box, why do we have to show photo IDs at airports, cashing checks, and enrolling our children in school?


Since the Columbus Water Works is a city owned venture and taxpayers have no voice on the Water Board, wouldn't it be fairer for the CWW to have to put any desired rate increases on the ballot for us to "OK"?


Don't you find it amusing that the SOA protest has planned event corresponding to the times the L-E staff works?


Liberal's L-E "soundoff": "Fact: America loses $100 billion per year in tax revenue because the wealthy and one out of four corporations make huge profits and stash the money in the Cayman Islands." -- Aside that the writer cannot possibly cite a non-DIM&DUMBERat source for such, that $100 Billion would be a drop in the bucket compared to potUS Oblunder's Trillion dollar deficits.


Has anyone heard anything about the hybrid buses the city purchased with potUS Oblunder's "Stim-YOU-LIE" program?


From the L-E's "Today in History" feature: "In 1973, President Richard Nixon told Associated Press managing editors in Orlando, Fla.: “People have got to know whether or not their president is a crook. Well, I’m not a crook.” -- Obviously, presidential lying has been with us and documented for nearly 50 years. Isn't it time to stop accepting that?


There's a L-E "DealSaver" ad offer in today's L-E offering a deal on ice time and skate rental at the Columbus Ice Rink for a 50% discount. If the Columbus Ice Rink does not operate at a profit, or even on a break even basis, why is the Columbus Ice Rink discounting admission at further taxpayer expense?


"Twinkies" will never go away. We are endowed with a lifetime of DIM&DUMBERats and "Twitterers".


Guess potUS Oblunder decided not to bailout Dolly Madison. He must feel "twinkies" are not 'pig' enough to fail.


L-E headline/story: "Police say woman stole another’s identity to get $1,500 loan * police said (Michelle Lee) Collier used the Social Security number of a woman in Texas to obtain a $1,500 loan Aug. 3, 2010, from Members U____ Credit Union on Veterans Parkway." -- Excuse me, but how does one get a loan at a credit union if she hadn't already been a member long enough for her identity to be verified? This is not a simple case of 'identity theft'... there is something very wrong in the procedural aspect of the credit union.


L-E headline: "AU PREZ GOGUE TO MAKE CHIZIK DECISION" -- Something bothers me about this... with coaches salaries being in the stratosphere, is the school paying Chizik's salary or is he paid through the athletic boosters' donations? If the school is paying his $3.5 million contract, then the pay scale is warped; if the boosters' are funding his salary, why does the school president make this call?


Why is GM allowed to accumulate cash? Shouldn't there be an effort to make investors "whole" after the government bailout crashed their value?


What has the expanded NCAA schedules wrought? Today, only two of the Top 25 teams play another ranked team. Only Oregon in the Top 10 does so.

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