Thursday, November 8, 2012

Wall Street certainly let the White House know how it feels.

The election WAS about jobs and the economy... unfortunately, Democrats believe the government IS the economy, and cashing government checks is their job.

One of the hardest things to accept following the election is the potUS Oblunder's nanny for "BO the dog" will have another 4 years of work with a 6-figure pay check.


One dividend that may come out of the election is that the D&Ds cannot be happy with the House races, and that may trigger the demotion of Nancy Pelosi. That will definitely be a win for America.


Looks like the election isn't over if listening to New York politicians pat themselves on the back. People on the street are saying they haven't seen FEMA or the Red Cross since the photo-ops, and the politicians are thanking each other.

Still think that if you are considering a donation for Hurricane Sandy relief efforts, money sent to the Salvation Army is about the best bang for your buck. The SA already has 'boots on the ground' when disaster hits.

The Whitewater crowd is claiming a habitat pool will protectfish/waterlife from the rafting/kayaking turmoil. I remember adding on to the dock at my home a few years ago, and the noise/disturbance sent a school of catfish I was feeding packing off to another area of the lake. I imagine they would have moved to another lake if paddlers & kayakers were constantly passing by my dock.


An analyst on Fox News nutshelled a big problem in America under potUS Oblunder... 47 million people on food stamps and we have an obesity problem.


From a friend - voting map of counties nationwide, Red is for Romney:


Entitlement programs have just overwhelmed the urban areas where all dissidents can be herded to the polls.
Wednesday L-E headline: "Obama Wins" -- Sure would have been nice if the L- E headline could have read, "America Wins".
L-E advertisement: "Airlines are hiring * train for high paying Aviation Career" * Financial Aid if qualified * Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance" -- Yep, get a loan, attend classes, stand in line for a job in an industry that companies are continually bankrupting.
L-E headline: "More students taking college prep classes" -- Well since there aren't jobs waiting on high school graduates, students are lured into getting accepted into a college so they can get student loans to pay for another year or two before learning what personal responsibility is.
It's hard to comprehend that mainstream media can be elated that they were involved in undermining the opportunity for America to get the acumen of one of our countries most ethical and successful business leaders to serve our nation.
Hmmm...The mote things don't change, the more they don't change.
Compromise is an evil word. Evil in that once you compromise between good/bad, or right/wrong you have effectively lowered the bar for people to set their goals for achievement. Politicians and lawyers (i know, pretty redundant) thrive on compromise; the rest of us wither.
L-E headline: Obama: "We have picked ourselves up" -- Well, more like snatched our children's future out of the joys of victory.
Liberal's L-E "soundoff": "Funny how some people think capitalism is so wonderful, until it hits their pocketbook. 25% increase in premiums? Because insurance companies can charge it! They have no real competition." -- Sounds like the true effects of HELL-thScare have reached the pocketbook of this liberal, and he/she's finding out how much "free healthcare" is going to cost him/her as companies have to adjust for the potUS Oblunder "free stuff" in order to stay in business.
L-E headline: "Election 2012 Aftermath * Obama returns to divided government" -- It's only fair, government represents the people, and potUS Oblunder has surely done at his best divide the country.
Future seniors should be scared, really scared. Our college students are being herded into the ballot boxes by the DIM&DUMBERats, and we all know how lacking in real lifev knowledge they are after finishing high school with the DIM&DUMBERat educational agenda.
L-E's "Quotable": "Experience is not what happens to you; it's what you do with what happens to you." Aldous Huxley, British author ("Brave New World") (1894-1963) -- Unfortunately, DIM&DUMBERat voters don't remember from one election to the next what did or didn't happen to DIM&DUMBERat politicians' promises.
With the economy as it's been, private industry jobs scarce, and revenues down, why is the government having another paid holiday for it's employees? Surely it's not a reward for a job well done.

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