Thursday, April 13, 2017

What is it with the Republicans in the Freedom Caucus? For years they have blamed not getting things done on a liberal sitting behind the desk in te Oval Office, and now they won't work with the successful business leader who has the support of the people.

Online headline/story: "Tensions mount as Tillerson meets with Putin in Moscow *  Putin said on Wednesday trust had eroded between the United States and Russia under President Donald Trump, as Moscow delivered an unusually hostile reception to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson in a face-off over Syria." -- Hmmm.. hey, mainscream media.. did you get that.. Putin would much rather have had Hellary punch her "reset" button than deal with Trump and Tillerson..

Speaking of Hellary.. Why.. as President Trump "suggests" FBI Director Comey still "good to her"?  Is Comey playing judge and jury.. believing Hellary and Bill living together is the worst sentence he can think of?

L-E headline/story: "Telling Eugene Bullard’s story to Columbus has been a pleasure * BY NATALIA NAMAN TEMESGEN * Correspondent * Thank you, Columbus. * You sat down and agreed to participate in the experience of Eugene’s life. You gasped when he was mistreated. You cheered when he succeeded. You breathed a sigh of relief when, late in his life, he again found hope for what was to come." --  The event was actually better Natalia Temesgen portrays it. . It wasn't just "a play", it was truly an event, and hope it will return so others can experience first hand the transitions Eugene Bullard (and we as a society) experienced  during.. and now after.. his life.

L-E story: "Columbus Mayor Teresa Tomlinson is considering a possible run for statewide office in 2018, she confirmed Wednesday morning. * Tomlinson, 52, has been approached by state officials and those affiliated with the national Democratic Party and asked to consider runs for governor, attorney general and secretary of state as a Democrat. " -- Hmmm.. why doesn't she just run for all three.. after all, she has three faces.

Why are our schools open on Good Friday? The MCSD arbitrarily closed down at the hysteria of the weather channels trying to drum up higher ratings.

Mark Cantrell's "pneumonia" excuse for missing Monday's vote doesn't hold water...I have it on good authority he could have voted over the telephone. Hey.. I want to see his Doctor's excuse as well!

A fellow BCer made an astute observation after reading Leonard "The Pits" Pitts ranting in the Sunday L-E. As I do not bother to read "the Pits" anymore (I do scan his headlines in hope of seeing him mature, but I don't think that's ever going to happen), I will rely on the observations that BCer has as he's got a good track record in making America great again.. He has come up with a pretty insightful response to Pitts'  one-sided love affair with "Black Lives Matter".. "Black Behavior Matters"..

I find the rush of David Lewis to put behavior problemed kids back into the Marshall Jr High building highlt regressive.. it wasn't that long ago when the decision to close Marshall was made BECUASE of the area's propensity for gang activities and street life. Sorta reminds me of Br'er Rabbit's impassioned pleas of "You can do anything you want Br'er Bear and Br'er Fox, but please... "pu-leese" don't throw me in that there briar patch".

HuffPOOPOO headline/story: : "Will more states offer free college? Poll finds plurality agrees with free tuition * New York became the first state to offer free public college education on Monday -- a decision met with both cheers and jeers. * A new AOL News poll a slight plurality of respondents think the program should be expanded to other states." -- Good grief.. wanna bet whether these follow up questions were also asked: 1 -"Who's going to pay for it?", and 2 - "Are you willing to have your income taxes raised to pay for it?", and 3 - "Will you work 4 years in-state at a "careerless" venture to pay off the debt as an "indentured servant"?"

Here we go.. another "list".. this time it's about the worst states for taxes.. here are the worst 4.. New Jersey, New York, California, and Vermont? All Democrat havens.. well Vermont's "Bernie" is an Independent.. but only because the Democrats seem "too conservative" to him.

Has anyone else noticed that even though Mayor Tom-LYING-son has hired a Texas firm to reassess all our properties, a great many seem to have no sales history on them? And my neighbors who bought last year are still not listed as the owners and all new homestead exemption claims were to be completed by April 1st.

Online headline: "Arrest made in shooting death of Chicago judge" -- Hmmm.. just proves my point of yesterday.. Over 3,003 people have been killed by guns on the streets of South Chicago during Rahm Emanuel's term as mayor, but this victim "had a name".. and Chicago politics .. and politicians.. being what they are, actually paid attention to this one.

L-E headline/story: "Developer hopes to convert Claflin School into affordable housing units * Scott Henry, acquisitions director for Oracle Consulting, showed up at Columbus Council on Tuesday with plans for the building, which will be developed in partnership with Friends of Historic Claflin, he said  * During his presentation, Henry said the company plans to develop 44 apartment units utilizing historic and low-income housing tax credits. He said the $12 million project would incorporate FHC’s vision to use part of the building for educational purposes and showcase the property’s history as the first school for black children in Columbus. " -- "showcase the property’s history as the first school for black children in Columbus"? Praise is due for coming up with a plan to reuse and abandoned building, but let's not do it under false pretenses.. We already have an "historic cemetery" that was shown never to have had any burials , but there is a monument plaque (and support posted at the Springer Opera House) on 1st Ave (between 12th and 13th Streets showing the location of the 1st black school..

L-E headline: "Club Majestic demolition set for April 17; councilor says good riddance" -- Well.... tt sure would be more tolerable if the previous owner was responsible for the demolition since we taxpayers funded Council's overpriced purchase of the property.
L-E headline: "City official: Backyard chickens in urban areas not a good idea" -- Chickens, or sheep for that matter, on the MCSB is not good for Columbus, either.
L-E headline/story: "Ben’s ChopHouse ready to open at new location * “We’re going to have a soft opening for the rest of the week, which will be just a limited amount of seating,” he said. “We’re not going to really advertise it as being open. Of course, I’m letting a few people know so they can come and try it." -- "letting a few people know"? Well..  this is definitely the clincher of the dwindling readership and advertising reach of the L-E.. if it reached more than "a few people", Ben's ChopHouse would be unprepared even for handling any kind of opening.
L-E story: "Burger King’s latest ad stunt is resulting in some less-than-flattering descriptions of its Whopper sandwich." -- Musta been using that picture of former-to-be GA District 133 Representative John Pezold on the wrapper of "the Whopper" that set sales back..

I have an issue with a L-E letter writer today.. Normalyl, said writer is spot on in his view, but today he mentions UpChuck Schmoozer's expertise at SAT tests.. claiming said Schoozer was "a bright n=man" for have scored a perfect 2600 on them.. Excuse me.. but when Schmoozer took SATs, a perfect score was 1600.. and even though a subjective writing test sector has been added this century, a "perfect score" would be 2400.. I suspect the writer got his info from something Schmoozer pulled out of the air to prove "he is bright".. sorta like Obama saying he'd campaigned in  all 57 states in America

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