Monday, October 30, 2017

From the " 'Guess who's NOT coming to (Thanksgiving) Dinner' at Mar Lago this year" department - Online headline/story: "Jared Kushner’s brother slams Trump administration's efforts to weaken Obamacare * The brother of White House senior adviser Jared Kushner has issued an impassioned defense of the individual marketplace under the Affordable Care Act, or ACA while criticizing the Trump administration for not easing “growing confusion among shoppers.” * Joshua Kushner, the self-acknowledged liberal co-founder of a 2012 health care startup called Oscar Health Insurance, wrote an Axios op-ed with the company’s CEO, Mario Schlosser" -- Hmmmm... What is the definition of a "self-acknowledged liberal"? In my book, it's someone who has intentionally attached him/herself to the government teat and is suffering as it dries up. It is someone who has intentionally positioned him/herself to be part of the problem rather than the solution..Go TRUMP!

LIV's L-E "soundoff": "We’re not there yet Women can vote, run for office, and go to war, but we can’t get equal pay? I guess it’s still true that “all men are created equal” … women not included." -- I bet I can describe this "soundoff" writer: She's watched as other women fought for the right to vote, while other women have stepped into the political and battle arenas, but she want fight for herself in the employment arena.. You know, the difference between this "soundoff" whiner and successful women, is that successful women stand-up for themselves and their positions in society... in other words, "they" EARNED their rewards!

A tragic death occurred early Saturday AM in Rome GA... The shooting death of a young man who has been part of our circle of friends since 2nd Grade. He was the son of highly respected parents.. a teacher at Columbus High, and a beloved and valued employee at one of our largest Columbus businesses. A classmate of one of our children from 2nd Grade through High School. His family is devastated at the moment.. My family is stunned.. stunned at the loss of another friend's child.. stunned at what his family and mine will have to go through to cope with this.. but we are all thankful God is with us to show us the way.

In Jesus' parable about "weeds" in Matthew 13:24-30, Jesus relays to us about how to handle "weeds" which have been sinfully sowed in with good seed..he says wait for the harvest before removing them, but when we do, then bundle up the "weeds" and "burn them"... this will prevent future return of those weeds. Jesus told us how to handle "evil".. we must eradicate it.. in today's terms, we must return the efficient... and increased.. use of the DEATH PENALTY when dealing with "evil" living within our world.

L-E story: "A conservative website with strong ties to the Republican establishment triggered the investigation into Donald Trump’s past that ultimately produced the dossier that alleged a compromised relationship between the president and the Kremlin." -- At least it is being reported that the "conservative group" was engaged by the "Republican establishment", which, for the most part, means that it was a bunch of "Whino RINOs".. not conservatives nor real Republicans. Hmm.. this reminds me of the 1988 campaign season.. though Democrat candidate Michael Dukakis was run over by the furlough he issued for convicted 1st Degree murderer, Willie Horton, it wasn't Bush41 or the Republicans that brought "Where's Willie" to light.. no, it was that bastion of ethics Algore who tried it in the Democrat Primaries..

What is it with college sports these days.. I'm talking about the weird uniforms team show up in...uniforms that have nothing to do with team traditions ..or school colors. Take Ohio State..the Buckeyes have always had nice uniforms...but Saturday, they come out wearing awful workpant gray uniforms instead of the traditional red jerseys.

Was listening to a discussion of what Democrats will do to win the White House in 2020..The number one plan is for Democrats go to the "rust belt" states Hellary ignored in 2016, and tell "the locals" that "they" care. I don't think that will work for the Democrats..I believe the "rust belt" states will demand more than Democrats can... WILL.. promise...the "rust belt" states are seeing results of a candidate who keeps his promises/word.... and THEY LIKE IT!

U.S. Senator Susan Collins, a Republican member of the Intelligence Committee, said Democrats should be called again to testify about reports that their party and Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign paid for parts of a dossier that detailed accusations about President Donald Trump's ties to Russia.

From the "couldn't happen to a most deserving (_*_)" department - Online story: After being rejected by film critics, George Clooney’s latest directorial project Suburbicon was rejected by audiences too opening down in ninth place with an estimated $2.8M from 2,046 theaters for a poor $1,369 average. Adding to the bad reviews was a dismal D- grade from CinemaScore. Matt Damon led the cast for the R-rated comedy." -- Do you really know what $1,369.00 per screen means? In this case, since it is R-rated, no children's tickets are sold, so the average ticket probably was $10.00 per.. With say 2 showings on Friday, 4 on Saturday and three on Sunday, 9 screening at each "screen" produced $1,369.00 in ticket sales..$1,369.00 is about 137 tickets, and divided by 9 "showings", each showing had an average of about 15 people. Hey, Hollywood, see what happens when your politics fly into the face of working America, and you find out that most of your paying customers are Trump supporters?
L-E story: "Coyotes are on the prowl in Windsor Park, and some residents want the wild animals removed from their streets and walking paths in Heath Park. * Charlie Killmaster, a wildlife biologist with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, said coyotes appear in all 159 counties of the state. The population has increased substantially over the past 15 years. * “I think it just took them a while to get established here,” he said. * Once a coyote moves into an area, Killmaster said the animal is highly adaptable, much like deer, squirrels, raccoons and foxes. “When they move into a suburban or urban area, they pretty quickly realize nothing is going to hurt them. Nobody is shooting at them, nobody is doing anything to them so they get nonchalant. They will move around, walk down the street and seem like they have no negative interactions with humans. * To help control coyotes, Killmaster said there is no closed season on coyotes. They can be shot or trapped year round almost with no limitations. People who live in urban areas, can’t discharge a firearm or don’t have the expertise or equipment to trap them can hire a trapper. “They can remove them from an area any time of the year,” he said. * Removing them from Heath Park would be fine with Browder. “We hope they will take care of whatever is out there so the users can certainly get back to the park while we’ve got this nice fall weather,” she said." -- We can only pray that no "trap and release" program exists.. we've already seen the failure of that method when violent street thugs are released improperly punished... they find there way back into their old neighborhoods more emboldened than when they were taken out.
L-E guest commentary headline: "The Clintons are just not that into you * BY JONAH GOLDBERG * Tribune News Service" -- In August of 1992, our phone rang... it was Fred Gordy, Sr, of Conway, Arkansas. Fred Gordy of Miss Lillian's family, was also a 1st cousin of my dad..Among other things Fred was a doctor, a pretty fair golfer, and a Democratic Party "yellow dog" activist..he was Sgt-at-Arms on Cuzzin Jimmy's "Peanut Brigade Train". but his real passion was in Arkansas politics.. He was a super fundraiser for Democrats and personal friend of Bill and Hellary. Anyway, following the 1992 Democratic Party Convention, Fred called my dad.. over the speaker phone, Fred announced that he'd sent a check to the "Re-Elect Bush (42) Campaign".. he followed that up with a more stunning declaration.. "Dupont (my dad), I just cannot wish the CLINTONS on the rest of the country.". I thought this haunting message had disappeared following her election 2016 failure.. but apparently it's not.. Hopefully, the rebuilding of the case of her scandals will finally put what has haunted me to bed one last time.
Anyone notice the pattern in the NCAA College Football ratings this week? The Top three teams, Alabama, UGA, and Ohio State have one very obvious thing in common.. their head coaches were "seasoned" in the SEC.

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