Saturday, March 9, 2013

Online story: "Nearly 312,000 federal workers and retirees owed more than $3.5 billion in back taxes as of Sept. 30, 2011, the agency said. The year before, about 279,000 workers and retirees owed $3.4 billion. * The Department of Housing and Urban Development had the highest delinquency rate, at 4.4 percent. The Treasury Department, which includes the IRS, had the lowest, at 1.1 percent." -- Hmmm, IRS has the least amount of reported delinquent federal workers... is that because they are more honest or simply a case of monitoring themselves like lawyers do?


Online headline: "Gallup Reviewing Its Polling Methods After Blowing Election Polls" -- Hmmm, guess Gallop didn't consider Obama pollers that voted once in its poll probably were voting twice in the real election... either that or Gallop is going to have to poll some cemetery residents as well.


The lastest from www.barackobama/ "Tweet at Rep. Westmoreland right now and say you support a balanced approach to the budget, not drastic cuts." -- Hey, I do support a balanced budget, and I'm pretty sure Congressman Westmoreland does as well, so send Congress a balanced budget and I will call Representative Westmoreland to sign it.


Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel says he is in Afghanistan to remind us that we are still at war and to thank the troops. Hmmm, wouldn't it be better if the White House and DUMBERat Senate remembered this before spending all the money on entitlement programs?


A Fox reporter said Rand Paul has gained the attention of both conservative and liberal libertarians. Wait a minute, by definition, there's no such animal as a liberal libertarian.


North Carolinians are in Washington protesting immigration laws and photo-ID laws for voting. Doesn't there seem to be a few conflicts in delegislating illegal immigration laws and at the same time creating an easy route to do what the Constitution grants only to American citizens?


McClatchy headline: "Sequester's budget cuts spell uncertainty for Sacramento, Calif." -- This is what's wrong with the federal budget. California should be doing what Sacramento is expecting from the feds. Solution, keep those taxes in the state coffers rather than sending them to Washington and getting only a smaller percent returned by strings-attached grants.


Online headline/story: "Travel Blogger Thrown Off UNITED Flight for Taking Photo of Seat * Klint says he was told by the flight attendant that photo-taking violating United’s policy. It’s a policy that appears in small print in the airline’s in-flight magazine." -- Aside from this now being in every traveler's head from now on that United doesn't want you yo know ahead of time what kind of seat it is providing, I want travel United ever because I never read the airline in-flight mags tp begin with, and there might be something else United says I can't do... like use the toilet.


Online story: "Harvard professor Charles Ogletree, a mentor to both Barack and Michelle Obama, praised the “generosity” of Hugo Chavez, mourning the late Venezuelan leader as a man who provided the needy with “warmth.” -- And we thought only Bill Ayers was a teaching mentor to potUS 00-Bama.


Online story: "During the Senate Judiciary meeting today to markup a potpourri of bills designed to deny the American people their rights under the Second Amendment and disarm them, Senator Dianne Feinstein opposed an amendment to her so-called assault weapons ban legislation that would allow veterans to continue buying firearms the bill would outlaw. * Feinstein basically said all veterans have PTSD and should have their Second Amendment stripped." -- Hmmm, I just hope every veteran who's now serving in a security position remembers this if Feinstein ever calls 911 for help.


Mainstream media says top level Republicans are going after Rand Paul for his filibuster. Wait a minute, compared to Senators McCain & Graham, Senator Rand IS the top Republican, and Rand's filibuster was a master's stroke of genius.


The Rev Jesse Jackson is in Venezuela to honor Chavez... What an absolute slap in the face of American corporations who donate to him.


Forget the "spin" being placed on the latest jobs market figures... there are still 3,000,000 less jobs than when potUS 00-Bama began.


Osama bin Laden's son-in-law is in New York awaiting a court appearance. Why? Why is he not at Gitmo?


The NAACP is going to fight NC's law to require photo-ID cards for voting. Why doesn't the NAACP start protesting at the White House about requiring photo-ID just to get in for a tour.


You know that American-Irani citizen pastor who's in prison in Iran because me converted from Islam to Christianity... well, neither the White House or Secretary of State has called his family to reassure/help them.


Oh. Oh. Don't tell Mayor Obamalinson, cause she may figure out she can charge a dollar a hour to park garbage cans on the street on garbage days.


Where's Algore? On top of the news that the world was hotter during the caveman days, now it comes out that in spite of all the polar ice floes melting, polar bears are thriving.


L-E headline/story: "GRANGE: BEST RANGER IN TROUBLE * Five weeks before event, Benning can’t confirm if annual challenge will be held * Grange, 87, said the event doesn’t cost the government any money, but officials are watching their pennies to be politically correct. Organizers of the event sponsored by the National Ranger Association have enough money to put on the event this year, Grange said. * “It’s a nice event,” he said. “It doesn’t cost the Army a nickel.” -- Obviously, this is political BS! If what General Grange says is true, and I have no question of his veracity, then contact anybody you know in any medai and publicize the fact that "sequester" may be blamed for this, and it's not true.


After cruising both sides of the Chattahoochee, the Alabama side definitely offer the best view of the whiterwater amusement center. Hope Mayor Obamlinson can show us hoe sales taxes collected in Phenix City will help our budget.


Liberal's L-E "soundoff": "The only action the Republicans have taken on the sequester issue is to blame Obama for it. " -- Well, there's a little bit of silver lining showing through in this one... the lib is not saying it's "Bush's fault".


Following Judge Rumor's decision that the tax assessor's over-valued some of the most valuable property in Columbus, Judge Rumor should \order the tax assessor to revalue downward every house in that area that was purchased within 5 years of the purchase date.


Of all the programs selected by United Way of the CV, the most questionable is the Red Cross. Red Cross has tremendous fundraising capabilities and a huge fundraising mechanism within itself.


From the L-E's "Looking Back" feature: Fifty years ago today, "A group of 105 Cuban refugees arrived on a mercy flight yesterday and reported that life under Premier Fidel Castro is one big headache and 89-cent aspirin is selling for $3. The Cubans and Cuban-Americans told substantially the same story — hardship, government rationing and food shortages. " -- This describes Amerika under potUS 00-Bama.


L-E headline: "TWO ARRESTED IN GAMBLING RAIDS " -- As far as the abundance of crimes reported in the L-E, this is sorta refreshing that it doesn't contain marijuana or s shooting in it.


L-E headline: "L.A. expresses interest in hosting 2024 Olympics " -- Surely we have a better location to show America to the world, and surely we don't wany Queen Pelosi flying to Stockholm to make a pitch for America at all.


L-E story: "Imagine a hypothetical world where suddenly college athletes are able to sign endorsement deals while maintaining their eligibility. * How much could a star like Heisman Trophy winner Johnny Manziel make? " -- Hmmm, with some college athletes, legal endorsements might be a pay cut, but then again, they may be enticed to leave college early... wait a minute, don't most of the endorsement worthy ones do that already?


L-E headline: "Fish McBites fail to spark McDonald’s February sales " -- Other than the promotions department at McDonald's who else couldn't see this coming?


L-E story: "WASHINGTON — First there was a two-year pay freeze. Now furloughs loom, as federal agencies make personnel costs a prime target for across-the-board budget cuts that went into effect last week. The result: anxiety and low morale in a workforce often envied for its job security. " -- Wait a minute... we cannot let potUS 00-Bama's spinmeisters get away with blaming poor government morale and productivity on sequester. If anything, it seems the ones I've dealt with recently have been politer and want me to fill out a "how was your visit" survey mentioning their names.


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