Tuesday, October 3, 2017

I sat numb in front of the TV yesterday...it was a day like 9-11-01..it was a day like November 22, 1963..or April 4th, 1968 . When will this evil madness end.


It was refreshing, though probably more political than sincere, but the 4th District U. S. Congressman..a Democrat, actually praised the Nevada police personnel. Then it got even weirder..Democrat after Democrat streamed through all through the day.. offering prayers.. and the Mayor of Las Vegas even praised President Trump. What Rahm Emanuel said can=me true... Democrats should never miss an opportunity that comes with chaos.


What a condemnation of the liberal/activist judges and lawyers in our country! We are hearing that the police in Nevada waited for delivery of a search warrant to break into the KNOWN residence of the cowardly dead (_*_) who killed and wounded all those people in Las Vegas. It's a shame that our police have to put aside logic and common sense FOR FEAR some activist judge will throw out recovered evidence on a technicality and evidence pointing to a conspirator be lost to prosecutors.


From the "and you thought you were boycotting CBS because of the NFL" department - Online headline: "CBS fires vice president who said Vegas victims didn't deserve sympathy because country music fans 'often are Republican'" -- Firing Hayley Geftman-Gold was too goog for her!.. It should have been done with a AR-10. Let's hope the ABA disbars her from ever practicing law.. anywhere.. anytime.


From the "Hellary finally buried herself" department - Online headline/story: "Hillary Clinton slammed for ‘ignorant’ statement on guns after Las Vegas shooting * Hillary Clinton took heat Monday for issuing what critics called an “ignorant” and “irrelevant” statement going after the NRA and silencers in the hours after the Las Vegas mass shooting." -- ""ignorant"?...""irrelevant"? Hellary is progressing rapidly through the alphabet since she first called us "deplorables"..

Wonder if Hellary's book publisher will market it's own sequel to her book .. a working title could be "S*** Happens".. or "Hellary Happens" if it's sold in children's book sections.

One thing really bothers me about the dual shooting platforms set up in Las Vegas.. .. WHY? Why would one man set up two shooting stations?  They had differebnt angles but were still aimed at a confined "killing field" It makes more sense that two people were there... at least for some of the time, and perhaps one shot the other before the room was raided and escaped  during the search process chaos... Let's pray that the investigation is 100% conclusive that the nightmare ended....


Online story: "Gov. John Kasich, R-Ohio, in an interview Sunday hinted that he would consider leaving the Republican Party if its members don’t get their act together." -- Good grief.. what was Kasich trying to do..come up with a joke to break the tension of the massacre in Las Vegas? You know, Kasich could have beaten Hellary and Bernie as the Democratss "antifa" candidate in the Democrat in 2016.. and Trump would have won, too.


Did you see the L-E subscription numbers? Looks like the L-E no longer reaches 10 percent of the local market.


From the "if trouble comes in 3s, can we but wonder what the 3rd one will be " department - Online headline: "Kathy Griffin to Colin Kaepernick: 'Proud of you' for your activism" -- Griffin must be stupider than even WE thought.. if d=she wanted to get back in good graces with the public, she should have photo-shopped pictures on Colin KaeperPRICK's face onto those ones where she's holding Trump's head.


Online headline/story: "Federal contractor fined for illegally donating $200,000 to pro-Hillary Clinton super PAC * Federal Election Commission officials have fined a federal contractor on Thursday for donating $200,000 to a Hillary Clinton super PAC, setting a historic precedent. * Federal contractors are prohibited from donating to political groups under the federal laws." -- "federal contractors are prohibited from donating to political groups under the federal laws"? Hmmm.. guess Hellary told them the law wouldn't apply because she was going to win...heh heh heh... not only has the (_*_) lost his $200K, now he'll be barred from future fed contracts.


Online headline: "Top Georgia leaders at odds over direction of education" -- Good grief.. how can smart people be at odds over which direction education is moving.. straight down is a pretty obvious direction in my book.


Online headline: "Bernie Sanders urges enthusiastic crowd to rally behind ‘Mayor Fort’ -- Let the Democratic Party carnage begin.. Bernie's back in town... and Democrat mayoral candidates will fall all over themselves promising things even Democrat voters KNOW won't be kept..


You know.. it would be a whole lot less confusing if the Democrats stopped portraying themselves as "Progressives", and adopted their true message as "Regressives".

L-E headline: "Century-old Coca-Cola distributor gobbles up Columbus territory" -- What!  another travesty for the history of Columbus.. it took forever for Coca Cola to admit that Pemberton's formula/drink was created in Columbus, and now Columbus loses its identity to Birmingham.. sorta like the Ledger-Enquirer now being headquartered in Macon, GA, and our mail postmark now showing Macon, GA as well.

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