Saturday, September 27, 2014

HuffPost headline/"fairy tale": "Oklahoma man beheaded female co-worker and stabbed another while reportedly shouting Islamic phrases * A disgruntled former employee beheaded a woman and stabbed another before he was shot Thursday afternoon during a workplace dispute in suburban Oklahoma City, police said. * (_*_)lton Nolen, 30, killed Colleen Hufford, 54, and also stabbed Tracy Johnson, 43 at the Vaughan Foods processing plant before an off-duty reserve Oklahoma County Deputy that works for the company shot him, * the (_*_) was taken to a nearby hospital and is expected to recover, cops said. * He was in the process of converting to Islam" -- ""disgruntled former employee"? A damned jihadist on American soil is what he is.. Note: Policemen need more time at the firing range.. there's no reason the (_*_) should have left the scene except in a body bag.
Obamageddon needs to take one more "apology tour"... this time throughout the 50 states, and apologize for Pric Holder and for taking the Muslim "apology tour" 5 years ago.
Soapbox moment: Liberal mainstream media wants to ballyhoo Pric Holder's record on :civil rights.. Huh? How can you be thought to be a "civil rights" advocate when you trample on the civil rights of other Americans in the process? How is denying American voters the knowledge that others voting have the actual Constitutional right to do so? Instead of defending our borders, why is taxing American citizens to house and feed illegal aliens "fair" ? Refusing to prosecute government employees who attack American citizens based on their political views.. how is that "justice for all"? Oh, and how is superceding state's rights by bludgeoning its law enforcement personnel before enough evidence for a trial is even accumulated .. especially when the concern is based only on the color of the dead man's skin? If Pric Holder were truly an advocate for Civil Rights, Michael Brown would have been simply a man... not a black man.
Online story: "CHICAGO (AP) - A contract employee suspected of setting a fire at a suburban Chicago air traffic control center brought two of the nation's busiest airports to a halt for hours Friday, sending delays and cancellations rippling through the air-travel network from coast to coast. * Authorities quickly ruled out any ties to terrorism," -- Good grief.. if disabling a major city's airport isn't an act terrorism.. at least domestic whether there's any political or religious connection, then the Clintons has been called on to "define" terrorism.
I'm curious.. if Obamageddon was speaking at the UN as President of the US, why would he opt to spend a couple of nights frolicking about NYC? Wouldn't it be more stately to fly into NYC via helicopter, then fly back to Washington and be with his generals/advisors to initiate our military actions?
Online headline: "DOJ: Cops in Ferguson should ditch wristbands * The Justice Department said on-duty officers shouldn't be wearing dubious bracelets that surfaced this week." -- And I agree... but, as Hillsbury DOUGHgirl declared.. "what's the difference" in the Ferguson PD saying "I am Darren Wilson", and the DOJ saying "I am Trayvon Whatever"? The real offense to civil rights here is the DOJ bullying the Ferguson PD.
Another good thing about Pric Holder's resignation is that now that the Attorney General's office has been headed up by its First African American, and already had its First Female, Obamageddon can now look around to fine the BEST candidate to propose... Well, "best" for America, that is.
HuffPost headline: "U.S. Economy Grew 4.6 Percent In Second Quarter" -- Hmmm.. grew what.. "dimmer"? more depressing"? "deeper in debt"? With government figures.. you never know for sure.
Martin Luther King's "dream" cannot come one true until after Al Sharpton dies. Every thing that comes out of Sharpton's mouth is focused on color rather than character.
No matter how many more gun laws Democrats push for, one constant will always be evident.. no law is effective unless people volunteer to obey it.
My daughter's high school football team suffered its first loss last night. It was not something the young warriors did or didn't do on the field, it was lost by coaching staff decisions. Starting the second half with a 7-0 lead, and facing a 4th & 3 about their own 45, the coaching staff' decision was to go for the 1st down versus kickin the ball deep into the other team's territory so the opponent would have to traverse 75-80 yards to score. Instead, they had two big plays and scored from the shortened field. Later, after giving up 3 straight scores to be behind 7-21, our young men fought back and got two touchdowns to tie the score with but 5 minutes left. Instead of sending the kickoff long with the chance of containing the opponent deep in its own territory, the coaching staff called for a "pooch kick", and the opponents started from about midfield, and in 3 minutes, had put the go-ahead score (and winning margin) on the scoreboard. The opponents coach had his kicker smash it and pinned our young men deep. Game over.
Tale of two L-E headlines: "RUSSELL COUNTY MURDER-FOR-HIRE CASE * DEPUTY: GRAHAM REMOVED MONITOR" and "Attorney proposes ankle monitor program to curb jail overcrowding" -- You know.. a more effective measure would be to incarcerate first time non-violent criminals in harsh enough conditions to make them wish never to return, and violent criminals, especially murderers, be given the death sentence to be carried out within weeks of the sentence.
From above L-E story: "Garner, a local defense attorney, said he started a company called Etracker "to specifically carry out the Superior Court ankle monitor program in Columbus. * Garner said many of the people incarcerated are there for minor offenses. They're waiting for trial and can't afford bond. He said the Muscogee County Sheriff's Office is currently paying $50 a day for each healthy inmate, and the ankle monitors only cost $10 per day." -- Wait a minute... $10.00 a day?. $3,650.00 dollars a year? Is this a no-bid contract? Besides, why isn't this just an add-on to the gazillion-dollar radio network the citizens already pay for? If anyone collects "monitor fees", it should be the taxpayers so it offsets other penal cost invoked by criminals.
You know.. the education system is completely warped... a college now is forcing fraternities to accept females as "brothers". I guess some liberals feel sexual segregation is unfair to women. I also note, the same college did not order sororities to accept/recruit male students. What's next,, fraternities/sororities will be ordered to house non-students, too?
LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Seventy-eight percent of Americans want Citizens United revoked, but Republicans filibustered the amendment again. Meanwhile, the Kochs are buying the Senate and House races, spending $300 million in 2014." -- Hmmm, and where is this "magic hat" all liberals seem to know where to go to find figures they can pull out of nowhere? We know very well, the L-E has not proof-editor to check spelling and such, but it's more obvious the L-E has no "fact checker" ... editor or software.
On the other hand: Observation.. the figures that libs seemingly "pull out of nowhere" are so full of crap,, it's getting to be obvious where they are pulling them out of.
You know.. the dream of most economic protesters is to make it "big" for themselves,, yet the only system that will allow such an outcome is the one they protest.
L-E headline: "REBEL-HELD TOWNS PROTEST U.S. BOMBING OF AL-QAIDA AFFILIATE * BY MOUSAB ALHAMADEE * McClatchy Foreign Staff" -- Good grief.. it looks and sounds like the McClatchy/L-E has its own Islamic jihadist staff member whining about getting a dose of the Islamic medicine. Why would any American paper give credence to this?

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