Thursday, September 11, 2014

A silent moment... time to reflect.. time to gird our loins and stand strong in our defense of liberty, of freedom, and the future of America and Earth.. September 11.. a date of no less importance than July 4th, September 3rd, and December 7th.

September 3rd, date of the signing of the Treay of Paris in 1783 which officially ended the Revolutionary War.

Now, let's make November 4th, 2014 a date we remember as well, when WE whipped THEM at the battle of the Senate.

Obamageddon says ISIL is not "religion" based action, yet ISIL commits heinous crimes to minority religions. Wait a minute... ISIL is an acronym for ISLAMIC State of Iraq and Levant... Sounds pretty much a religion based group to me.

Wikipedia Definition: "The Levant, also known as the Eastern Mediterranean, is a geographic and cultural region consisting of the "eastern Mediterranean littoral between Anatolia and Egypt" * The Levant today consists of Cyprus, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Palestine, and part of southern Turkey." -- Obamageddon prefers ISIL versus ISIS (ISLAMIC State of Iraq and Syria because ISIL includes Israel and supports his contention that it's not just an ISLAMIC war of genocide. That, and he just likes to lie whenever he can.
Online story: ""Obama: Our objective is clear: We will degrade and ultimately destroy ISIL through a comprehensive and sustained counter terrorism strategy." -- Hmmm, now we know more about why Obamageddon refers to the ISLAMIC terrorists as "Iraq & Levant"...guess Obamageddon figures if he can destroy Israel in the process, he'll get a major part of his agenda accomplished.
Mainstream media is having a most difficult time.. first, it is having to admit Obamageddon was wrong on his Iraqi policies...then, mainstream media is going to have to admit Bush and Cheney were/ARE right.
Online story: "Federal authorities have seized at least $65 million in cash in a series of raids in downtown Los Angeles Wednesday. Authorities suspect the money came from Mexican drug trafficking. * Around 1,000 law enforcement officials swarmed the Fashion District to execute dozens of search ​warrants to businesses suspected of participating in the so-called "Black Market Peso Exchange. * During the raid, only nine people were arrested, but the $65 million seized came from bank accounts around the world and is said to be a part of ongoing investigations" -- Good grief.. "1,000 law enforcement officials" captured 9 people and $65,000,000.00 worth of Mexican drug money...we are losing the drug war. The salaries of those "1,000 law enforcement officials" probably exceeded the total of $65,000,000.00 collected, and to the Mexican drug cartels.. that $65,000,000.00 was probably just the petty cash deposit to distribute to "law enforcement officials" ... and Democrat politicians... as bribes.
Online story: " The San Francisco 49ers suspended broadcaster Ted Robinson on Wednesday night for the next two games following comments this week on a San Francisco radio station about the Ray Rice domestic violence case that were deemed insensitive. * The Pac-12 Networks also announced late Wednesday it had suspended Robinson for the next two weeks and that he would undergo sensitivity training. The 57-year-old Robinson said Rice's now-wife, Janay, was partly to blame for not speaking up.
"That, to me, is the saddest part of it," he said." -- Good grief.. Political Correctness has snuffed out another conversational opportunity. No problems of a social or cultural nature will be solved if different viewpoints are discouraged and swept into the darkness. Let the spotlight rule!
HuffPost "headlie": "Rice's friends say liquor was fuel" -- "the fuel"? No way... maybe liquor was "the fuse", but the violence was built into Rice's being.
HuffPost headline: "Arrests as Ferguson protesters plan shutdown" -- You know.. this is a result, and questionably the intended consequence, of the mainstream media stirring up the lynch mob mentality of a town in turmoil for mainstream media's benefit, and now mainstream media doesn't know how to stop what is basically a "cultural revolt". Justice cannot, will not .. be served ....or accepted.
Alan Colmes was on Fox exposing his quasi-wisdom for what it truly is.. liberal ignorance. One thing that stood out was his "hair". It's undoubtedly in the category of "The DONs".. Trump and King, ... ridiculous. I guess it's what we should expect from a liberal who has possibly the worst grasp of reality of any liberal commentator.
