Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Online headline: "2nd beheading raises stakes for United States" -- What short memories mainstream media has... did not Daniel Pearl matter, or does mainstream media.. Obamageddon for that matter, "feel" that beheadings by ISIS and Taliban aren't the same because the Islamic jihadist groups have different names?
HuffPost headline: "ISIS Allegedly Beheads Another American Journalist" -- You know.. mainstream media has so little grasp of reality, that it questions jihadist video as if it could possibly be the 'special effects" work of Steven Spielberg.
HuffPost "headlie": "POTUS' Estonia trip is clear message to Putin" -- Good grief... Putin reads Obamageddon like a book, and plays him like a fiddle.
Online story: "The international group Doctors Without Borders warned Tuesday that the world is losing the battle against Ebola and lamented that treatment centers in West Africa have been "reduced to places where people go to die alone." -- Hmmm.. "reduced to places where people go to die"? Sorta like hospitals in this country where staph and MRSA lurk....
Online story: "The private equity firm run by one of President Obama’s best friends is getting even closer to his administration. The Chicago-based Vistria Group, co-founded last year by longtime Obama pal Marty Nesbitt, has hired Jon Samuels, one of the President’s top lieutenants on Capitol Hill * It’s not immediately clear what role Samuels will fill for the fledgling investment outfit * The Chicago native doesn’t appear to have any experience working in the financial services industry. " -- Hmmm ... "doesn't appear to have any experience"? Good grief... Obamageddon flunky, Chicago Democrat, and in over his head.. sounds like the perfect clone for the job.
From the "on the other hand" department - Online story: "RICHMOND, Va. (AP) - Former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor has a new job as vice chairman and managing director of New York-based Moelis & Company, a global independent investment bank." -- Hmmm... looks like Moelis & Company prefers skills rather than an aide to a community organizer..
Obamageddon has ordered, at least according to mainstream media, another 350 US troops in to protect the US Embassy in Baghdad... hmmm, Baghdada.. Benghazi.. "WHAT'S THE DIFFERENCE!"
Online story: "Former Capitol Hill reporter Lisa Desjardins is just one person who was let go. She made a departure video that is going viral because she wasn't going to exit without letting everyone know how she felt about the company (CNN) after nine years of employment." -- Good grief...I know it's CNN, but you would think that even CNN would know not to let a dismissed/disruntled employee have a mic and airtime once she has been notified she is "pink slipped".
Online story: "SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - Twenty-one species of fish made the leap Tuesday off a watch list of seafood to avoid as unsustainably overfished, leaving conservationists and many fishermen and chefs celebrating the turnaround of a West Coast fishing ground declared an economic disaster area by the federal government just 14 years ago." -- Too bad none were the "Snail Darter" or "Smelt".. then the California farmers could get dammed water for irrigation and end the drought...
Online story: "Students at Suny (State University of New York) Plattsburgh just finished their first week of study for the fall semester. To alert drivers that the school is back in session, the university put up a sign. It seemed like a pretty good idea ... but the sign had one major flaw: The word college was spelled incorrectly... COLLAGE In Session....
HuffPost headline: "Chief charged with stealing from children * A former Massachusetts police chief has been accused of stealing more than $51K from a children's toy fund." -- Hmmm... must be "Beat Up On Cops" month for the mainstream media...
Good grief... everyone but the celebrities who posted nude pictures of themselves on iCloud are being blamed for photos being "hacked". Hey.. if celebrities don't want nude photos on the I-net, they should neither pose for nude pics nor upload them.
Online quote source: " “Be generous. Give to those you love; give to those who love you, give to the fortunate, give to the unfortunate - yes, give especially to those you don't want to give. You will receive abundance for your giving. The more you give, the more you will have.” - W. Clement Stone" -- Hey.. Obamageddon... Hey Congress... the key word here is "GIVE"... not take/confiscate.
Over the Labor Day Weekend, 33 people were shot...and 3 Chicago. I wonder how many of the 33 had OObamCRAP Medical Insurance Cards?
L-E headlines: "Birmingham police probe 6 killings in past 5 days" "7 murders in August in Columbus" -- Hmmm... sounds like something in common... Oh! Democrats for Mayors. Midnight basketball ain't working.
Obamageddon tried to reassure European & Slavic countries that NATO has their backs. Now, they ask, who has the UN's back?
What a heartwarming story about Mid-Town in yesterday's L-E. Unfortunately, it was a fluff peace.. I know two families that live but a block off Hilton that have had cars stolen out of their driveways in the last week. Wonder if the three families featured in the L-E fluff peace are as happy today?
L-E's "Today in history" feature: " One year ago, Ariel Castro, who’d held three women captive in his Cleveland home for nearly a decade before one escaped and alerted authorities, was found hanged in his prison cell, a suicide." -- Hmmm..."suicide"? A lot of us refer to it as "justice".. and/or "a blessing" and a "tax savings".
L-E headline/story: "Some fear auto industry returning to bad habits * Six- or seven-year loans, in some cases to buyers who would have been turned down in the past. * More than a quarter of new buyers are choosing to lease, a historically high percentage. Auto company lending arms are making more loans to people with low credit scores. The industry is adding factory capacity. And the average price of a car keeps rising, forcing some customers to borrow for longer terms to keep payments down." -- Good grief.. and why not.. Obamageddon set a bad precedence in bailing out the unions with GM and Chrysler, so why wouldn't the corporations feel, he, or the next Democrat, wouldn't do it again? That or blame Republicans for nor wanting to bail'em out.
Repeat item because it's important enough to remember - L-E story: "“Can we graft certain practices and procedures from the private sector onto the rarefied culture of preK-12? Yes. But it does not make it a business,” (Jamie) Vollmer ( author of the bestselling book “Schools Cannot Do It Alone") said. “Your schools have no control over the quality of the raw material. They take what the parents send." -- Remember well this last statement, "“Your schools have no control over the quality of the raw material. They take what the parents send.". It's this attitude.. excuse... that has public education spiraling into the abyss of illiteracy. It's the number one reason that School Boards should be appointed from the concerned and productive in the community.
To some politicians, the ALS "ice bucket challenge" is childish or beneath them. President Obamaageddon and our own Mayor Obamalinson are two prime examples. Guess it's the liberal attitude both have about compassion.. both think using/spending other people's money makes them "givers".

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