Thursday, November 15, 2012

Online headline: "Obama On David Petraeus Scandal: No Evidence Of Security Breach" -- potUS Oblunder is a guy that responds, "I know nuthing", ala Sgt Schultz, on every other hand-in-the-cookie-jar issue all of a sudden 'KNOWS' there's no security breach?
Go figure... Yep, figures don't lie, but liars figure a lot.


Online story: "WASHINGTON, Nov 14 (Reuters) - A computer used by Paula Broadwell, the woman whose affair with CIA director General David Petraeus led to his resignation, contained substantial classified information that should have been stored under more secure conditions, law enforcement and national security officials said on Wednesday. *
President Barack Obama told a news conference on Wednesday that there was no indication so far that any classified documents had been disclosed as a result of the scandal but said he will not prejudge the investigation results." -- Huh? Didn't I read somewhere that potUS Oblunder declared there's "No Evidence Of Security Breach" Oh, yeah..go figure.


L-E headline: "Focus on Petraeus, taxes as Obama faces media * Praises long career of former CIA director; states budget deal needs to be done by end of year" -- I'm confused... potUS Oblunder immediately accepted Patraeus's resignation, and he hasn't operated on a budget in over 3 years... wait a minute... I guess we'll have to see how he defines "states".... is it what he says, what we think we heard, or does he mean the (50) states must have their budgets by the end of the year? Wait another minute... the 50 states ALREADY have budgets in place.


Online headline: "Residents In All 50 States File Petitions To Secede From United States" -- All 50? You'd think at least Hawaii and Illinois and the other unknown 7 potUS Oblunder claimed to have campaigned in would stay loyal.


Online headline: "Europe Austerity Protests: Strikes Sweep Southern Europe In Response To Cuts" -- Coming soon, the sequel: "America Austerity Protests: Strikes sweep America in response to cuts" by Michael Moore.


From looking at the voting results of precincts in South Columbus, I'd guess we had a "99 percenters" protest and voter registration drive.


A retired military advisor to Fox News says that when General Patraeus testifies, 'he will tell the truth..... as he sees it,. Hmmm .. mighty big qualifier.

Senator McCain needs to take his foot out of his mouth before he chews it off. I'm sure McCain is embarrassed for his past "pedestalization" of General Patraeus, but trying to excuse Patraeus for his betrayal to his wife and country may be fatal to him. Sure, leaders are prone to sinful pressures, but the truly great ones understand why they must avoid such pitfalls.


The White House's position is that it doesn't NEED General Patraeus to testify about Benghazi. "Need"? How about the White House not WANTING Patraeus to testify under oath!


Why is not the mainstream media not concerned about John Kerry's named being floated about as Secretary of Defense? Combined with potUS Oblunder's penchant for not protecting American interests and citizens abroad, and Kerry's personal war protests at home, does not the mainstream media understand what terrorist leaders must be thinking and scheming?


The MCSD continues to have furloughs and other money ills, but has a job slot filled for a "Homeless Outreach Specialist". Gimmee a break!

Liberal's L-E "soundoff": " I knew Republicans were bad losers, but my goodness, the way they are whining, complaining and crying like little girls is just repulsive. " -- Hmmm, who has a 'war on women"?


Another liberal's L-E "soundoff": "Dusty Nix’s Sunday column was insightful, serious and funny. Thank you, Dusty, for your sanity and perceptiveness." -- I knew Dusty "picked' the "soundoff" entries, but this about confirms he writes most of them.


L-E's "Thought for Today": “News reports don’t change the world. Only facts change it, and those have already happened when we get the news.” — Friedrich Durrenmatt, Swiss author (1921-1990). " -- What world and century was he living in? Obviously, he didn't work for an American mainstream media outlet.


I'm curious... how can the wealthy not be paying their share when they are also subjected to the "Alternative Minimum Tax" that has reamed middle-class American families?


That new rate increase the Water Works wants to stick us with.... how much is that going to cover the losses of available water sent down the Chattahoochee to provide recreational needs of the whitewater course?


When you look closer at the "water wars" of GA-AL-FL concerning the amount of water passing down the Chattahoochee, Florida will undoubtedly be the winner as the excess flow of water sent through the whitewater course makes its way to Apalachicola.


L-E headline: "Decline was 0.2 percent more than expected * (Hurricane) SANDY A FACTOR IN DROP OF OCTOBER RETAIL SALES " -- Just more of potUS Oblunder grasping at straws. Sales preceding Sandy as people stocked up, and prices gouged following Hurricane Sandy should have pushed a rise in retail sales in most off the affected areas, but most areas of the US were not affected by Hurricane Sandy, so what's Oblunder's excuse for that?


Appropriately, "Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses." - George Washington Carver

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