Friday, September 19, 2014

The vote is in... Great Britain remains.. Of course, 1000's of potential jobs were lost for cartographers to make new maps/atlases. On the bright side, St Andrews remains in the British Open rotation.

Good grief.. even too many Republicans in the Senate fell for the bait of "look like you're doing something good" in spending $100,000.00 per Syrian jihadist going-to-bes to arm and train them. Mainstream media will point the finger of blame at the Republicans rather than Obamageddon next month.

You know.. the DOJ could have equipped the Syrians more efficiently.. Holder could offer free assault weapons to Jihadists who leave America via the Mexican border or deportation.. hmmm... "farsi and furious.. the sequel".

Again, why hasn't Obamageddon.. the UN for that matter, demanded that Egypt & Saudi Arabia send enough of their 650,000 strong Muslim military force, already armed and trained, to eradicate ISIS? Let the Mid-East powers demonstrate they are better than the jihadist element.

Speaking of ISIS.. why does the Jewish community not get angered at Obamageddon referring to ISIS as ISIL? Israel is included in ISIL.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, Jeh Johnson, Obamageddon's hand placed flunkie in the Department of Homeland Security told the Congressional Committee that he had no credible intelligence report of 4 al Qaida connected illegal aliens being captured crossing the border into Texas. Listening to his denial, it appears there's no credible intelligence in the DHS.

The Democratic Party "war on women" has revved up.. Debbie Wasserman Schultz appears to becoming Debbie "washed-up" Schultz, and Senator Mary Landrieu is becoming the next "her-I-caned" victim in Louisiana.

Online story: "The U.S. Attorney General has been making headlines talking about the need for"smarter" sentencing and fewer people behind bars. * But most of those who are incarcerated are doing time under state laws in a new report this week that shows our prison population is still growing. * The report released by the Bureau of Justice Statistics shows that, despite the federal prison population declining for the first time by 0.9 percent in 2013, the overall prison population increased slightly by 4,300 prisoners, or 0.3 percent." -- Hmmm.. both aspects are skewed by government.. either by action or inaction. The Feds have released prisoners from its jails/stopped prosecuting certain crimes so the report shows a decline in fed prisoners. On the other hand, state prisons have grown because a bad economy/lack of jobs does turn frustrated people, men and women, into desperate people/criminals.
Online story: "Officers killed a man after he allegedly pointed a rifle at them in suburban St. Louis, the second fatal police shooting of a black suspect in the region since the August shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson. * Two officers fired a combined 25 shots Wednesday night after a chase in which the 42-year-old man slammed his vehicle into a police car then fled on foot into a construction area, * The officers told Belmar the suspect tried to fire, but his .22-caliber rifle jammed and no casings were found outside the gun." -- Good grief.. mainstream media stirred Ferguson and the surrounding area in to a lynch-mob mentality, and now feigns ignorance of why it's still perculating...Being a police officer, whether in Ferguson.. or Columbus, GA is a dangerous occupation when you enter neighborhoods where crime is rampant, and protecting law-abiding citizens in the area is crippled by "profiling" concerns that lawyers feast upon.
Online headline: "White House: It’s not combat, but US troops will return fire if they’re shot at" -- " troops will return fire if they’re shot at"? I guess Obamageddon is presuming our soldiers won't be killed by the first shot...
On Monday, California Communist Democrat Nancy Pelosi made the preposterous and laughable (even for Pelosi) claim that Democrats never treated George W. Bush the same way that Republicans are treating Obama. * It was such an absurd and delusional statement, that MTV star, Chet Cannon, weighed in on Twitter, tweeting that it takes a “special breed of idiot to make a statement like that.” -- "special breed of idiot"? No way! This is the consensus Democratic Party mantra, but young Cannon must have finally opted out of the Kool-Aid diet.
L-E story: "A day after denying that any supersonic flights flew from Robins Air Force Base to the area, the base public affairs office sent out a release late Thursday afternoon confirming that an F-15 fighter jet flew over Columbus and created the sonic boom around 5 p.m. Tuesday. * Confirmation of the supersonic flight comes a day after a public affairs spokesman said Wednesday that the base had checked flight tests and found no scheduled activity in the area." -- Hmmm, is there anybody in the Obamageddon legacy who won't lie?
LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Another great national headline for Georgia: “Georgia Secretary of State Laments Democrats are registering Minorities to Vote.” Yep, voting in Georgia for old white men only … no one else welcome." -- I'm not sure what this "soundoffers" point is other than bigotry on his/her part. The New Georgia Project is using the Secretary of State's logo on their non-conforming-to-regulations registration project, and the Secretary of State SHOULD be angry, and the state legislature should censure Stacey Abrams on ethics issues. It's a "Right/Wrong" issue.. not a "White/Black" one.
MLB has reached a conundrum for its future.. With so many teams playing mediocre ball, the "playoffs" have become a joke.. How about a change that will: 1- shorten the season so in will be over in October, and 2 - guarantee the two best season long teams meet in the World Series. Forget the Divisonal and League Championship series altogether, and just pair off the two teams with the highest regular season winning percentages.
L-E headline: "Stock gains lift household wealth to a record" -- Wow! And imagine where the wealth level would be if all... even part.. our Social Security deductions were invested in mutual funds/indices instead on in Algore's US Treasuries "lockbox".....

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