Thursday, May 16, 2013

Online headline: "Ex-Gov. Mark Sanford Sworn Into Congress" -- How embarrassing! We know how dedicated he is in keeping his vows. Well, at least Stephen Colbert's sister isn't going to Washington.


Iran being named to head up a world forum on disarmament is not near the insult as 00-bama naming Eric Holder and the DOJ to head up the IRS investigation.


Online story: "LOS ANGELES — NASA's planet-hunting Kepler telescope is broken, potentially jeopardizing the search for other worlds where life could exist outside our solar system. * Its mission was supposed to be over by now, but last year, NASA agreed to keep Kepler running through 2016 at a cost of about $20 million a year. * Over the next several weeks, engineers on the ground will try to restart Kepler's faulty wheel or find a workaround. The telescope could be used for other purposes even if it can no longer track down planets." -- "could be used for other purposes"? Let's pray the IRS or DOJ don't get their hands on it.


CNN reported that they have learned that the IRS scandal was the work if 2 "rogue" employees, and that they have already been punished. Yeah... Right! Story over... not this time! The few exemption apps that were abused is just a tip of the iceberg.


How ironic... laws put in place concerning the use of secretly tapping and taping of phones calls that have come to light involving Judas 00-Obama's DOJ were installed by liberals in Congress to prevent another Watergate. Guess Judas 00-bama would rather be remembered for emulating Nixon than Carter.


Stephen T. Miller... acting director of the IRS. Who is ...uh..was... Stephen T. Miller. He's a lawyer who knew better. He's also a sacrificial stooge who was bumped to 'acting' director last November, and while he wasn't in charge when this began, was there while this scandal was going on. He's not the only scapegoat that needs to get the boot.. His predecessor needs a public flogging.. his name is Doug Shulman. Shulman is another lawyer.. Georgetown, who also has a Master of Publlic Administration degree from Harvard, and also was a Vice Chair of NASD, and that should have DQ'd him as an IRS Director. Miller and Shulman need to be financially humiliated and sent to jail.


L-E story: " The ACLU is lobbying for the gay couple on “Modern Family” to get married. " -- Wait a minute, even Helen Keller, founder of the ACLU could see that this is pure activism, not defending the rights of individuals. Non-ACLU lawyers should object to this.


Speaking of lawyers, lawyers for the Cincinnati (_©_) who kidnapped the 3 girls describe him as a misunderstood "loving father", not the "monster" the media says he is. Hmmm, wonder how many lawyers are petitioning to have the title of their profession changed?


Online headline: "Yale Faces $165,000 Clery Act Fine For Failing To Report Sex Offenses On Campus" -- Yeah, that'll teach Yale a lesson! What is $165,000.00 to Yale.. a junior professor's classroom assistant ?


Online story: "Attorney General Eric Holder had tough words for Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) during Wednesday's House Judiciary Committee hearing, criticizing the congressman's behavior as "unacceptable" and "shameful." -- Hmmm, guess Holder thought Congressman Issa asked him to describe himself in two words.


Less than 200 e-mails were sent regarding Benghazi... Maybe in the 1st 5 minutes of the 1st RPG hitting the 'diplomatic facility'.... but I'll bet none of the e-mails revealed were in THAT time frame.


After disappearing from the scene shortly after the election (he probably returned to his full time job in Hell), the DUMBERats have brought David Axelrod out of the moth balls. Not the hard nosed Axelrod, but the new, soft speaking Axelrod, complete with a new clean shaven face and new gray hairdo to show he's now wiser and more mellow as he tries to unravel the mess he had thought was behind them since the elections are over.


Hmmm, now we hear Judas 00-Obama's half brother got his application for a tax free organization sped up while others were hindered or denied. What's Aunt Zietuni benefitted from?


Twice this week I've observed MCSD buses parked at the Carmike 13 complex during school hours. Another teacher I know says she's taking her students on field trips, picnics and such, Why weren't these days just used as furlough days rather than as taxpayer paid daycare?


I was told long ago that if you could tell someone a painful truth without getting a bloody nose, you had acquired tact and diplomatic skills. Senator McCain has changed my perspective. He went on Fox to challenge the veracity of Judas 00-bama, but when the Fox anchor asked McCain if he thought 00-bama was a liar, McCain just said 00-bama didn't tell the truth. That wasn't tact nor diplomacy. just wimpism.


Online story: "It was a month ago that Anthony Weiner re-emerged, granting interviews to NY1 and other media outlets, testing the waters for a mayoral run. Now, he's prepared to dive in. " -- Hmmm, think about it... if Weiner beats/follows Bloomberg, NYC would have two mayors in a row that were wieners.


Online story: "The Kansas Food Bank gave out record numbers of Friday food packages to schoolchildren in Wichita and throughout the state this year as part of its Food 4 Kids program. * The program ensures that students identified by school staff as chronically hungry can get a backpack of food on Fridays for the weekend. Teachers and school social workers have told the Food Bank for years that some of their students often don’t get anything to eat outside of school breakfasts and lunches." -- " often don’t get anything to eat outside of school breakfasts and lunches"? Wait a minute... then where the hell are the black-booted DFCS agents!


L-E story: "The administration also has proposed increasing class sizes by one to two students, which would reduce the number of teachers needed by as many as 89. Considering the current attrition rates, as many as 40 teachers could be laid off. That would amount to saving $6,670,000 annually. " -- Considering the amount of money to be saved closing schools is basically attributed to salaries and benefits of teachers (and, assumedly, corresponding administrative jobs), and it's the worst performing and newest teachers that 'go', the MCSD has not been up front on how well paid the jobs are.


Thinking about it, what former CPD officer Foxx said about CPD Chief Rick Boren being printed at all, by any media source was yellow journalism in nthe worst way. Had the owner of The Courier Eco Latino bothered to check the credibility of Foxx, he would have known Foxx was less than reliable, less than honest, and, while I can't give Boren too much praise for not having fired Foxx long before, Foxx was basically 'tolerated', at the expense of the community. Unfortunately, this is not the first irresponsible presentation by the Courier, and concerned businesses should withdraw their ad support, nd the minority community should lead the way. This is the 21st Century, not the 19th. And Greg Countryman should resign for passing along the accusations!


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