Tuesday, February 22, 2011

L-E headline/story: "Former councilor Julius Hunter not yet eligible to take judicial post now held by Cielinski * Sometime around 10:30 a.m. Sunday, a reader posted a comment on the story pointing out that the city’s charter prohibits former councilors from holding paid positions with the city for one year after their departure from council." -- Guess it's a toss up as which group should be the most embarrassed for not catching this 'detail'.. Council, for obvious reasons, or the L-E staff for not being the community watchdog a good paper should be. Give Judy Thomas a 'heads up.
Online story from American Family Association: "Said Musa is a former Muslim who converted to Christ about eight years ago. He has been sentenced to die by the Afghan government for the Islamic crime of apostasy. * A spokesman for the so-called Ministry of Justice said, "The sentence for a convert is death and there is no exception." * This is one of the truly terrible things about Islam: it has no respect for freedom of religion and conscience, precious values for us in the West." -- This is the same Muslim philosophy Emporer Obama/Imam-a wants the US to embrace as he does.
The Wisconsin protestors are bringing to the light just how over-enabled, over-aggressive government worker groups have become. For a long time I have been an advocate to rule government employees should not be eligible to vote in elections that directly influence the level of their paychecks and benefits; they are a bloc of too close to the issue voters.
I am still dumfounded that our government and the drive by media cannot add 2+2 and get 4. When will Presidents and media learn that a woman Secretary of State is not ever going to be an effective liaison between our government and any Muslin country where women are ranked lower than the family dog.

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