Thursday, March 7, 2013

Eric Holder vowed that no drones would kill Americans in America. Whom do you trust...? The bell tolls not for 'he'.


Online story: "A St. Louis suburb is aiming to put a stop to hate-driven protests like the ones made famous by the Westboro Baptist Church. * The Webster Groves (Missouri) City Council passed an ordinance Tuesday banning protesters from picketing within 300 feet of a funeral or burial site during and directly before or after a service, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported." -- We should all defend freedom of speech, but the Westboro church just doesn't know when to 'put a sock in it'. Thank goodness Westboro's hometown has stood up for decency, but it stopped short of completing the job... Webster Grove Council should have replace the mule, symbol of the state of Missouri, "The Show Me!" state, and renamed it West-burro.


Senator Rand Paul asked a pretty good question: ""Where is the Barack Obama of 2007?" he asked, referring to then-presidential candidate Obama's criticism of Bush-era violations of civil liberties. "If there were an ounce of courage in this body, I would be joined by many other senators," he added. "Are we going to give up our rights to politicians?" -- Wish mainstream media would at least look for the answer.


Online story: "WASHINGTON — Shifting course in the face of political gridlock, President Barack Obama is making rare overtures to rank-and-file Republicans, inviting GOP senators to dinner Wednesday, planning visits to Capitol Hill and working the phones with lawmakers. * The president's new charm offensive underscores the limitations of his earlier attempts to use public pressure, rather than direct engagement, to win Republican cooperation." -- Stupid, no, STUPID Republicans! potUS 00-Bama only invited the Republican Senators he thinks will do/say stupid things in front of the media, and feel guilty enough to vote "for" on issues 00-Bama need the 60 vote minimum.


If potUS 00-Bama was really interested in working for America (instead of AmeriKa), he's invite House Republicans to dinner instead of the Senate ones.


A 1/2" of snow has brought Washington, D.C. to a halt. potUS 00-Bama's spinmeisters were out in force calling it a "Republican Snow job".


I hope Boehner was taking notes/names of all Washington government workers who were told not to come to work because they were "non-essential" , and issue all of them permanent 'pink slips'


Now potUS 00-Bama is claiming the Volunteer-led White House Tours were canceled so the armed guards assigned to the tours can be reassigned to other duties. HUH? How does that save money? Seems to me that if you furlough volunteers, then the job of guarding the volunteer activities no longer exists, so you furlough the guards, too.


Megan Kelley kicked a California State Assemblyman in the groin yesterday on Fox. The Assemblyman sat smugly as he fielded questions about banning cigarette smoking in apartments & condominiums. He said it was because of second hand smoke in the common Heat/AC ducts. Kelley then asked if the bill also affected apt/condo use of medical marijuana. The Assemblyman calmly responded that it only affected tobacco. You could see the life drain out of him as it hit him about what he said about second-hand smoke being in Heat/AC ducts.


Online headline: "Report: 100 Million Sharks Killed Every Year" -- The figures in the story re-estimated the number to be between 63M & 273M, but no matter which number the scientist "guess-timate" to get my attention that they are worried about shark eradication, huge numbers pulled out of the air will not get much sympathy.


Online headline: "Time Warner Now Looking To Sell All Magazine Titles" -- The only magazines we get now are called "catalogs".. Time Warner is living to regret its liberal efforts to dumb down the education system, as the school systems denigrated the importance of reading, and the younger generations want read anything over 140 letters/spaces.


www.barackobama/organizing for says sequester will keep 70,000 kids out of preschool programs. If a 2.3% reduction of next year's spendings, then 3,430,000 must be enrolled. Mainstream media must be either so naive or functionally mentally disabled to report anything potUS 00-Bama says without challenging it.


L-E headline: "Juvenile charged with marijuana possession at Hardaway High " --Hmmm, so high schoolers are openly taking marijuana to school. Could it simply be that if students were able to read that they would do better in testing, look forward to school, and could actually read the "Drug Free School Zone" signs and not bring such to school?


