Thursday, September 18, 2014

I'm was watching TV as Obamageddon was speaking to our military. As he read from his TeleprompTers, he said, "I feel confident". I'm getting tired of this. Instead, I wish he would look forward into the camera.. into the eyes of the American citizens and, from his heart, say, "I FEEL COMPETENT!". Just once would be enough...
Online story: " A divided House of Representatives voted on Wednesday to back President Barack Obama's request to arm and train Syrian rebels to combat the Islamic State. * Upending the normal partisan divides, numerous Democrats and Republicans came down on opposite sides of the vote, with most high-ranking lawmakers backing the White House plan to spend $500 million to vet some 5,000 members of the Free Syrian Army and then supply them with weapons." -- $500,000,000.00 to "vet" 5,000 Muslims to see whether we should teach and arm them... that's $100,000.00 per jihadist! Between Egypt & Saudi Arabia, they have, at this moment, over 650,000 already trained and armed Muslim soldiers on duty. Why not cut off all relations with Egypt & Saudi Arabia until they clean out ISIS in an act of good faith that jihadism is not built into every Muslim.
Online story: "Another shocking revelation has been made in the Adrian Peterson saga. * The Minnesota Vikings running back was beaten with an 18-inch long wooden paddle by high school football coach for three lashes every time the star player misbehaved." -- Good grief.. when I was in high school, there was a race to see who could sign all the coaches' paddles first as confirmation the coach had paddled us!
Talk about a nightmare PR problem... Crest Toothpaste... the one with those little blue specks.. As it turns out, some toothpastes contain little blue, plastic microbeads made of polyethylene – which is a plastic also used to make garbage containers, grocery bags and bullet proof vest * Dentists say it shouldn't be anywhere near your mouth. * They'll trap bacteria in the gums which leads to gingivitis, and over time that infection moves from the gum into the bone that holds your teeth and that becomes periodontal disease. * Crest says they will be removing the controversial ingredient and that most products will be microbead-free within six months.......Six months? Crest had better "bite the bullet" now...or in 6 months, Crest may be "biting the dust".
Forget "mesothelioma" ... Every lawyer you know will be advertising on TV next month about whether you (or someone you know who has died) has ever brushed your teeth with "Crest toothpaste".
Random thought: Remember when there was so much media attention to "Killer Bees"? You know, if Algore had been as "green" then, he would have been running around yelling, "Global Swarming"!
You know, it's only fitting the NFL remove players for "domestic violence"...too. With new rules in place, the referees pretty much have removed "violence" on the field.
HuffPost headline: "Air Force Will No Longer Require 'So Help Me God' In Enlistment Oaths" -- You know.. appeasing atheists is a wasted effort.. to begin with, why should they care if they are so sure they are right.. but.. everyone knows.. there are no atheists in foxholes .... or in the cockpits during Mach 1 "dog fights".
Officer Darren Wilson is testifying in front of the Grand Jury called to investigate the properness of his actions in the death of Michael Brown. Truth is.. Officer Wilson is not on trial.. our Constitution is. Just as in the Rodney King case 20+ years ago, will good people stand up for justice for the individual, or kowtow to fear of the lynch-mob mentality stirred up by mainstream media?
Online story: "Australian counterterrorism forces detained 15 people Thursday in a series of suburban raids after receiving intelligence that the Islamic State movement was planning public beheadings in two Australian cities to demonstrate its reach. * The Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported that the plan involved kidnapping randomly selected members of the public off the streets in Sydney and Brisbane, beheading them on camera, and releasing the recordings through Islamic State's propaganda arm in the Middle East" -- I'd say it is time to lock down our borders, redefine the difference between racial profiling and common sense... if it's not too late as it is.
It's fun, yet sad, to watch liberals protesting their own representatives because liberal ideas just don't solve real world problems.
HuffPost story: "High school football players in New Jersey say they were the targets of a racist locker room prank involving bananas, prompting an investigation by the New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association. * The incident occurred when the North Plainfield Canucks were placed in an adjoining locker room to the Summit High School Hilltoppers. There was no knob attached to the door connecting the rooms, according to reports, leaving a hole large enough for a banana to squeeze through. * "Right away, there was a banana in the door," * So we took the banana, and then all of a sudden, they put another one. And we took the banana out, and there was another one in there. And they kept on putting them in there.” -- Good grief.. that was probably the Sex Ed teacher thinking the guys were for condom practice.

HuffPost headline: "Isolated N. Korea asks for international help with volcano" -- Ooops, my bad... thought Dennis Rodman was mouthing off again.

HuffPost "headlie": "O'Donnell wows after 50-pound weight loss" -- WRONG! There are a lot of words that could describe Rosie O' but "wow" isn't one of them.

