Saturday, May 11, 2013 -- Hmmmm...Less than 3 weeks after he died, we have Bomber Brother #1's death certificate. Compare that to how long it took, and the cloud of doubt that still exists on getting Judas 00-bama'.


Do you think the families of our fallen heroes that are buried in Arlington National Cemetery are happy that Bomber Brother #1 is buried in the same state?


If the Muslims previously buried in the Muslim cemetery are those of non-radicals, the families of such should be up-in-arms having the Bomber Brother buried in that cemetery.


You know, the citizens of Virginia need to revolt on being the dumping ground for Boston elitists' avoidance of addressing the Bomber Brother #1 disposal.


Now we hear that Bomber Brother #1 had been buried in a Muslim cemetery in Virginia. Let's buy property next door, open a pig processing plant, and discard the the left over pieces by running them through a tree chipper with the discharge tube aimed into the cemetery! YEAH!


Kathy Boudin, one of William Ayers comrades in crime has served her time for the deaths of 2 policemen & a security guard. Her job now.... A teacher at Columbia U. Hmmm, that's an alma mater of Judas 00-bama.


The Cleveland DA says he's going to charge (_©_) with every charge he can, including murder charges for each of the pregnancies he ended. Oooooops! That ought to get the Pro-Choice, Planned Parenthood, and liberals in general's pants in a wad.


If the Cleveland DA wants to inflict the (_©_) maximum pain, he should order him to be chained to the fathers of the 3 girls he kidnapped.


News anchors were debating whether to prosecute the Cleveland (_©_) in state or federal court. State by all means.. do we really think the Holder-Judas 00-bama team would try to win the infanticide aspect of the case?


The IRS has issued an 'apology' for targeting conservative groups leading up to the 2012 elections.


The IRS has freely admitted it targeted tax forms that had "Tea Party" & "Patriots" in the organizations' names. These are not charitable organizations which donations are tax deductible like George Soros' " Moving On" or Judas 00-Obama's "Organizing For Action", which the IRS should be investigated for granting such designations.


Hmmm... That IRS apology... something stinks that hasn't emerged yet. This was an
'unforced' apology from an organization that never admits its mistakes voluntarily so what is different now? The other shoe will drop.


Even after his latest Cabinet appointees , Egypt's Morsi has fewer Muslim Brotherhood employees on his payroll than Judas 00-bama.


After 12 years of political posturing, the final piece of the antenna atop the new World Trade Center was put in place. I wish I could be more excited but all the delays, all the arguments, the insensitive mosque, and the fact that Bloom-ing-idiot-burg is still Mayor of NYC deflates my enthusiasm.


A few months ago, legislation went into effect to stop TV channels/cable companies from jacking up the volume during commercials. Unfortunately, the TV channels/cable companies are watching the example of the government not enforcing existing laws on guns.


A miracle came to light yesterday... or is it just the beginning of one? 17 days ago, a sewing factory in Bangladesh collapsed, killing over 800 people. Yesterday, a woman was found alive under the rubble. God is good indeed.


After moving Juan Williams to the back burners in recent months, Fox put him back in the spotlight this week as the stand-in for Bob Beckel. I am so missing Bob.


Now we hear that ABC News reports that it had 12 different versions of the initial State Department 'talking points'. Each had been progressively "scrubbed" of facts and mentions of terrorism in Benghazi. ABC..... not Fox, but ABC!


Jay Carney was also pushing the fact that Judas 00-bama quickly called the Benghazi attack 'an act of terror'. A spontaneous violent reaction is 'an act of terror', the Los Angeles 'Rodney King Riot' was an act of terror. Benghazi was an 'act of terrorism', and that's a big difference


Jay Carney.... He's no Fred Astaire at dancing around Judas 00-bama issues.


Obviously, Robert Gibbs taught Jay Carney everything he knows. More obviously, Robert Gibbs didn't teach Carney everything Gibbs knew... like when to abandon ship!


Where was the mainstream media backbone on Benghazi prior to the 2012 election?


Now it seems the White House stance on Benghazi has become that since it was a " diplomatic post/facility" and not a "consulate". Obviously the American lives lost there were not as important to the White House. Maybe that was Hillary's point of 'difference'.


