Sunday, March 31, 2013

Where and with whom does Internet responsibility lay? I just saw a YouTube "kitchen science project" involving putting a grape in a microwave oven and turning it into plasmatic gas and burn. I twas really cool... even had a warning for kids NOT to try this at home because if you mess up, you COULD BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN!


Online story: "(Madonna's) homeless brother Anthony Ciccone has spoken out about his famous sister, claiming that she doesn't care whether he lives or dies. * Ciccone, who is an alcoholic and lives on the streets of North Michigan, tells the Daily Mail that Madonna "doesn't give a s*%# if I'm dead or alive. She lives in her own world." -- Hmmm maybe Anthony Ciccone and George Obama should get together and compare notes... maybe even stage a protest every time Judas 00-bama and Madonna speak out for their agendas.


Online headline/story: "Local Scientists Turn Cells Into Living Computers * Researchers at Stanford University announced this week that they've created genetic receptors that can act as a sort of "biological computer," potentially revolutionizing how diseases are treated. * Once the transistor determines the conditions are met, it could then be used to make the cell, and many other cells around it, do a specific thing--like telling cancerous cells to destroy themselves. * The team demonstrated their work using E. Coli bacteria, an organism commonly used in genetic research." -- Hmmm, looks like HELL-thScare want need to have 'death panels'. HELL-thScare will just program your expiration date, and even if that fails, the e.coli will get you.


Republicans need a national conference to discuss how to be proactive about the future rather than reactive to all the 'photo-op bombs and traps' that the DUMBERats dangle in front of them.


Online headline: "U.S. Hands Over Strategic Base To Afghanistan" -- Judas 00-bama's spinmeisters will be out in force today to tell us how much Karzai now loves us....


Online headline: "Evan Ebel, Suspect In Prison Chief Death, Was Released From Jail Early" -- Two words of Deja Vu..... "Where's Willie?"


I do believe Jim Carrey believes he's "JC", Jesus Christ..... in a way I can see him in a "JC" role... Just Crap.


Online story: "Michigan Republican Dave Agema says he is refusing to resign after promoting an article that said “part of the homosexual agenda is to get the public to affirm their filthy lifestyle." * Now's the time to discuss it, that's why I brought it up," Agema said. "Say, 'oh, you're dividing the party,' no, I don't think so; we're standing on the principle of the party. If the party doesn't stand on its principle, we'll lose our base." -- Just another way 'political correctness' has torn apart progress in so many areas of solution solving. Agema is right in that we need open discussion on homosexuality's place in going forward, just as we need open discussion on racism in the past versus progress made, but liberals do not want to give upo their discussion stopping trump cards.


Online story/picture: " (Info Wars) – Shepard Fairey, the graphic artist synonymous with the Obama “CHANGE” and “HOPE” images has taken aim at the Second Amendment by releasing new works that equate gun owners with Satan. * Fairey has released a new print titled “God Saves & Satan Invests” which depicts an AR15 rifle with the words “America – The Land Where God Saves & Satan Invests In Assault Weapons And High Capacity Magazines”."

You know, History Channel's "The Bible" was spot on in it's Satan looking like Judas 00-bama.... Judas 00-bama's favorite word for depleting America's assets is "investing", and when you look at this poster, it seems we should be looking at a subliminal depiction of Hitler and a Nazi symbol.
L-E story: "Mark Oropeza bailed out as Columbus airport director at age 57 with a golden parachute that will pay him more than $61,000 a year for the rest of his life. * Days before he retired, Oropeza was moved from the city’s general pension plan into the public safety pension fund, allowing him to immediately draw retire ment benefits instead of having to wait until he is 65. " -- And Mayor Obamalinson wants us to trust her? She wants to end 'the freeze", yet throws $490,480.00 (8 years x $61,310.00) out the window on a backroom whim of a deal.
L-E headline/story: "Man robbed of his own gun at Victory Drive hotel * An Opelika, Ala., man was robbed at gunpoint of his own gun, cellphone and cash during a holdup at the Colony Inn on Victory Drive. " -- Oh, drats! If only the Republicans had passed Judas 00-bama's extended background check law for 'private gun exchanges' this wouldn't have happened.
L-E story:
"PUBLIC SAFETY SALARIES Here are salaries for public safety leaders in Columbus:

Mark Oropeza: $128,442 to run the airport and 48 employees, 15 of whom worked in public safety jobs.

Police Chief Ricky Boren: $102,146 to run a department of 573 employees.

Sheriff John Darr: $99,310 to run a department of 464 employees.

Fire and Emergency Management Chief Jeff Meyer: $99,819 to run a department of 381 employees.

Marshal Greg Countryman: $76,472 to run a department of 41 employees.
-- Hmmm, looks like Oropeza and Countryman were/are our 2 most overpaid employees. Between them, they commanded less than 100 people. Averaging there salaries-to-employee ratio ($2,302 per) Chief Boren should be making &1,319,046.00.
L-E headline: "PROTESTERS TARGET FOXY LADY LOUNGE * Club was scene of fatal shooting with AK-47 on Wednesday * By BEN WRIGHT" -- When Hasn't Ever Ben Wright reports he's seen an AK-47, it was probably a pellet gun. The main thing is "where are these concerned citizens" when juries are selected, and when juries acquit a killer on racial prejudice.. such as the victim of the Foxy Lady killing?
The divide over moving the BTW apartments into the Liberty District does have a practical solution... there's a huge piece of property that's designated a cemetery park in which no one is buried that's already graded and ready for apartments to be built on. Guess the real issue is putting a public housing crime area into a place people want to feel safe in attending events.
L-E headline: "U.S. CENSUS * OVER 15,000 MOVE INTO METRO AREA SINCE 2010 * Chattahoochee, Russell among the fastest growing counties in the nation " -- Whoa! Slow down a bit... 5% growth is a little suspect and can probably be attributed to the DUMBERat automatic increases. If not that, somebody counted all the 2012 new voter registrations without checking the cemetery records. Of course, the most probable error was that public school educated mathematicians probably did the adding in 2010.
Hmmm, the West GA BBB must have second thoughts about the full page ad it ran today. Though probably not on purpose, the BBB displays a definite lack of diversity.
L-E's "Thought for Today": “So often we rob tomorrow’s memories by today’s economies.” — John Mason Brown, U.S. critic and lecturer (1900-1969)." -- Hmmm, maybe we should run a more thorough extended background check on our politicians as well as gun buyers.
The L-E confirms its religious depth again. Yes, the L-E is Columbus's most obvious CEO. They gave the other half of their Christmas-Easter Only editorials today. Tomorrow, the L-E will be adrift again.
L-E headline: "White House takes North Korea’s threats seriously " -- Yeah, right... nothing a flea collar wouldn't take care of and Judas 00-bama sends out his Storm Trooper spinmeisters. Of course, the Muslim Brotherhood's takeover of the Middle=East is still simply a pimple.
Well, looks like Judas 00-bama's NCAA bracket is about deplete. Louisville is still alive but taking on Duke today. Otherwise, Judas 00-bama can start working on presidential issues pretty soon.

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