Thursday, May 30, 2013

How embarrassing. What does the Columbus Chamber of Commerce and the Columbus Travel Bureau tell phone callers asking about Whitewater info/bookings inquiries... Oh! Just go to Phenix City and they'll fix you up. Even with an impromptu Broadway office since "the big guy pulled out", rafters still are taken over to Phenix City for launching.
From the 'curious' department - Why would an American mother of 7 children travel to Mexico? If it's a family thing, her family could sneak across the border to visit here with greater ease than her having to go through the customs/passport inspections.
With what's going on within the DOJ, you would think the mainstream media would take another look at 'fast&furious'.
Before any problem can start to be solved, someone has to own up to there actually being a problem. Lois Lerner has made it perfectly clear that she thinks she has not broken any law/regulation pertaining to our Constitution nor IRS rules. Does anyone think anyone giving her orders will admit they have?
If Lois Lerner, (for that matter any government employee), can take an oath of truth, and swear she hasn't broken any IRS or Federal laws/regulations while targeting any American citizen, then the wrong laws and regulations are in force.
Why was Lois Lerner put on paid leave of absence? By doing such, Judas 00-bama still had her under his thumb until he finds a bus to throw her under, and at the same time add another person to the employed record.
If you were Judas 00-bama, and had $177,000.00 to spend on jobs, would you continue to pay Lois Lerner while she sits out, or would you put 3 or 4 more people to work on finding ways to create jobs for others?
Little thought was given by Holder and 00-bama that so many "tornadoes" would be touching down in Washington, DC.
Online story: "PHOENIX -- The Arizona Supreme Court on Wednesday declined to hear an appeal on whether a judge improperly allowed prosecutors to seek a death sentence for Jodi Arias in the 2008 stabbing and shooting of her former boyfriend." -- And to think we elected a lawyer as president who appointed another lawyer as AG. I used to laugh at the adage that it's 99% of lawyers who give the other 1% a bad name, but I'm about to believe it's more like 99.44%.
Speaking of Jodi Arrogant-ass's situation, I for making the original jurors who wouldn't give her the death sentence be made to sit in with the next jury with their mouths duct-taped over while the whole trial evidence is reviewed by a new panel.
Oh, and then subject them to a complete IRS audit to make sure no funds passsed hands to get their no-death vote.
HuffPost headline story: "Ibragim Todashev Unarmed When FBI Agent Shot And Killed Him: Report * Law enforcement officials initially told ABC News that, Todashev "just went crazy," brandishing a knife and stabbing the FBI agent. * An unnamed source contradicted that account, however, telling the Washington Post today that Todashev had no weapon. But Todashev did flip over the table and lunge at the FBI agent, the source said." -- At this time, and under theses circumstances, a story like this should only be aired IF there is a name and supporting video. As far as I'm concedrned, any one associated with the Bomber Brothers has given up his/her rights as a human.
Once again i ask, why is the USGA so anti-"anchored" putters? If it really gives a player an unfair advantage, wouldn't more players be using one? And wouldn't players using them be winning every tournament?
Online headline: "21,000 without power in Chicago" -- Oops, my bad. First I thought it was talking about the total Republicans in Chicago, then about the number of DUMBERat politicians in jail. well, it could have been either.
Online story: "A convicted child molester condemned for the 1990 rape and murder of a 10-year-old Florida girl has been executed at the Florida State Prison. * Florida Gov. Rick Scott's office said 56-year-old inmate Elmer Carroll was pronounced dead at 6:12 p.m. Wednesday at the prison in Starke. * Carroll previously had been imprisoned twice for indecent assault on a child." -- Where was the justice when justice needed to be enforced? The (_@_) sat in jail for the past 23 years at the expense of the family (and us) of a 10 year old who would be at least 33 yesterday. Meanwhile, some lawyer(s) are crying that their welfare checks will stop.
Online headline: "Needing Pork, China Is to Buy a U.S. Supplier" -- Hmm that's a switch. Usually when China needs pork, it just buys a few DUMBERats.
Instant repeat: "Needing Pork, China Is to Buy a U.S. Supplier" -- It had to be Smithfield Hams of Virginia least we still have Wayco Hams (a better ham from Goldsboro (Wayne County), North Carolina. We grew up on Wayco Hams on holidays. Mother was from Goldsboro.
Repeat instant repeat: "Needing Pork, China Is to Buy a U.S. Supplier" -- Hmmm, maybe China bought Smithfield so it can move it out of Virginia so Virginia becomes 'pork free' making it more Muslim Cemetery friendly.
Judas 00-bama says he supports Holder, but doesn't approve what went on. Hummm... Maybe... what I think he really meant was that he didn't approve of Holder getting caught.
Two US Embassy officials were shot outside a Venezuelan strip club. Both are expected to recover. Hmmm, if they were married, they may not want to.
Based on the number of TV ads, indoor odor maskers must have the highest margins of any product on the market. We are bombarded by different brands, fragrances, and ads showing more places we should be putting them.