Fox news reported in internal e-mail of a government agency told managers to make sure reports showed the pain of cuts were as bad as potUS 00-Bama "advertised". Alan Colmes blindly defends such. Why does Fox let "these people" come on and spread more 'low info' in argumentative prattle?


Now it's announced that even with sequestration and other spending cuts, TSA ordered $50 MILLION dollars worth of new design uniforms. It didn't matter whether TSA needed them, TSA just wanted them. To add insult to injury, the bulk of the uniforms were made out-of-America. Yep, potUS 00-Bama knows how to create jobs in America.


Department of Homeland Security Director Napalitano says her department is not responsible for the release of illegal aliens from jails. Huh? ICE is directly under her control.


Sean Penn "tweeted" Americans have lost a good friend (Chavez) most never knew they had. Confirmation that Penn is indeed the big twit we suspected.


From a McClatchy commentary: "The metaphor became a clever laugh line even before John Kerry took the reins of the State Department from Hillary Clinton. Kerry spoke respectfully of his predecessor, saying he had “big heels” to fill." -- Well, potUS 00-Bama could not have picked a bigger 'heel' than Kerry for any Cabinet post.


McClatchy headline: "Kentucky Gov. Beshear says Ashley Judd would be a 'formidable candidate'" -- Yeah... and maybe some of here nude movie shots will mounted on campaign billboards.


Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert is planning to introduce a bill in Congress as a result of potUS 00-Bama canceling volunteer guided tours. The bill will prohibit federal funds from bring used to transport potUS 00-Bama to and from any golf courses until the White House tours resume. Remember to send him a campaign donation so Gohmert will be re-elected.


I hate to 'pile on', especially since there was a death involved, but doesn't the Pioneer Little League do any background checks on coaches before assigning other people's children for his mentoring?


Unlike the "Expedia" case, I can applaud the City for holding strong on the Barngrover case.


Worthwhile L-E "soundoff" I wish I could claim: " The government wants to tell me what kind of health care I have, what kind of car I drive, what kind of light bulb I use, and even what kind of commode I use. Ain’t freedom great? " -- Well said, patriot!


Liberal's L-E "soundoff": "Obama should have known Republicans would rather destroy the country than to tell their campaign donors to pay their taxes without loopholes like the rest of us." -- Don't you wish "soundoff" would publish this guys 1040EZ?


L-E story: "WASHINGTON — The House on Wednesday passed legislation to keep the government financed through September, raising pressure on the Senate to quickly follow suit before the current financing runs out March 27. * The vote, 267-151, included 53 Democrats and indicated the Senate will have little political latitude to take the financing bill in a drastically different direction. " -- This was passed by the Republicans plus 53 DUMBERats... that means of the 151 "no votes", almost all of those were from DUMBERats. The majority of DUMBERats do not want an efficient government of the people, for the people, by the people.


L-E editorial headline: "Dow Jones surge good medicine for ailing economy " -- Is there anyone on the L-E staff that has a clue with what the DOW surge means? Obviously not. With Bernanke printing more and more money, people have no other place to put this cash as interest rates are 1%+/- and putting it under your mattress is too convenient for thieves.


L-E headline: "Cellphones shouldn’t be able to work in moving cars, experts say " -- Guess now 'the experts' will work on a way to keep cars from moving...hmm say $5.00 gas?


In response to the L-E's "Chattahoochee Chatter" dribble: lawyer Patrick has his reality shows mixed's Mayor Obamalinson, not Kardashian.


Remember when "The Steeplechase at Callaway" was "The Columbus Steeplechase", and when Callaway Gardens used to be '30 miles north of Columbus' before it became a "hour south of Atlanta"?


L-E story: "ATLANTA — Georgia lawmakers will debate rules Thursday that could allow more mentally ill people to carry firearms," -- Huh? Are the lawmakers crazy?


L-E headline: "Former GM executive tapped for Toyota board " -- What for... to get an inside chance at getting into China?

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