Monday, March 4, 2013

Online headline/story: "Chief Justice's Comments Called 'Disturbing' * Justices heard arguments Wednesday in a challenge to the part of the Voting Rights Act that forces places with a history of discrimination, like the Deep South, to get approval before changing the way elections are held. During the arguments, Roberts asked Solicitor General Donald Verrilli if he knew "which state has the worst ratio of white voter turnout to African-American voter turnout," claiming that state is Massachusetts." -- "Disturbing"? Truth..... the liberals greatest fear.


Online headline: "Baby Born With HIV Apparently Cured, Say Scientists: -- Apparently a new technique of drug delivery right after birth has becime a possible cure. A now 2 1/2 year old baby was treated with a new technique, and has been off the drugs for 1 year and shows no signs of anymore of the virus. We're talking major medical history here... like the polio fears we grew up with. Thank God for this blessing... oh, and thank the scientists/doctors' parents for not having an abortion.....


Online story: "Beginning this week, the Israeli Transportation Ministry will operate buses in the West Bank that appear to be designated as "Palestinian-only," a development that has led some activists to allege racial discrimination." -- "Racial discrimination"? The Palestinians have been watching too much MSNBC and CNN. How about calling it what is is... genocide prevention.


I know it's "all about the money", but why doesn't Israel just stop bus service altogether in the West Bank?


Online story: "Various Italian news sources reported Sunday that a mild earthquake had struck Rome and surrounding areas, including Castel Gandolfo, the former pope's temporary home. * This latest event comes on the heels of a photo that appeared to show a bolt of lightning striking St. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City just hours after Pope Benedict XVI announced his resignation on Feb. 11." -- Hmmm... maybe the Pope made a good move, but not quite fast enough for God...


I've been thinking further about a comment I made last week about the super-wealthy sitting on their money by placing it in humanitarian foundations. I know the company Bill Gates co-founded is still churning out innovation, but what has Gates done with his personal wealth to invest in new industry/jobs? Bless him for caring about human plights, but what has that done for helping people out of their situations?


Watched the first episode of the History Channel's version of "The Bible" . My bride and I tried to keep up with it by following it along with our own Bibles, but soon realized the script must have come from another version, a politically (versus religious) correct one, we were unfamiliar with. Looked it up online and found a critic who nailed the version that must have been used... The Queen James 2012 version.


From a fellow BCer: "BACKGROUND: The State of Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education just issued guidelines for opening all facilities to transgender students in public schools. The guidelines state that the transgender/transvestite student will NOT be denied access to whichever facility their garb-of-the-day indicates, regardless of the discomfort of other students. The following is a direct quote from the guidelines: "Some students may feel uncomfortable with a transgender student using the same sex-segregated restroom, locker room or changing facility. This discomfort is not a reason to deny access to the transgender student. (Massachusetts DOE Guidelines, February 2013)" -- Chief Justice Roberts just pared Massachusetts open on its voting history, and now this.... Don't you know the Founding Fathers are furious.


Dual online headlines: " Report: The Top 1 Percent Of Americans Will Pay 30 Percent Of The Nation's Federal Taxes In 2013 * Taxes On The Rich Near 30-Year High" -- Will some DUMBERat please explain how fair the tax structure is?


Online headline: "Dennis Rodman Delivers Message To Obama On Kim Jong Un's Behalf" -- Wonder if it was a 'slam dunk' or a 'double dribble'?


HuffPost headline: "Jay Leno on the Way Out at NBC?" -- Hmmm, nust be because Leno's rating climbed after he started tellin potUS 00-Bama jokes again.


Online picture of potUS 00-Bama announcing his new vision for AmeriKa:



The PGA needs to step in and invalidate Ricky Fowler's clothing contract. Sunday, he looked like he was wearing a DOC orange jumpsuit doing Community Service picking up trash along a walking path in a public park.


Online story: "In the midst of automatic spending cuts and chronically late budgets, President Obama on Monday will nominate Walmart executive Sylvia Burwell as his next budget director, a senior administration official said." -- Bet she doesn't last 6 months on the job... potUS 00-Bama will go nuts when she applies the Wlamart game plan she knows so well.... 'cutting' figures when the merchandise isn't performing.


