Friday, October 6, 2017

From the "the NRA agrees" department - Online story: ""The NRA believes that devices designed to allow semi-automatic rifles to function like fully automatic rifles should be subject to additional regulations," it said." -- And it's not an affront to our 2nd about deflating the Left-wing's "sails".


Any one with Netflix should watch "Hero Quest" .. Remember a few days ago when I mentioned how Whoopi Goldberg showed her hypocrisy by taking Russian money to voice over a 3-headed monkey? Well , I watched it again.. the complete movie.. with my granddaughter, and Mama Zho Zi, a.k.a. Whoopi Goldberg, declared war on the (sp?) RIKKIs because they would set her SLAVES free.. Don't get your hopes up this will be discussed on "The View".


Hey World...especially the libs who tune in..this is my statement that our family will be celebrating Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas.. not Fall Festival, not Community dinner, and not Holiday Season. Please join me and my family in a traditional celebration.


To all the defenders of "bump stocks" being available to the public, the why doesn't the Army just use these rather paying extra for manufactured fully automatic weapons?


From the "Mel Allen, "Well how about that"..unexpected turn of events: department - Oooops, now it seems mainscream media and the Democrats will have to deal with and try to cover up that "bump stocks" were a product of Obama's administration.


You know, following the ObamaCRAP disaster now on the books because Democrat "leadership" encouraged its party members not to read it before voting on it, I think it should be required that Democrats in Congress have to attend a reading/discussion on the Constitution followed by having to pass the same test our naturalized citizens have to pass.


As of Thursday morning, there were still 172 victims of the Las Vegas massacre still in the hospitals. Praise God for the dedicated medical personnel for their training and for brave citizens who got so many to the hospitals quickly so that these 172 people are surviving, rather than dead victims...


L-E headline/story: "Cop catches a couple having sex in a car. They looked at him and kept going. * BY SCOTT BERSON * SBERSON@LEDGER-ENQUIRER.COM * A Wisconsin couple wasn’t going to let anything get in the way of their good time. Not even the beam of a police flashlight. * The man and woman were arrested Monday after being caught having sex in their car — and then refusing to stop." -- What on earth... and "why" would the L-E print such a story that didn't even happen here.. and why would the L-E let "Scott Berson" take credit with a byline when we all know he was not a reporter there, and just took this off some I-net news feed?


Online headline: "Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock reportedly booked hotel in Chicago overlooking "Lollapalooza" months before massacre" -- Hmmm.. Guess Paddock felt shooting up a Chicago event would not "get his sick message" out.. killing 59 people and wounding over 500 would go as unnoticed there as the normal monthly death and shootings figures do..or you may wonder if mainscream media is asking itself if Paddock sighted Malia Obama in his scope and changed his mind about shooting "Lollapalooza" up?

My daughter was stopped for "distracted driving" last month. She told me she was not calling/texting at the time, but simply (like 110% of college students) had her phone in her hand  as she was planning to "speed dial call" her mother. Before she could do that... "blue lights".  I was prepared for her "to face the music" until I got her "phone log".. It clearly shows she was not involved in any phone call dialing nor texting within 15 minutes either way of the time the officer pulled her over. I am helping her fight this ticket.. The irony is that the police officer was probably "driving distracted" in order to see what he determined as another driver "driving distracted".

L-E headline: "Technology built into cars distracts drivers, study says" -- Hmmm.. guess that means the CPD not only will be giving the drivers tickets, but putting a "boot" on the offending cars..

Stupor-LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Republican intolerance, ignorance of our Constitution, their hateful, vulgar, corrupt president, their lack of empathy and pure stupidity in regard to reality are coming back to haunt them. Sad the entire country must suffer." -- This one almost gets it right.. just one word change and it becomes "the truth": "DEMOCRAT intolerance, ignorance of our Constitution, their hateful, vulgar, corrupt president, their lack of empathy and pure stupidity in regard to reality are coming back to haunt them. Sad the entire country must suffer."

L-E headline/story: "Hollywood exec Weinstein accused of harassment * Harvey Weinstein, the larger-than-life Hollywood executive and Oscar winner, is taking a leave of absence from his own company after an explosive expose revealing decades of sexual harassment against women, from employees to actress Ashley Judd, was published in The New York Times on Thursday." -- Hmm Hey.. isn't this the friend of the Obama's who hired their daughter during her one-year "time out" from high school-to-college?

L-E story: "The Justice Department is asking a federal court to dismiss a lawsuit challenging President Donald Trump’s moves to curtail military service by trans-gender people. * The lawsuit was filed in August by the National Center for Lesbian Rights and GLBTQ Legal Advocates & Defenders on behalf of eight transgender individuals." -- Good grief.. how can an employer.. in this case the Government... know how to treat transgendered employees when even the employees are confused about their gender!

Related L-E story: "Federal civil rights law does not protect trans-gender people from discrimination at work, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said in a memo released Thursday that rescinds guidance issued under the Obama administration. * The Civil Rights Act of 1964 bars workplace discrimination between men and women but does not extend to gender identity, Sessions said. The Justice Department will take that position in “all pending and future matters,” the memo said. * Sessions called the interpretation a “conclusion of law, not policy.” -- Good grief.. how can an employer know how to treat transgendered employees when even the employees are confused about their gender!

You know.. if mainscream media simply devoted equal time to what President Trump has done good for America's future so far as they have berating his existence, it's no telling how much better the economy and and future would look to the world..

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