Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Eric Holder is the poster child of why we should look into having a director for the Attorney General's office that is a Christian businessperson of proven capability . It's more than apparent that there is no moral compass in the departmental structure as now executed.

Online headline: "Marijuana Legalization: Colo. Gov. Hickenlooper Signs First Bills In History To Establish A Legal, Regulated Pot Market For Adults: -- It's amazing... If the Governor of Colorado signed a state law to separate Colorado from federal laws controlling heroin, or even alcohol, Judas 00-bama would have the DOJ all over it.


Online story: "Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) announced early Wednesday that she will not seek a fifth term in office." -- I am not unhappy... not exactly elated, either, but when politicos seek more personal attention to themselves via "moral causes campaigns", their effectiveness not only wanes, but becomes counterproductive.


Why is Fox giving Karl Rove the time of day, much less the spotlight? He led a poorly communicated and worse executed campaign in 2012, and bringing him back in the forefront just delays new conservative leadership development.


The RNC chair was on Fox saying the GOP needs to maintain the House Majority, while winning the Senate Majority position. Well, if the current Republicans in Congress would concentrate on "what really matters" and stopped trying to appease liberals, the conservative voters would be out in droves in support.


My family spent this Memorial Day Weekend in Florida, but today I rode down 1st Ave looking for the launch site to see where the rafts took off. Not finding any signs directing traffic to such an area, I contacted a reliable media source (hopefully, I haven't dragged him into an IRS audit for having e-mail contact with a conservative blogger), and asked him. He wasn't exactly sure of the address, but knew it was in Phenix City.... After all this time and hoopla, the Columbus launch site was not ready.
Went by that location later, and it doesn't look like it's going to be ready anytime soon, either. Phenix City put out less than 1% of the development cost, and is enjoying all of the rewards so far. Columbus Council and Columbus taxpayers should get answers from UPtown as to how and why?


After watching some of the Whitewater video clips showing "cut bait", and reading about CFD personnel being on duty along the river, is Phenix City doing the same on its side of the river. Does Phenix City expect Columbus to provide all the rescue services for something it claims as its own asset?


With all the lead time, not having either the 14th Street Bridge nor the Georgia side raft launch sites ready was a black eye for all the hoopla and expectations projected for the opening weekend of "Whitewater".


I'm skeptical that the Chinese stole any of our military secrets by hacking into out systems. Bill Clinton probably provided passwords when he gave/sold info for his campaign donations.


I don't understand why highly classified documents/secrets can be hacked when somewhat simple protocols can be implemented for hacker protection. I keep my personal documents/pictures on external hard drives, and when I want to share them, copy the specific files to my C-drive, disconnect my external hard drive, then send the file. As soon as it's sent, then I delete the file from the C-drive. I'm sure it's not fool-proof, but it does eliminate disasters .


Eric Holder must have been in agony waiting for Hank "won't the island tip over" Johnson to finish talking about whatever he was talking about.


Scandal #4? Kathryn Sebelius, hand picked Health Tsar may have her hands full with donation problems. Sebelius admitted that she solicited financial donations from H&R Block Inc., and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. She wants the money to go to Enroll America, a private nonprofit group that is gearing up to promote the Affordable Care Act and help people enroll in the new insurance exchanges. And yes, some of the staffers in Enroll America worked for President Barack Obama's campaign.

Read more here:


Looks like ObamaCare may drive union membership down. Unintended consequence? Maybe....maybe not.


We also learned today that two judges refused to issue a warrant for James Rosen's emails. Holder had to find a third judge to finally get a warrant signed . There goes any inkling of Holder not being highly involved, and intense in going after Rosen.


Word was out today that IRS personnel were directed last Thursday not to wipe/shred any personal digital files or hard drives. Oh, I guess it would be OK to exchange notebooks and wipe/shred each others IF there were any files or hard drives that weren't done weeks ago.


Judas 00-bama is the only man I've ever seen who throws a football and baseball the same way he shoots a free throw.


How ironic that is his quest to bring down a Fox news reporter, that quest may bring down Eric Holder and others.