Went out to WOW (formerly Knology) Tuesday to talk about my cable bill creep to new highs, plus a weak signal message we are periodically getting on our screen. A service call was scheduled and a new lower cost was offered which I declined until I saw whether the weak signal was correctable. Well, the self-scheduled 10:00-12:00 service called turned into 1:00 (but only after 3 calls back to WOW), and the service man determined it was a neighborhood weak signal emanating from their main feed, so he'd have to call in another service crew to fix that. Maybe tomorrow or the next day was all he could pinpoint it. Sad thing is, WOW was a Consumer Report favorite.
Looks like W C Bradley Co is making out like a bandit on the Whitewater snafus. They bought the plaza strip shopping center across the 13th St Bridge so they can direct new business opportunities to lower taxing Alabama, and sell historic properties at a premium to CSU which is pretty much tax exempt, or create high priced/low taxed apartments & condos from the old mill buildings.
With the revelation that AG Eric Holder went "judge shopping" to get a judge to sign the warrant to invade James Rosen's e-mail accounts, maybe it's time for judges to ask petitioners if any other judge has declined to sign it before coming to him/her.
In defending Eric Holder, uber-lib Alan Colmes used the analogy that the Republicans were "an orgasm looking for a wedding". I don't know if he made that up on the spot, but it sure sounded like a desperation shot at the buzzer.
New York Post headline yesterday: "Hide Your Kids * Sexting King Weiner Trolling For Interns" -- Sadly, in early mayoral polls, Weiner is within 4% points of the current leader.
About 200 people has been outed for collecting about $2,000,000.00 in welfare in Massachusetts. You guessed it, the names are of dead people. Maybe Massachusetts officials will find them the next time they vote.
I wish the MCSD would pull out the 1990 budget and compare it line by line with the current one. Isolate the same categories that were funded in 1990 from the programs and categories on the current budget to see what is now considered "essential' vcersus what was essential in 1990. One thing that will glare out is that in 1990, the MCSD had 32,000 +/- students and 5,000 employees (2,000 were teachers), and now we have 32,000 +/- students and 6,000+ employees (am not sure how many are actually teachers). What was in the budget as essential in 1990 is basically all that is essential in 2013.
Alan Kreuger is stepping down as Judas 00-Obama's economic advisor. You would think that this is good for America, BUT, Princeton has re-hired him to teach what he obviously doesn't know to future Tigers. Why don't alumni revolt for their school minimizing the respect of their diplomas?
L-E headline: "BUDGET REVIEW COMMITTEE * Council’s additions put ’14 budget at $263.7M * City dips into reserves for public safety departments" -- You know, the last LOST (using a lowball figure of $30,000,000.00 in revenues) guaranteed $21,000,000.00 for Public Safety. Maybe Council should examine the programs it has distributed that money towards that aren't really Public Safety issues. Start with mid-night basketball and the Jr Marshals programs.
Curious... with more people unemployed or not looking for work than ever before, how is ObamaCare going to get paid for by everyone according to the "unread plan" the DUMBERat Congress passed?
Sketchy-info voter's L-E "soundoff": "How come on the front page of our paper there is so much crime reported? Why not put the good things up front? A would-be newcomer would bypass Columbus in a heartbeat. " -- Well... Things are what they is... Columbus is ranked in the bottom 3% of unsafe cities in the USA. I don't blame the police, though, it's the court system. Recidivist felons should not walk the streets again if a gun is used in a crime.
Low-info...very low-info voter's L-E "soundoff": "Politics is a dirty game with no referees. Republicans are trying to discredit Obama to enhance their chances for 2016. Popcorn, anyone? " -- "Republicans are trying to discredit Obama"? The only thing Republicans need to do now is step back and let Judas 00-bama continue to do a bang up job of discrediting himself now that the mainstream media has removed its blinders.
L-E headline: "Letters to NYC mayor test positive for ricin " -- Hmmm, and what do the letters from Mayor Bloom-ing-idiot-berg contain (other than political BS)?
L-E story: "ATLANTA — Georgia Democratic Party Chair Mike Berlon said Wednesday he will step down from his position, citing concerns expressed by Democratic leaders that his personal issues have become a distraction as a major election year looms. " -- Huh? I thought DUMBERats thought personal issues were something to embrace (except for Republicans).
I'm not a "Bama" fan everyday, but do pull hard for them when playing non-SEC teams (or any team Spurrier coaches). Today, though, I applaud Coach Saban for standing alone in favor of expanding the SEC games schedule to 9 SEC opponents for each member team. The league has expanded, and I would like to see more SEC match ups.
Online quote service: "The cost of freedom is always high, but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose, and that is the path of surrender, or submission. - John F Kennedy" -- Hmmm, another of his quotes, alonf with "Ask not what your country can do for you....", that DUMBERats try to disassociate with the DNC mantra.

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