Monday, May 20, 2013

Hmmm, now when I check the daily stats on who's viewing The Breakfast Club website, I have to wonder how many work for the IRS and White House.


Attacking Christianity by a government agency/department, singling out such Christian entities, whether in a preferable or negative way, is a violation on the separation of church and state provision of our Constitution. This is what our Founders meant.


Online headline: "White House Aide Chides GOP for 'Fishing Expeditions' fishing" -- "fishing expedition"? It's more like the GOP has found the distribution center for "pressure cookers" about to explode.


New England Cable News headline/story: "Washington scandals intrude on Mass. Senate race * BOSTON (AP) — The controversies swirling around the Obama administration are threatening to engulf Massachusetts' special U.S. Senate election. * Those include the IRS targeting of conservative groups and lingering questions about last year's terrorist attack in Benghazi, Libya. *The troubles could make it harder for Republican candidate Gabriel Gomez to turn the focus of the race back to jobs, the economy and the budget as he tries to tie his rival, longtime Democratic Congressman Edward Markey, to the nation's sluggish recovery." -- What warped bias! Why would the Republican candidate want to ignore the DUMBERat scandals... DUMBERats are what are causing the economy and job creation to the the problem.


Dennis Kucinich, former DUMBERat US Representative from Ohio who lost his District and the DUMBERat primary in 2012, ""MR LIBERAL HISSELF" is out blasting Judas 00-bama.


AG Eric Holder said the AP phone taps, if not the worst, one of the top three scandals he's been involved with. Huh? Why would an AG keep up a list like this and brag about it? Why is this man in charge of anything, especially our security?


"The Big Wedding"..... It should get some sorta award for the biggest waste of an Academy Award cast. Save your money.. Don't even waste it on "Red Box".


That Marine who held the umbrella over Judas 00-bama...maybe we'll get lucky and 00-bama will order another Marine into the White House and hand him a roll of toilet paper and orders.


Myles, a 7-year-old from Milwaukee, wrote Vice President Biden a letter to suggest that if guns shot chocolate bullets, no one would get hurt.
The Vice President wrote back:

Dear Myles --

I am sorry it took me so very long to respond to your letter.

I really like your idea. If we had guns that shot chocolate, not only would our country be safer, it would be happier. People love chocolate.

You are a good boy.

-- Joe Biden

-- Wonder if Bleep Veep Biden stepped out on his balcony and fired a couple of chocolate bullets to run off any burglars?


The MCSD "interim superintendent" ruse has about run its course. The only good thing about having Phillips back is that he's $100K cheaper than a non-interim superintendent will be.


L-E story: "As the meeting went past 2½ hours, a mother, with a straight face, suggested selling candy bars to help raise the $1.2 million school district officials say closing Edge-wood would save. " -- Obviously someone who cares... BUT, obviously got her math education in a Muscogee County school.. she would have to sell at least twice that many with no other expenses than candy costs, AND do it annually with adjustments to school operations increases. Of course, she would have more success getting the teachers to volunteer for free.


The MCSD says the only alternative to closing schools is to operate with 13 furlough days. This is untrue. Like the unions at Dolly Madison inflexibility to salary adlustments, the various controlling teachers's unions will not flex on salaries/benefits to keep the business from going under.


From the L-E story: " And a school wouldn’t get more money if it goes from below prime or over prime. For example, Veterans Memorial Middle School’s enrollment is only four students less than prime, but adding four more students there wouldn’t give it more money. * the funding from the state goes to the district, not the school." -- I do not know whether this was a statement of a school official or the understanding of the L-E writer, but it's flawed comprehension like this that continues the ineptness of the educational system. The state funds so many kids... if the MCSD is not efficient in assigning kids in the most efficient way, then there are more avoidable (excess teachers. non-teachers, operating expenses) local expenses that exceed the revenues the MCSD has available. The MCSD board should hold the superintendent, full time or interim, responsible for initiating an efficient plan.


Low-info voter L-E "soundoff": "President Obama has been blamed for everything that has happened since he was elected. Today the jobless rate in the U.S. is the lowest in five years. Is he going to get credit for that? " -- I give Judas 00-bama credit for the unemployment stats that are still higher than when he took over, and these figures don't include the number of non-employed who are now living on the fruits of the labor of those who are working.


L-E story: "TEHRAN, Iran — Iran’s state radio says authorities have executed two men convicted of spying for Israel’s Mossad and the American CIA intelligence agency. * Sunday’s report says Mohammad Heidari, who was accused of providing Mossad with classified information in return for money, and Kourosh Ahmadi, who allegedly gave the CIA intelligence on Iran, were hanged." -- Hmmm, where were all the trial lawyers running to defend/assist these two? Where was the ACLU? Guess they aren't as eager when there is no 'court appointed legal pay".


Looks like Whitewater will be adopting "Signs, signs, everywhere a sign" as it's theme song. They were everywhere in their L-E ad today though they did omit one of note: "E-coli Warning".


In the L-E's "Looking Back* Fifty years ago today" feature: "The Supreme Court unanimously overturned today the conviction of six adult Negroes who were charged with unlawful assembly for refusing to leave a playground in a public park in Savannah." -- Whether it is intended or not, I applaud the L-E for reminding us of "the way it WAS". There are so many more people alive today that weren't alive in 1963 that have never had to live in this kind of discrimination/injustice, so now they can look back and appreciate all that has changed for the better.


For all, if any, who read Tim Chitwoods' column... the offer to Uptown for mounting Tim's sculpture was $100.00.


L-E story: "Columbus police arrested 54-year-old Bonnie Huling Sunday and charged him with possession of a sawed-off shotgun. * He was also charged with possession of a weapon by a convicted felon, concealing the serial number of a weapon and disorderly while intoxicated." -- Obviously, this man is a recidivist, and didn't learn/care what gun laws he broke. No new laws will change him. The courts must make penalties get his and all other gun crime felons' attention. A slap on the wrist or community service will not do it.


Leftout of the L-E's story on Judas 00-bama's speech at Morehouse: "It’s just that in today’s hyperconnected, hypercompetitive world, with millions of young people from China and India and Brazil — many of whom started with a whole lot less than all of you did — all of them entering the global workforce alongside you, nobody is going to give you anything that you have not earned. " -- Maybe Judas 00-bama hasn't read the ObamaCare law nor any of his entitlement program guidelines....


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