"Welfare for Weed"... that's right, in Colorado, welfare recipients can use their EBT cards to purchase marijuana at retail outlets. To boot, until a law gets through Congress to stop such activity, the Department of Health and Human Services (brought us OObamaCRAP, too) approves and defends such practices. I guess the "No Smoking" policy in the HHS applies only to tobacco products.
Online headline: "Mel Brooks Leaves an Unusual Mark on Hollywood ... With an Extra Finger" -- Mel Brooks is comic genius... even when he's serious. Of course it would have been funnier if the extra finger was another "middle" one.
Online headline: "Embattled Toronto mayor hospitalized * Health officials said Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has been admitted to a hospital after suffering 'unbearable' abdominal pains." -- Hmmm, I guess that comes from a foot stuck in his mouth when his head is stuck up his (_*_)....
Online story: " A Pennsylvania county council has voted 8-6 against posting the national motto, "In God We Trust," in its chambers. * Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald called it "a movement by the right-wing evangelical Christians across the country basically to impose Christianity" in public buildings. * Fitzgerald is a Democrat, as are the eight council members who opposed the display, which would also have included Pennsylvania's state motto "Virtue, Liberty and Independence" and another U.S. motto, "E Pluribus Unum." * All five Republicans on council voted for the display, as did Democrat Bill Robinson * A Democrat who co-sponsored the bill, Councilman Charles Martoni, voted against it saying, "The more I looked at it, it's unnecessary." Another Democrat co-sponsor, Councilman John Palmiere, didn't attend Tuesday's meeting. Council has 15 members." -- Good grief... Kool-Aid must be the official drink of the Allegheny County Democratic Party.
A NYC sanitation worker making $80K a year has been ripping off the welfare system for 20 year (over $580,000.00 worth) using his died-at-birth twin's Social Security number. * Authorities say Murphy was finally busted 20 years after he started the scam by facial recognition technology at the state Department of Motor Vehicles" -- Now we know why the DOJ and Obamageddon and the Democratic Party are so anti-photo-ID for voters.
Hot off the I-net: Pissed-all-over-us... that's what the world should feel about the Pistorius judge's intermediate findings. Tomorrow, we'll find out how bad African "justice" has Pissed-all-over-us.
Random thought: You know... slavery in the US was not limited to Southern states. Northern states' factories tried to use slaves, but the language and education barriers made it unsuccessful, and Northern slave owners re-sold their slaves to Southern farmers. OK.. then why is the Southern Battle Flag objectionable and the Northern battle flag is not?
Online story: "Taxpayers will be paying an additional $46 million for public colleges and universities, or 2.4 percent more, if the legislature approves a request that the Board of Regents unanimously authorized Tuesday. * The total appropriation would come to $2 billion and represent one-quarter of the annual budget for Georgia’s 31 schools. Tuition, fees and research grants makes up the rest. * Two-thirds of the requested increase is to cover health insurance and other benefits, even though the board also voted to raise health premiums, deductibles and copayment amounts that faculty and staff pay." -- You know.. to find out that the lottery now funds such a low percent of the cost of a college education should be reason enough to scrap the lottery entirely. All taxpayers, including the lower end who spend, basically, their refunds, on lottery purchases, should demand this.
LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Right! The world did respect our country when Reagan and both Bushes were in office. That’s why our country is almost broke today. They gave away all of our money." -- Good grief... this "soundoffer" probably gets refunds over and beyond his/her deductions, but feels the governments are spending "his/her? money? Well, I can almost see his/her point a shade.. he/she probably feels the refunds credits could be bigger if not for spending it on other things.
LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Let’s combine the Federal Employee Pension Fund with the Social Security Fund. Either we’ll have solidified Social Security or we’ll end Republicans trying to rob it." --- Hmmm. the Federal Pension Fund and the Social Security Fund do have one thing in common.. hard working private/corporate business employees put all the money in both Funds.
A very LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Thanks Ledger for excellent front page coverage … no murders, no assaults, no rapes, no break-ins. Just good cover on the most recent fire. Good story." -- If there's no crime on the front page, it's merely because the L-E staff did not venture out of their offices or check on the Internet all day.
The L-E's "Today in history" feature made an obvious omission.. yes, on this day in 2001, Islamic Jihadists flew 3 commercial airliners into buildings, and another crashed into the ground as brave Americans overthrew the hijackers at the expense of their own lives, but also on this day in 2012, 4 more Americans were killed by Islamic Jihadists in Benghazi. Libya. What depths will mainstream media go to minimize the Hillsbury DOUGHgirl's failures?
L-E headline: "PUTIN PROMISES NEW WEAPONS TO FEND OFF WESTERN THREATS" -- Ooops, my bad.. thought Putin had created a large eraser to eradicate the red lines drawn by Obamageddon.
Paul Pierce made an interesting comment in a L-E commentary today.. fear of a fire at the Historic Springer Opera House. He mentioned the relief he feels knowing the Springer has a sophisticated sprinkler system installed. Was not the Mott House being used as a meeting facility before the major restoration/improvement project began? If so, why wasn't a sprinkler system installed, or did it have one that the contractor incapacitated when the new project began?
Random thought.. wealth distribution... The Walton family, the Gates, and Warren Buffett are worth about $225 BILLION.. if Obamageddon confiscated all of that and redistributed it among all 300,000,000 Americans evenly, each of us would get $750.00. For that, the Democratic Party reels in voters by promises of equal distribution...
L-E headline: "Experts say the ozone layer is recovering" -- Whoa! Wonder how Algore and Josh Earnest will "spin" this to even mainstream media?
L-E story: " The 2001 terrorist attacks are closely associated with a pair of New York City mayors. * Rudolph Giuliani became “America’s mayor” for his display of strength in the hours after the attacks. * Michael Bloomberg steered the rebuilding of ground zero for the next 12 years and became the unofficial caretaker of the civic memory of September 11, overseeing the creation of the site’s memorial and museum" -- Hmmm, and today we read that since Mayor de Blasio stopped the police policy of "street frisking" thugs, the police are now cracking down on "street dancers". What a legacy.....
L-E story: " Police say a 16-year-old boy accused of attempting to shoot another juvenile on Pembrook Drive Monday also took aim at an 18-year-old woman * He pulled the trigger on a pistol multiple times while taking aim at the boy, and pulled the trigger at least once while taking aim at the woman * Police did not specify whether the weapon was malfunctioning or not loaded when the juvenile pulled the trigger. * The suspect’s name is known to police" -- "suspect’s name is known to police"? Then why isn't it published! I don't care the suspect is 16.. or 26, for matter.. anyone who picks up a gun and points it at another and pulls the trigger loses any rights afforded to a minor!
A new "reality" show started yesterday.. It's called "Utopia" and 15 people are put into a no rules situation to build their own society. No need to watch it.. we know how it will end.. chaos.. it's modeled after the Democratic redistribution of wealth project.
L-E story: "The University of Alabama fan who pleaded guilty to poisoning Auburn University’s landmark oak trees has paid only $99 toward restitution. * Court documents show Harvey Updyke made that payment on July 18. Circuit Judge Jacob A. Walker III ordered Up-dyke to pay restitution to Auburn University totaling $796,731 in December 2013. * The judge had denied Updyke’s request to cut the monthly payments from $500 to $50, which would have taken about 1,328 years to pay off." -- Hmmm.. I vote for him to be chained to a post at Toomer's Corner until he dies, and as soon as he's rotted down to the bones, hoist his skeleton high, and let Auburn fans toss TP so that it hangs off his limbs and ribs. 

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