HuffPost story: "Hey everybody! We all just got a huge raise! * Americans have more cash in their pockets after prices for all items in the country dropped last month, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. * The price of all items dropped .2 percent, but that number doesn't tell the whole story. * Gasoline prices dropped 4.1 percent and fuel oil sank 1.2 percent, the government said. * Food prices rose .2 percent, but lower fuel costs could lead to the cost of food, either at home or in restaurants, to drop in September." -- Good grief.. prices drop because not enough people are buying at "regular" prices.. it's called a recession, and certainly not something to celebrate... unless you're a Democrat trying to salvage your job/career.
Online story: "Scientists in Britain have given blow-by-blow details of King Richard III's death at the Battle of Bosworth more than 500 years ago and say two of many blows to his bare head could have killed him very swiftly." -- Ooooops, my bad. I would have thought he had committed suicide from having to speak Shakespearian English
Online story: "Jameis Winston has been benched for the first half of Saturday's game against Clemson after making "offensive and vulgar" comments about women and Florida State officials say that the quarterback will undergo internal discipline." -- Good grief.. he was probably just singing along with K(_*_)nye's latest "HIT" songs.
Online story: "Vice President Joe Biden said Tuesday he used a poor choice of words when he referred to unscrupulous moneylenders as "Shylocks," and a prominent group that fights anti-Semitism called it a teachable moment about the harmful effects of stereotypes." -- "teachable moment"? You know.. I suppose when Jesse Jackson called NYC, "Hymietown".. that was a teachable moment, too. Too bad Jesse and Joe haven't learned this long ago.
Todd Keil, Asst Director of the Department of Homeland Security seemed to kno a lot of 25-cent words as he spoke to the Congressional Committee yesterday. Of course, I do wish he knew the meaning of those words which were in his prepared statement.
Democrat Congressman Elijah Cummings of the Select Committee on Benghazi said jobs in foreign embassies could dangerous. and that the US should make sure thet are well protected. He's right.. I agree.. The problem is that "drawing red lines in the sand" around them is not going to stop acts of terrorism. Consistent and immediate response, and PROMPT retaliation are the only language those animals understand.
I really got a little PO'd at a Fox News person last night as she purportedly was engaged in a debate with Bill O'Reilly on acceptable disciplines for children. Fox should reanalyze whether her contract should be renewed. Whenever O'Reilly said "spanking", she would blurt out "hitting". I remember getting spankings as a child. They were limited to situations that followed an act where I could have been severely injured/killed. They got my attention. They were effective. I also remember turning 12. My parents sat down and proclaimed my days of spanking were over. I was now old enough that other penalties for bad or injurious behavior would be effective. You know, I felt pretty grown up, and didn't bother to try to test them on what penalty they had in mind..
LIV's L-E "soundoff": " It’s a bad joke to say the U. S. imposes the highest corporate taxes in the world, since most of the mega-corps don’t pay a red cent for taxes and then claim a refund." -- Another Kool-Aid drinker who orders the Large size. If a corporation is not paying is because, the corporation is not profitable.. which means the jobs of people are in jeopardy. On the other hand, by not taxing corporations, corporations are free to use such "excesses" to hire new people or distribute more in dividends. New people hired, and shareholders getting bigger dividends DO pay taxes. Win-win.
L-E headline: "U.S. scientist says Ebola virus unlikely to become airborne" -- Good grief.. that's about as comforting as Obamageddon saying "Mission Accomplished".
L-E headline: "Shelby: Judge arrested for violence should quit * Judge Mark Fuller allegedly hit his wife during a fight in an hotel in Atlanta" -- You know.. an appointed-for-life judge should have a little more scrutiny evoked when he/she has been in a chargeable violence action. While it may appear to give a judge different insight to a defendants plea, it will probably have too much influence of the judge's ability to decide what is "justifiable". Every violent person can find a "justifiable" excuse/reason that it wasn't his/her fault.
L-E story: " A state probe into a voter registration group that claims to have submitted nearly 86,000 applications this year has so far uncovered 28 forged documents with 26 more considered suspicious, the chief investigator with the Secretary of State’s Office said Wednesday. * Investigator Chris Harvey said the probe of the New Georgia Project is far from complete, noting his office is still seeking information through a subpoena to determine if there are any other instances of documents suspected of being forged or fraudulent." -- Hey.. this is the "project" I've been addressing that needed to be looked into on an ethics basis for GA House Minority Leader Stacey Abrams. The project rules specify no such registration campaign can be conducted in a "partisan" manner, and the wave of New Georgia Project canvassers were distributing very partisan literature.
Mainstream media is now complaining about the panel of 4 white women assembled by the NFL to address "domestic violence" had at least one black women on it because of the high percentage of black players. Excuse me, but since when does it take women of a specific race to understand, to be concerned, about "domestic violence" issues? Pain is pain..violence is violence.. Crime is crime.

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