Saturday, April 15, 2017

Online headline/story: "North Korea unveils powerful new missiles on founder's birthday amid rising tensions * One of the debuts included the Pukkuksong-2 SLBM, a submarine-launched ballistic missile, loaded on trucks, " --  "submarine launched ballistic missiles, loaded on trucks"?  Mainscream media is so wrapped up in its own ego that it cannot see through Kim Jong Ooops's ego.. who among his staff would get on a Oooops built sub and fire a missile underwater that probably will explode inside the sub?

You know.. if conflict did break out between North and South Korea, if a a force of force of South Korea and American soldiers penetrated into North Korea, I'd bet that most North Korean citizens would support getting rid of Kim Jong Oooops.

HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "Penn Station panic erupts as crowds sprint away from false-alarm terror attack *  It is believed an unruly man was tasered, which caused the initial panic and chaos. * It is believed a similar situation occurred at New York's Macy's location." -- And mainscream media wonders why Trump won....the American people have seen worldwide incidents of terrorism carried out by the same people that the Obama administration.. and current Democrats, supported being allowed in unvetted.

Based on facts, CNN's "Fact Check" should be scrutinized against its "Fact Presentations".

Gas stations that gouge need to be exposed..Most stations in the area charge between $2.65-$2.75 a gallon for premium 93 octane gas. Three stations I know of personally are charging $3.279 per gallon. Two are on Williams Road near the Welcome Center (wow, nothing says "Welcome" like price gouging), and one is on the corner of Double Churches and Whitesville Rd. Not only am I boycotting their gas, I am also boycotting their snack sections.

L-E headline: "Afghanistan: Massive U.S. bomb killed 36 militants" -- Good grief.. and I wondered why the L-E missed the fact that PGA tournament winner of the Houston Shell Open, Russell Henley is married to a Columbus native. It's taken an extra 24 hours for the L-E to get this story to print.. the bottom line is that the Trump presidency has announced to the 3rd World despots that "America Is BACK.. and Great Again."
L-E headline: "After 31 years, ‘The Inquirer’ is the ‘retirer’  -- The L-E will have a big hole to fill with Mike Owen's retirement...... when some of the other long termers retire.. not so much
You know, up until election night in the Special Election in Kansas to fill the seat vacated by Mike Pompeo when he was selected as Trump's new head of the CIA.. mainscream media was in a frenzy about a RINO-turned-Democrat winning.. The Republican candidate, Ron Estes, handily beat him.. hmmm.. not so many stories from mainscream media since..

 Why does the L-E print the ramblings of an associate professor at a private college? Take John Tures's "commentary today".. you know the one with "Should Trump work with Freedom Caucus or Democrats?" as its headline. Of course he will work harder with the Freedom Caucus as working with Democrats will accomplish nothing good as observed by Democrats passing "OObamaCRAP" without reading it.. Tures says, "If anything, polls show Obamacare is now more popular than ever." Good grief.. popular with who.. does Tures know anyone who actually pays the premiums themselves (with zero tax credits) who thinks it's popular on its own merits? 

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