Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Online story: "Mohammed Ludovic Lütfi Zahed wants to open a mosque for gay muslims in France. According to Hurriyet Daily News, Zahed realized he needed to start a "mosque for gays" after going on the holy pilgrimage. * Whereas a new generation of younger Muslims are seeking LGBT-friendly mosques as well as progressive reform and open acceptance of same-sex marriages" -- Can't wait for our mainstream media to start calling Ahmadine-JIHAD a bigoted, sexist homophobe, and mainstream media seeking political asylum at Fox News.


How come no one is accusing Muslims for being religiously intolerant? Let's face it, indiscriminately firing missiles into Israel is keeping Christians from visiting the birthplace and historic monuments of Jesus' life.


Congressman Marcia Fudge, D*D-Ohio, just threw the first race card of the 2014 & 2016 election campaigns. She accused Republicans of genderism and racism because Susan Rice is being called to be accountable for her falsehoods concerning her Benghazi statements. Shame on Congressman Fudge and DUMBERats everywhere. BTW, Congressperson Fudge is the new chairperson of the Congressional Black Caucus. Guess that means racial advancement will be "put on further hold" for the next few years.


Maryland leaving the ACCESS to join the Big 10... the ACC wins. Hmmm, another "win" would be for Washington, D.C. to secede and join the Europian Union.


We enjoy watching Christmas movies on the Hallmark station, but it's discouraging that whenever someone says, "this or that is what Christmas is all about", it's usually about his/her presents, not His presence.


Isn't it ironic, maybe more mo-ronic, that atheists, and non-Christian religions want to share in Christmas, but don't want Christians to display the reason for the season?


Another Islamic nation has now called Israel a terrorist state. Turkey has now confirmed its Muslim control.


Liberal's L-E "soundoff": "The Ledger was free to look at online, and now it’s not. Being a liberal rag must be hurting your business. " -- No, the L-E is feeling the effects of supporting potUS Obluster's entitlement agenda, and after getting free Obamaphones, the parasites now want free Obama-news.


An aged liberal's L-E "soundoff": "I’m so old I can remember when the Ledger-Enquirer wasn’t filled with liberal nonsense and it was delivered on time." -- None of those conditions ever existed; that's just your Alzheimer's kicking in.


L-E headline: "Fulton Co. delays vote to fix faulty jail locks" -- Yeah, why fix'em when the courts consider them swinging doors.


Whatta blow to marijuana users in Colorado and Washington State.... no more Twinkies when the munchies set in.


L-E story: "The new Phenix City Council unanimously passed a resolution Tuesday night that will put the brakes on future municipal borrowing while it awaits results from city audits dating back to 2010." -- I usually don't report on activities across the river, but this is a significant step for Phenix City. Wish our Council would do the same.


From the 'only in Pelosi-land' department - L-E headline/story: "San Francisco barely approves nudity ban * Faced with complaints about a band of so-called Naked Guys gathering daily in the Castro District, Supervisor Scott Wiener introduced legislation last month to ban public nudity citywide, except for at permitted festivals and parades. * When the final vote was taken, the supervisors cast their ballots 6 to 5 on Tuesday to require clothing under most circumstances on the streets of San Francisco." -- Whew. for a moment there, I was thinking we wouldn't get see any naked "Toms or Hens" in the Thanksgiving Day parade.


L-E story: "WASHINGTON — The nation’s health care overhaul took another step forward Tuesday when the Obama administration proposed new rules that clarify insurers’ duties and legal responsibilities under key provisions of the Affordable Care Act. * The law, which critics have long referred to as “Obamacare,” makes it illegal for insurance companies to deny coverage to people with preexisting conditions, beginning in 2014." -- Not until "2014"? And you only thought you'd seen the affect of HELL-thScare on your insurance premiums... the main cost increases are yet to be.


Over-the-counter-birth-control-pills? The nation's largest group of OB-GYNs are now advocating such. Can you imagine the effect on preteen girls buying such without their parents knowledge? Or, the school system requiring them in sex ed classes? This madness has to end!


Wow... Goldie Hawn is older than me! 67 today, she is.

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