Friday, May 17, 2013

Wonder what the Marine who had to hold the umbrella to protect Judas 00-bama from the rain yesterday afternoon was thinking? My guess is that he was wondering if Judas 00-bama will do the same for him and his company when bullets and mortars are raining down on their position in Afghanistan.


The liberal movement is in real trouble, and it's not related to the IRS, Benghazi, ObamaCare, gun control, the AP, the Bomber Brothers or immigration reform. Julian Bond, yeah that one, was on Alan Colmes radio show and compared the Tea Party to the Taliban, and Stalin, and called "them" cafeteria Christians (one from Column A, etc)...AND....AND...Alan Colmes actually challenged Bond to back up his claims with examples... which of course, he didn't because he couldn't do that.


They've arrested the Mothers' Day New Orleans shooter; a 19 year old. Seems he was out on bond for another shooting crime. It's not guns that are the problem, it's criminals with guns and a court system that's too lenient on gun crime.


Online headline/story: "Powerball Jackpot Bounces to $550 Million * If you win the Powerball, you won't actually see the whole $550 million. Uncle Sam places heavy taxes on income that high, so a handsome chunk of your winnings will go to the government. Ironically, a majority of people -- even among the ones who say that the rich should be taxed more -- feel that those lucky souls who win the lottery shouldn't have to pay as much in taxes as people who make their money in more conventional ways. * The thought of winning millions is attractive to everyone, but especially attractive to lower classes, who spend up to 9 percent of their income on lottery tickets." -- Hmmm, the lottery is indeed a self-imposed tax on the stupid... Should there be a single "winner", that soul looking for $550,000,000.00 will lose over $200,000,000.00 up front on a single payout check. primarily in direct taxes .. More than likely, that will go to someone who bought the ticket using funds the government has doled out of tax dollars collected from people more responsible enough not to send 9% of it's gross pay on lottery tickets as they can't afford the frivolity of buying a lottery ticket versus putting food on the table every day for their families. You know, the 'lower class' which spends 9% of their 'income' on lottery tickets had a better return (payout) on 'investment' when they played the 'bug'.


JC Penney is monkeying with another new 'logo' in hopes to attract more customers.. Penney's may as well adopt the street name of "Jacques Pennay" or better yet just put up "Target" signs and hope people don't notice.


Online story: "WASHINGTON -- The U.S. Marshals Service gave new names and identities to "known or suspected" terrorists admitted to the witness protection program and allowed them to fly on commercial airlines, despite the fact that they were on the TSA's "no-fly" list, an internal Justice Department investigation found." -- Hmmm,. and 'grandma' and 'baby' Doe still get their diapers searched.


Online headline: "Toilet Paper Shortage Hits Country" -- Hmmm, must have been 'the last hurrah" at Toomer's Corner.


Online headline: "Jodi Arias' Lawyers Want Out" -- Yeah, now that they've milked the system for all it will give...


Online headline: "Obama Is 'Squashing Freedom Of The Press' " -- Hmmm... Rush Limbaugh you think... Nope... how about Jake Tapper of CNN. I do have to admit I have no idea who Tapper is or what CNN show he's on, but it shows you how irate the mainstream media is at being dissed by the guy it helped elect.


Healthcare is, depending on what day it is, is 14%-17% of our economy. Watching the daily growth of healthcare costs, how can any analyst/government report say our inflation rate is negligible?

Hey, any of you legal eagles out there ever known about a scandal heading on a collision course with your main client, and kept that a secret from him/them?


Judas 00-bama has out-Clintoned Clinton on parsing words.


A reporter asked Judas 00-bama if he could assure us no one in the White House knew about the IRS scandal before April 22nd. Judas responded, "I can assure you I didn't know". Bovine Excrement !


Judas 00-bama also said he didn't' know about the IG report... but he didn't say he didn't know about the IRS situation.


Judas 00-bama says he wants to find out who was involved in the IRS scandal. More BS. He knows who is/was involved, he just wants to know who he can throw under the bus without getting pulled under himself.


Hey, Boston.... how does it feel to be considered "collateral damage" by the remaining Bomber Brother? How does it feel to be retribution for a war you despise as much as all Qaida? How do you feel about an (_©_) who wishes he was dead like his brother and in "paradise" ? How about chipping in to give him a "regenderization" procedure before sending him to "paradise".


Judas 00-bama plans to hire 16,000 more IRS agents to handle ObamaCare aspects . 47 such aspects... Yeah, I'm really convinced all that info will be carefully stored and kept private... NOT!


How do you resign under fire but keep working for another week? Well, that's what IRS acting director Miller is doing. Bet he wears out a shredder on his & Shulman's records and ruins a few hard drives with electro-magnets.


You know, most every body reading today's Breakfast Club already knew Judas 00- bama was a pathological liar... the same with Hillary. What's fun is for the few that didn't believe before now are having that bubble burst.


A Fox panelist on "The Five" nutshelled the situation of how Judas 00-bama is handling these scandals. He won't tell you what went on, but he will tell you it won't happen again.... which basically means 'we won't make the same mistake again ( or next time we'll take a different route).


We won't know who the culprits in the IRS actually are until a certain one gets fired and blows the whistle on Harry Reid's informant who passed along Mitt Romney's tax info.


In the past 3 years or so, the IRS has rewarded its cronies with over $90,000,000.00 in bonuses. What were the bonuses based on?


Fox is doing no one any favors by parading Graham, McCain, Bachmann, Rubio, and Rove on during these multiple scandals. They are all more interested in personal face time than results.


If Judas 00-bama was the president of Exxon, do you think the mainstream media and liberals in general would make excuses for him or call for his head on a platter?


Those LaQuinta Motel ads.. Most are "groaners" in a punny way, but the latest one, about 'bringing home the bacon' is a serious contender for "Ad of the Year" awards

Benghazi, the IRS, the AP.... how convenient... overload all the media, Fox as well, and 'fast&furious', gun control, immigration legislation, entitlements, ObamaCare, the budget, sequester, and "earmarks", and other stupid DUMBERat tricks drop off the horizon.


L-E headline: "Obama seeks to quell uproar over scandals" -- Hmmm 'seeks to quell'? Reread the item above. Judas 00-bama probably started the 'leaks'!


L-E business page headlines: "Wal-Mart’s 1Q profit and sales disappoint " ... "Housing starts fell in April but permits surged" ... "Rate on 30-year mortgage rises to 3.51 percent" ... "J.C. Penney posts bigger 1Q loss than expected" ... JOBLESS CLAIMS INCREASE TO HIGHEST LEVEL IN 6 WEEKS" ... "CHINA ECONOMY * Slower growth adds pressure on leaders" ... "Consumer prices drop again during April " --Hmm, reality sorta sinks the ship of figures that we get from the government....
From a fellow BCer: If a picture is worth a 1000 words, then this is a masterpiece:

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