Saturday, November 10, 2012

We sit and scratch our heads about how inadequate we think high school grads are prepared, but I think it's all part of the over all DIM&DUMBERat election campaign strategies. Hmmm, you say, but think about it. Remember when classmates were running for class presidents? Their campaign promises? Free lunches, less/no (home)work, shorter school weeks/days, free bandaids?


David Patraeus has resigned over an extramarital affair... who's kidding who? Since when do DIM&DUMBERat appointees resign over an affair, and since when do DIM&DUMBERat presidents accept resignations based on an affair. Something just smells, really smells.

After living, seeing, and breathing a billion dollar presidential campaign, it's hard to imagine how politicians can even spend a trillion dollars in a lifetime. Of course it is easy to see how they waste other people's money.


Look at the problem areas in NY, NJ et al caused by Hurricane Sandy.... power, gas, sanitation, housing and then think about the fact they are mostly union run entities protected by government contracts/agencies.


potUS Oblunder, show us the cuts, then we'll listen to your thoughts on tax increases.


The Electoral College System is not the problem. The fact that all but two states have a "winner take all" plan that makes the high density, entitlement over-weighted large cities overpower the voters in more rural parts of the states has become the problem. Maybe it's time all states cast Electoral votes based on each individual Congressional District. Another thing that may have come to the discussion table is to have each state split into two Senatorial Districts rather than both be elected at-large.


The next generation is already being brainwashed to think it cannot exist on its own. We turned on the Disney Jr. Channel to entertain our Sophia for a moment, and Goofy was faced with a dilemma of how to make a 3 foot pole from a collection of a 1 foot section, a 2 foot section, and a 4 foot section. Goofy nailed the 1 & 2 foot sections together for a weak pole rather than sawing off a foot from the 4 foot section.


Patraeus is gone, but we're going to have to wait and see what the fall out from the election will be as first term potUS Oblunder appointees re-evaluate how much more exposure to impeachment potUS Oblunder will get for Benghazi-gate. Holder has started floating his balloon, and you know Hillary is looking to 2016, and needs to distance herself.


I thought Eric Holder would probably be the first potUS Oblunder appointee to bolt. He's managed to dodge bullets for 4 years, but doing another will be tempting fate too much.


Voters in DIM&DUMBERat entitlement programs supplemented by Christian missionary help will be the ones who suffer the most from their votes to keep potUS Oblunder. New & higher taxes will reduce donations available to church programs, and the government programs can never provide what the church programs do.

At a service for assassinated Benghazi ambassador Chris Stevens, many tributes were made for him dying in service to America. The real fact is that he died because American military help from potUS Oblunder was stifled.

A D&D spinmeister was on Fox saying we have to work on creating jobs because until we get people back to work, we won't know what we can accomplish. Nice BS, but the main problem is getting those people WANTING to take a job that has less benefits than being on the government dole.


It's been in effect in NY, but now NJ is going to ration gasoline. Now NYers AND NJers will see it doesn't matter whether potUS Oblunder came to your state or not, both states are "SOL".


Gag me with a spoon! Geraldo Rivera has finally got a real scoop. Valerie Jarrett, potUS Oblunder's long time advisor, was born in Iran, and speaks Farsi!


Online headline: "New Yorkers Still In The Dark * Don't know who the president is" -- How ironic. NYCers are always in the dark politically, but when this chaos is over, they will finally KNOW who potUS Oblunder really is... He's the same guy FOX News had been warning them of.


Since the election is over, there is absolutely no reason for the House to go along with raising the debt ceiling again.


After all the Eric Holder lawsuits and concerted DIM&DUMBERat efforts to unseat him, Maricopa Count Sheriff Joe Arpaio won his 6th term by 10% points. You have to look hard to find this.


Speaking of Arizona results, the staffer of Gabriel Giffords lost to a Republican, even after milking all the emotion out of the assassination attempt on Giffords.


L-E headline: "Muscogee County Sheriff's Race: Mark LaJoye loses by 35,110 votes, considers recount" -- Surely LaJoye was joking and the L-E doesn'y have a sense of humor to recognize that.


L-E story: "BENGHAZI, Libya — Even before the deadly Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. consulate that killed Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans, diplomats from other nations and Libyan security officials had questioned the wisdom of a U.S. decision to rely primarily on members of a local militia to protect its compound here. * Diplomats here told McClatchy that while it’s customary to depend on local forces to protect diplomatic missions, only the United States of the 10 or so foreign missions here allowed the local militia to be the first line of defense. The others said they instead depended on military forces from their own country to provide security." -- The dodo just gets deeper and deeper.


L-E story: " At least 11,000 Syrians poured into neighboring countries in a single day, U.N. officials said Friday, in a dramatic surge in the exodus of refugees fueled by heavy battles between regime forces and rebels for control of a border town." -- OK, give'em one more week, and once the civilians have vacated, level Syria and all the regime and rebels in one fell swoop. Peace at last!


Results of the Charter School Amendment should send chills through the MCSD and Board. Every, mind you, EVERY voting precinct voted, and pretty much landslides, for Charter Schools run separately form the MCSD system. In fact, only 10 of 24 precinct had 40% or more of their voters against the issue.


Looking at some of the Muscogee County precinct totals in the presidential race, one could easily surmise that Romney's name was left off the ballot, and his only votes were write-in.


In fact, it looks like some precincts did not have a single Republican candidate opn the ballots.


I see where Kay Luckett has passed. A tragic school yard incident changed her life dramatically, but she dramatically changed the lives of all who knew her. Sg=he was a beautiful person.


Picture in the online version of the L-E:

Read more here:

The W.C. Bradley Co. real estate division and Uptown Columbus are hosting a ribbon cutting ceremony Friday morning for the new luxury apartments located in the Eagle & Phenix Mill No. 2 building. One feature is this seating and grilling area located underneath the 13th Street Bridge. -- Hmmm, no wonder the homeless have been run out from under the 13th Street Bridge; the luxury apartments needed a viewing area to tailgate for whitewater events.


"Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses." - George Washington Carver

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