Monday, May 6, 2013

Online headline/story: "Funeral Director Can't Find Cemetery Willing To Take Bombing Suspect's Body * A half dozen protesters gathered outside the funeral home Sunday holding signs and American flags and chanting "USA!" One sign read: "Do not bury him on U.S. soil." Several people drove by the funeral home earlier Sunday and yelled, including one man who shouted, "Throw him off a boat like Osama bin Laden!" -- It's about time! About time the people of Boston stood up for America; unfortunately, though, it was only a handful. If this had been Boston protesting the Tea Tax in 1773, we'd still be known as the British Colonies.


Though it's probably the only reason burying the Bomber Brother #1 in Boston, it's still not worthy of actually doing it. Burying him in Boston would be a way that the most people would be able to pee on his grave. Thanks to a fellow BCer for suggesting the only good that idea for doing so.


Now one of the Bomber Brother #2's friend's lawyer wants to get him out on bail, citing him living in Boston. Hmmm, seems like a real stretch to me seeing how he was arrested got lying, how a judge would trust him about not fleeing. Of course, throwing him out on the streets of Boston might spare us a trial.


Those TV medical ads, you know , the ones making you diagnose yourself so you can tell your doctor that you need that drug.... Why is it they all (at least it seems that way) tell us to "tell your doctor" about symptoms and other drugs you're taking. I go to my doctor so he can tell me what's wrong, and how he can fix it.


Another irritating TV ad is got that flexible know the one that shrinks down to a handful when not being used? One of the uses hawked is as a RV drain hose. Excuse me , but how does that work since the hose only opens under water pressure buildup?


Just heard Chuck Hagel doing the Judas 00-bama shuffle. Now, if Syria crosses that Red Line, it means that we have "options". In my book, drawing a line means you are setting a limit to what it takes to motivate action, not additional options.


Thanks to a fellow BCer:


Howard Kurtz got fired for a negative comment about Collins, but no mention of his 'digs' at Tebow.


And what do we have here, thanks to a fellow BCer


It would be one thing if Judas 00-bama was in his own home (though just as revealing), but he's in the White House, and we're going to pick up the cost of repairing his temper-tantrum.


From another BCer... the Judas 00-bama Library:


And it's aleady filled with what he knows


Another "thanks" to the BC followers:

No English dictionary has been able to adequately explain the difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED. However, in a recent linguistic conference held in London , England , and attended by some of the best linguists in the world: Samsundar Balgobin, a Guyanese, was the clear winner. His final challenge was this: Some say there is no difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED. Please explain the difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED in a way that is easy to understand. Here is his astute answer: "When you marry the right woman, you are COMPLETE. But, when you marry the wrong woman, you are FINISHED. And when the right one catches you with the wrong one, you are COMPLETELY FINISHED!" His answer was received with a standing ovation lasting over 2 minutes*


Hollywood originality no longer exists. Went to Iron Man 3 yesterday, and the coming attraction trailers were straight out of the 70s... More comic book heroes - Superman, Thor, and Star Trek.


Online headline: "Sen. McCain: Obama shouldn't have drawn 'red line' in Syria" -- Two can play this game - Senator McCain shouldn't have run as a Republican".


Online story: "McALLEN, Texas -- The Texas fertilizer plant that exploded last month, killing 14 people, injuring more than 200 others and causing tens of millions of dollars in damage to the surrounding area had only $1 million in liability coverage, lawyers said Saturday." -- Looks like another black-eye for lawyers... they've already divied up the insurance max between themselves, and there'll be none for the victims.


Who does this guy think he is:

Kim Jong-Wayne?


Texas high school teams can get disqualified for winning if they celebrate... What do players do when they hit a towering grand slam home run... dash around the bases at full speed instead of taking a "home run trot"? Dilemma... both the 'dash" and the 'trot' could be considered 'celebrating', so I guess the umps would have to call him "out" instead.


I am for a new tougher gun law! One that prosecutes criminals for illegal possession or use of an illegally possessed gun. I am for tougher background checks, too. I want one that thoroughly checks a criminals background to see if they ever possessed or used an gun before they get a chance at parole or pardon! Somebody put this in petition form and let's see how many signatures we can get from legal gunowners!


HuffPost headline: "Israeli Warplanes Strike Syria" -- First, "warplanes"? what a stupid bias... More importantly, Israel knows Syria has crossed Judas 00-bama's "red line", andn is smart enough to know it's time to stand up for the ultimatum.


Online story: "The Chicago Tribune recently sent the Boston Globe dozens of pizzas to express its gratitude for its "tenacious coverage" of the Boston Marathon bombings. Romenesko reported that the Boston Globe returned the favor on Friday, sending hundreds of donuts to the Chicago Tribune." -- Hmmm, an interesting and caustic retaliation for Boston. The pizzas must have looked like the sidewalks of Boyleston Street, and the donuts were symbols of little pizzas with bullet holes in them.


Online story: "The Los Angeles City Council voted Friday to ban the possession of ammunition clips that carry more than 10 rounds, closing what they called a loophole in state law but facing a possible legal challenge from the gun lobby." -- I hope the Council personally delivers to the new laws to meetings of the Bloods and Crypts, and see/feel what criminals think about new gun laws that restrict their choice of weapons.


Low-info voter's L-E "soundoff": "I bet you dollars to donuts that the new workers at the new Dolly Madison plant make less money than the old workers at the old plant. Vote Democrat." -- Oh... so losing a job because the labor expenses are too high for a company to stay in business is the solution DUMBERats prefer. Let's see if the workers enjoy paychecks, absent of union fees. better than welfare.


L-E headline/story: "On TV, Michelle Obama focuses on Chicago violence * Michelle Obama said the nation has to “embrace” youths whose lives are surrounded by violence and “let them know we hear” their concerns." -- Hey, wasn't that Judas 00-bama's job when he was a 'community organizer"? Hmmm, the only lasting legacy he left Chicago is a well-organized community of thugs.


Syria...Plan B... Benghazi... ObamaCare... the Economy... Is there any subject matter Judas 00-bama can distract the mainstream media that they aren't nipping at his heels? Don't you love it when liberals eat their own?

Pray that the mainstream media doesn't forgive this if Hillary wants to take over the reins.


From the L-E's "Looking back *Fifty years ago today, May 6, 1963 Postal Zone ‘ZIP’ Numbers * Do you have your postal zone number? * If you haven’t, chances are it’s in the mail now. * Columbus Postmaster Dan Grayes said today that some 47,000 letters notifying residents and businesses of their new zone numbers have been mailed out so far. * The system, known as ZIP Code, will go into effect July 1." -- Hmmm, it was a misnomer then as it is now... there has never been any "zip" at a Post Office.


Curious... What really happened to the immediate past ED of the Columbus Convention & Trade Center? Was he "retired' by Mayor Obamalinson or what? Oh, and how come no one on staff was ready/groomed to take over?


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