Saturday, April 29, 2017

Online headline: "TRUMP: I'm 'disappointed' in how Republicans have handled big issues so far" -- DOH!  Of course, Trump cannot be disappointed in Democrats.. he knew their positions and expected no more from them..

In his first 100 days, Trump has turned around the economy, reduced immigration infiltration, stood strong against Russia and Syria, restored national confidence in the Supreme Court, initiated the strongest program ever for black higher education, restored our world-wide reputation for leadership, and exposed the weak RINOism of the Republican Party. I think he's hit a grand slam home run and anxious for more chances at the plate.

I'm not sure why Fox is giving air time to the new book about Hellary's failed campaign, but the Democrats seem to be blaming her loss on her sloughing off Trump's actual chance to win...fact is that Hellary and her campaign committee lost because she and her minions thought she was owed the presidency. Respect is earned.. not passed down nor bought.

From the " where is the humanity" department -- Thursday, my bride and I went to a fundraising event at the Columbus Museum..It was an art show that exhibited art created from a joint program of CSU and SafeHouse Ministries.. Participants from SafeHouse, under guidance of local master artists, Bo Bartlett and Garry Pound et al, presented their works, and supporters were able purchase such, with the new/budding artists benefiting financially from the sales of their works. It was a good event...with one exception...all the supporters buying such works were hit with having 8% SALES TAXES added to their participation in helping others. Mayor Tom-LYING-son should be embarrassed! Unfortunately, she won't be.

L-E story: "Beyonce is marking the anniversary of her album “Lemonade” by announcing scholarships for women to attend selected colleges. * The singer announced that her Formation Scholars Award will go to one female student at each of four schools. The schools are Boston’s Berklee College of Music, New York’s Parsons School of Design and two historically black colleges, Howard University in Washington, D.C., and Atlanta’s Spelman College. * The announcement says the scholarships are aimed at encouraging and supporting women “who are unafraid to think outside the box and are bold, creative conscious and confident.” -- "who are unafraid to think outside the box"? While I applaud Beyonce's gift to education.. perhaps she's the one that may need to learn to "think outside the box"... why limit the scholarships to the colleges of her choice?
L-E "headLIE": "Facebook gearing up to fight political propaganda" -- Good grief.. Facebook IS political propaganda!
From the "did any Democrat actually think this through" department - Please explain why "sanctuary city" citizens want "sanctuary city policies"? Think about it..why would any legal and law-abiding who lives in a Sanctuary City want any illegal alien criminals released back into their community when the federal government will remove them at no cost to Sanctuary City citizens?" --

How many days have you sat down and counted... and thanked God.. for all  your blessings.. and ran out of not only your fingers and toes, but strands of hair on your head? Yesterday was one of those days for me.. It was my 70th birthday.. I was greeted with a card from my bride "requesting" I be through with my morning blog routine by 8:15 as I was to be her guest for breakfast.. I smiled. Then, a hour before that time, the phone rang, and it was my daughter and granddaughter wanting to stop by before they went to work/school. They showed up a few minutes later, and I got a homemade cupcake with a marshmallow frosting with a chocolate dipped strawberry on top they had made.. and then it got better.. my 4-year, 363 day old granddaughter broke out in song with "Happy Birthday dear Big" ... Melt... Then the day got even better.. around 5:00.. my bride instructed me to change into shorts and good walking shoes.. I was "thinking" she was about to take me for a quick 9-holes at Godwin Creek before supper.. of course I was wrong.. then she handed me a gift box, and I unwrapped it to find a Relay for Life "Survivor" shirt.. I really hadn't thought about it that day, but the 12th Relay for Life event since I became 'cancer free' was going on last night, and I figured she wanted to walk a few laps before dinner with our family...You guessed it. I was wrong again.. Relay for Life WAS my birthday dinner with friends and family. My  bride had been sneaking around on me for a couple of days, and she, with the help of friends and family, had set up a Team Tent at A.J. McClung Memorial Stadium, complete with sandwiches, cupcakes, water and decorations. Of course I had no clue as we entered the stadium, but as we rounded the turn of our first walking lap.. I was greeted by my granddaughter running has hard as her legs could churn to greet me.. then all sorts of people I knew started appearing behind her, and grew during the evening as well wishers dropped by to "bless me". It's overwhelming to have a birthday party with such dear friends and family and hundreds upon hundreds sharing in our victory over cancer.. did I mention I love my bride?

From the "the headline writer musta been smoking pot" departmen -- Online headline: "Going to college may increase risk of marijuana use" -- "may increase the risk"? Good grief.. after 8 years of Obama-ism and states passing illegal laws to make marijuana available in "convenience stores", I'd say going to college pretty much guarantees the use and exposure to college students.

Online headline: "Gov. Jerry Brown keeps Oroville Dam repair costs hidden, state lawmakers say" -- Hmm.. must be something in the water out there.. earlier this week it was revealed that U of California President Janet Napolitano hid up to $175,000,000.00 trying to make it look like she needed more money from the state lawmakers..

One of the administrators of "Columbus, GA Concerned Citizens Forum" on Facebook (over 7,000 members strong) has suggested that our city is the most divided he's ever seen it..I agree. ...but for a different reason. He eels it is counterproductive.. I say:  Yes.. the city is divided.. but in this case.. it's a healthy divide! More citizens are getting involved to counter the adverse decisions being made in Council and our School system, and Columbus will thrive for it!

Online story: "Gov. Nathan Deal on Thursday signed a measure into law that would cut off state funding to Georgia colleges that declare themselves “sanctuary campuses” in defiance of President Donald Trump’s immigration policy." -- Yes! Our RINO governorr has grown a set!

From above story: "It faced stiff opposition from Democrats who argued it unfairly threatened students in Georgia who were granted special protections by the Obama administration and are not breaking the law." -- Good grief.. what about the FACT that being an illegal alien IS breakuing the law!

Online headline: "Bloomberg Reveals Tillerson’s Massive State Dept. Cuts – 2,300 Will Be Fired" -- "fired"? Good grief.. after serving under Omama/Hellary/Kerry, all of them should have left on their own volition by now.. why would any of them feel they had anything to offer America after doing the wishes of their previous bosses?
L-E headline: "Fort Benning Rangers killed in IS attack in Afghanistan" -- Please pray, especially  for all our Rangers and their families.. Ft Benning is a major part of our community, and sometimes we forget  how close we are with soldiers killed protecting our freedoms.. KaeperPRICK.. go to hell!
Uber-LIV's L-E "soundoff": "“... A bullet has nobody’s name on it. It can go in the air. It can go the wrong way, ricochet off of something, hit somebody.” Yeah, try telling that to the gun lobby." -- Good grief.. another "pull something out of the air "fact" that doesn't exist.. except in the minds of the uniformed/ignorant world of liberalism.. The NRA and our military strive to teach respect and restraint while using weapons.. It's the ill/un-informed that do otherwise.
L-E headline: "Skip Henderson mulling run for mayor’s office" -- Hope he keeps it "mulling".. after the assault of our tax freeze, Bruce Huff is the only Councilor that deserves our support to run our city... And with the TADs. and "excessive costs" enterprise purchases, we do not need another Mayor who's life rotates.. actually, is controlled by the real estate market.

From the "we started out with such good intentions.. so it's OK" department - L-E guest commentary headline: "Flawed school rating system worse than none at all * BY KYLE WINGFIELD Atlanta Journal-Constitution" -- "worse than none at all"? WRONG,, absolutely WRONG!  No wonder nothing improves in our education system.. liberals know it's broken, but figure "broken" is better that the unknown world of change.

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