Since George Zimmerman has been labeled "white" even though only one parent, and in this case Zimmerman's father, is white and his mother is Hispanic, are we to assume that which parent is the father determines a baby's race? What do women's groups think about this? Does this apply to college football allegiances? If the father is for Auburn and the mother is for Georgia, does in mean the children will be Auburn fans? How about in politics... will both children of James Carville and Mary Matalin be DUMBERats?


Wellstone & Piedmont Hospitals may be on to something to curb rising costs... Devising their own insurance product which will create a direct relationship between hospitals and patients. I like that thinking, and hope it will be successful.


Remember when 10% was the starting point when figuring what size tip uh you considered for basic, mundane wait-service? Now that's pretty much the taxes you pay on what you ate regardless of the service you got.


L-E headline/story: "1 of 5 charged in minister's 2011 Broadway homicide will testify for prosecution * Fatal shooting was revenge killing targeting wrong man, authorities say * Thomas, Ingram and Forte each is charged also with being a convicted felon in possession of a firearm." -- Show me one new law suggestion that would have changed these three convicted felons from getting their hands on a gun illegally? There are none, BUT if judges and juries cracked down on possessing, much less using a gun, by a convicted felon, there would be less of this happening on our streets.


Read more here:

McClatchy headline/story: "Supreme Court widens opportunity for claims of ineffective counsel * A badly damaged Texas man who was sentenced to death for his part in a San Antonio-area gang rape and murder will get a second chance at mercy, under a divided Supreme Court ruling Tuesday. * Born to an alcoholic mother and allegedly abused as a child, Carlos Trevino won another opportunity to raise a claim that his first trial attorneys failed him, in part, because they didn’t illuminate his upbringing." -- A year or so ago, we had a local case get a turn around by Georgia's Supreme Court based on 'ineffective counsel', and I predicted such a Pandora's Box of additional rulings. It's almost a revolving door concept for court appointed attorneys to keep other attorneys working. If you are a defense attorney with a bad case, just intentionally don't do your 100% best, and you get paid by the state, and another court appointed attorney gets the chance to do the same thing when it's returned to the court for 'ineffective counsel'. Shoot, a lawyer may get lucky and get reappointed to the same case, and he'll already have his case work he can recharge the courts for.


L-E headline: "Whitewater sweeps customers into downtown shops * Several restaurants saw record-breaking crowds" -- Hmmm, wonder if Mayor Obamalinson will see the profit potential of having Metra write parking tickets for kayakers on weekends so the city of Columbus can get a revenue stream?


A "what's your point" low-info voter;s L-E "soundoff": "In 2012, handguns killed 48 people in Japan, 8 in Great Britain, 34 in Switzerland, 52 in Canada, 58 in Israel, 21 in Sweden, 42 in West Germany, 10,728 in the United States. " -- Aside from the inaccuracy of the numbers, does this person plan on moving to one of those countries? I might provide the one-way bus ticket there. The writer might rethink Great Britain, though, as it has a category for death by hand-held crossbows as well.


Gun facts from a reliable source: " But the US does not have the worst firearm murder rate - that prize belongs to Honduras, El Salvador and Jamaica. In fact, the US is number 28, with a rate of 2.97 per 100,000 people
• Puerto Rico tops the world's table for firearms murders as a percentage of all homicides - 94.8%. It's followed by Sierra Leone in Africa and Saint Kitts and Nevis in the Caribbean"


So the 13th Street Bridge will be the scene of a movie stunt that includes a car flying off the bridge into the Chattahoochee. Is there a pool yet on whether or not the car will make it through 'cut bait'?


L-E headline/story: "Russia criticizes Europe’s move to arm Syrian rebels * The European Union decision, coupled with a Russia’s renewed pledge to supply Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime with advanced missiles, could transform an already brutal civil war into an East-West proxy fight. " -- As Paul Harvey would say, "and that's the rest of the story".


L-E headline: "Judge limits texts, photos in Trayvon Martin case" -- Well, as Ronald Reagan would say when pointing out mainstream media bias/half-truths, "There you go again." The 'limit" is to opening statements, but it also limits what the prosecution might try to slip in with out documentation at that time.


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