Hmmm, now that Cargill and Duck have been ousted, and Becca Wiggins has decided to take early (very early ;-) retirement), do you imagine Mike Owens might 'inquire' as to why she was overlooked for the promotion which was given to a guy with a primary degree in psycholgy or some other worthless degree?


Numbers for the new parking deck at the new Columbus Square City Service Buildin and Natatorium: 370 parking spaces; $5,172,874.00 dollars spent. Lets see, at a dollar per hour parking fee, and if every space is full 8 hours per day/5 days per week, then the parking garage would be paid of in about 7 years. Let's be realistic, though.. At a dollar per hour, usage will be less than the usually empty downtown city garages that charge $2.00 a stay, so let's look at the CS (Columbus Square/City Services?) figure based on $2.00 per day per space. $2.00 x 370 spaces x 5 days a week would generate $3,700.00 per week/$192,000+/- annually. In 26+ years, it would generate revues offsetting the initial building costs... Unfortunately, with the track records of other government building, the garage will probably have to be torn down in 20 years and rebuilt, plus no accounting for operational costs have been include (or projected to my knowledge), and heaven knows 370 'usages' at $2.00 for 5 days a week ain't gonna happen. Hold on to the tax freeze!!!!!


L-E headline: "UK: Queen hospitalized over stomach infection" -- Hmm, bet it was from eating the kinds words she said when potUS 00-Bama was first elected.


L-E headline: "U.S. to give Egypt $190 million * Kerry says more money to help pay country’s bills depends on Morsi" -- Yeah, I'll bet the that $190 M will get sequestered into Morsi's personal accounts. Hey, why doesn't China or Saudi Arabia give us a few Trillion so we can pay off our 'bills'?


A weekend column in the New York Times, yes, the New York Times, has called potUS 00-Bama on the carpet for his lack of leadership. Yes, I said the New York Times did this. Don't you love it when libs eat their own?


From the L-E's "Looking back | Fifty years ago today, March 4, 1963" feature: "Two Protestant missionaries, one of them an American, were killed and two of their children seriously wounded today in a Communist guerrilla ambush 50 miles north of Saigon" -- Sad, but what's even sadder is that Christian missionaries in southeast Asia still must work under secrecy that includes not using their real names. It's not one world.


Legal ad in the L-E:

Does this mean the liquor store will be able to sell mixed drinks through it's drive-thru window?


L-E headline/story: "Biden leads re-enactment of voting rights march * More than 5,000 follow him across Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma * SELMA, Ala. — The vice president and black leaders commemorating a famous civil rights march on Sunday said efforts to diminish the impact of African-Americans’ votes haven’t stopped in the years since the 1965 Voting Rights Act added millions to Southern voter rolls. * The 50-mile march prompted Congress to pass the Voting Rights Act that struck down impediments to voting by African-Americans and ended all-white rule in the South. * Al Sharp-ton said: “We are not here for a commemoration. We are here for a continuation.” " -- Yep... the DUMBERats just do not want black voters to ever leave the 60's. I guess it's because the DUMBERats know they will lose the black vote once the black vote wakes up in the 21st Century.


Online headline/story: "Gay group calls for apology from Scottish cardinal * Cardinal Keith O'Brien quit last week as Britain's top Roman Catholic cleric after being accused of inappropriate behavior by (with) several priests. * O'Brien said that "my sexual conduct has fallen below the standards expected of me as a priest, archbishop and cardinal. * O'Brien had been a staunch advocate of church teaching against homosexuality, calling same-sex marriage "a grotesque subversion of a universally accepted human right." -- I'm confused... what do other gays want him to apologize for,,, being gay or being against same-sex marriage?


L-E headline/story: "Female kicker’s NFL tryout lasts all of two kicks * She tried two kickoffs, the first going 19 yards and the second about 13 yards. She then asked to see a trainer." -- "19 and 13 yards"? Then she asked to see a trainer... sounds like she should has asked where the nearest 'exit' was.


L-E comic strip picture:

What every married man doesn't have the guts to say.


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