Saturday, April 22, 2017

Online headline: "March for Science: Scientists hit the streets to demand respect, funding" -- "demand respect, funding"? Hmmm... I learned by age of 7 that respect was earned, and that people would invest in you when your work proved worthy.

An American human rights worker has been held by Egypt for nearly 5 years, and Trump jumped into successfully negotiating her ( and 4 others) release. A liberal spinmeister did concede that Trump did deserve "some credit" in arranging this.. Good grief..Trump deserves most..if not all.. the credit!

Have you heard about Elon Musk's (you know, the guy behind Tesla and Space-X) next project...NeuraLink,? Musk wants us to think our thoughts into computers..and eventually to each other..I'd say, let's install all the sensors into Democrat politicians and people who vote for Democrats.. Maybe if Democrat voters could see what Democrat Politicians actually think versus what they promise, we could keep America on top in the future.

Online headline: "Howard Dean: Coulter’s ‘Hate Speech’ Not Protected by First Amendment" -- Idiot! What's not protected by the 1st Amendment is violent protests to prevent/stop anyone from his/her right to free speech..

Without any evidence, mainscream media has accused Putin of trying to influence our election, but mainscream media ignores the open..blatant efforts of Obama trying to influence the Israeli and French elections and the British vote on Brexit.

From L-E story: "A corrections officer testified Thursday that the Muscogee County Jail holds about 400 gang members, and authorities there have found evidence that McFarland and Jones are Crips. The jail has a capacity for around 1,000 inmates, so 400 would be about 40 percent of the total." -- Aside from Mayor Tom-LYING-son's assurances Columbus does not have a "gang problem", what does 400 gang members being incarcerated mean to you? Well, to me, it puts a damper on continuing "early release" of drug  offenders,,,
Excuse me, but what is it with liberals that they do not think.. "feel", our borders need  access control?
You know.. whether it's the MCSD or the City.. asking for tax raises without successes to point to is infuriating...especially when there have been no demonstrable efforts shown to contain wasteful expenditures...

I'm looking at the "First 100 Days" milestone associated with our presidents when they take office, and am beginning to wonder if it is really a measure of what one person can accomplish, or one of what a political party can obstruct/obfuscate....

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