From the "I really wanna know" department: When Taliban Headquarter Nissan opened, some out-of-towner of Arabic origin was the owner. Now some Pillsbury doughboy is shown in ads as owner/manager. When did this sale go down?


How can they say that... those reverse mortgage companies who claim once you accept their quasi-annuity plans by signing over your home, that you have"complete" control over your home.


After Thursday's unexpected and implosive story about the lead "whitewater service company" bailing out of it's contract, combined with the drastic reduction in fees to be charged, I really expected ( well sorta hoped for) local media to have an in depth follow up on Friday. The implications are serious as to the City recovering from taxpayer funded donations/improvements.


Student debt... Judas 00-bama wants to forgive student loans, and especially fast if those students "take" government jobs. How do eliminate the debt by "forgiving" student loans by dumping the debt on the public, then have the public fund their jobs?


L-E headline/story: "REGISTE GETS TWO LIFE TERMS * Michael Jason Registe pleads guilty; parole possible in 25 years * Muscogee County Superior Court Judge William Rumer gave him two life sentences, to be served simultaneously" -- Whatever blow for Columbus citizens the judge struck for homeowners by deciding for a homeowner against the Muscogee County Tax Assessor has been offset.


From the above story: "In the plea deal negotiated by defense attorney Manny Arora and Laura Murphree of the Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council of Georgia, Registe pleaded guilty only to two counts of murder. Prosecutors dropped other charges: two counts of using a firearm to commit a crime, and one each of armed robbery, attempted armed robbery and being a convicted felon with a firearm. " -- Another reason we have to fight for our 2nd Amendment RIGHTS! Prosecuters that don't put killers to death!


From above story, also: " In the plea deal negotiated by defense attorney Manny Arora and Laura Murphree of the Prosecuting Attorneys’ Council of Georgia, Registe pleaded guilty only to two counts of murder. Prosecutors dropped other charges: two counts of using a firearm to commit a crime, and one each of armed robbery, attempted armed robbery and being a convicted felon with a firearm. " -- "two counts of using a firearm"... "dropped"? Why is the White House bent out of shape for new gun laws when the lower courts won't hammer criminals for the illegal use of guns?


A VERY low-info (and probably a City employed DUMBERat) voter's L-E "soundoiff": "The assessment freeze is not shooting ourselves in the foot. It’s shooting ourselves in both feet. We’re not just eliminating revenue for much-needed city services. We’re strangling the housing market, further reducing city revenue. " -- It was the "much needed city services" claim that blew the cover on this writer.. Only by holding tight reins on tax revenue do we contain the City into providing the "much-needed city services". It's when the City has 'extra funds' available that it loses its head and throws it into "not needed/not needed at all" services.


L-E headline: "Police stop bicyclists for no lights, make drug arrests " -- That's a step... now if the police will stop bicyclists from riding on sidewalks and running through stop lights/signs at will. Hmmmn, maybe if we can just get the bicycling police off the sidewalks and to stop at signals/signs would be a good start.


L-E story: "A Jordan High School student was arrested and charged with possession of marijuana with intent to sell Thursday morning, according to a Columbus Police report. * An officer stopped a student around 10:20 a.m. Thursday at Jordan High School" -- Hmmm, if the MCSD did a better job at teaching students to read, maybe they could read the signs that say, "Drug Free School Zone" they pass before going to school.


From a fellow BCer:


Here's another great reason real Dad's need their guns.. their daughters are under attack by perverts.


Need another reason to protect your 2nd Amendment RIGHTS?

Online story: "A little-noticed section of the Gang of Eight's immigration reform bill could funnel up to $100 million in taxpayer-provided funds to leftwing community organizers for helping to "integrate" newly legalized immigrants into American society. * At the heart of the 24-page scheme (pp.383-407) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation. The entity, called the "United States Citizenship Foundation" (USCF), will be created by politically appointed immigration officials to disperse $100 million in congressionally appropriated grant money to private organizations specializing in outreach to immigrant communities.


From a fellow BCer:

Coincidence? Just wondering...................

Alabama beat Arkansas,

and Arkansas fired their coach.

Alabama beat Tennessee,

and Tennessee fired their coach.

Alabama beat Auburn,

and Auburn fired their coach.



Then Alabama beat Notre Dame, and the Pope resigned.......

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