Sunday, September 28, 2014

HuffPost headline: "Democracy Protests In Hong Kong Turn Violent" -- "democracy protests"... this must be totally confusing to low-info-voters in America.. the party for democracy in China is protesting to remove the shackles of government, while the Democratic Party here in America lures its base in with more and more government control of their lives.
Online headline: "FAA allowing some drones to lift off" -- Well, the FAA felt it wasn't empowered to ground Obamageddons's helicopter or Michelle's vacation transportation.
What is wrong with Republican strategists? Know Knothing Knunn has nothing she can advertise about that will win her votes, but she can appear to be a pathetic victim to PAC smear ads, and get sympathy votes ..sorta like the "runt of the litter" when shopping for a puppy.
Online story: "WASHINGTON (AP) - Former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton say they are "blessed, grateful, and so happy" to become grandparents." -- What a, pathetic message "Former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton" send...Can they not be simply former President and Mrs. Clinton, or Mr. & Mrs. Bill Clinton, or just Bill & Hillary Clinton?
You know....what we need is a volunteer tax code. This way, appreciative working citizens can look at the services received, and pay what's fair, and government employees will keep a "tip jar" on their desks that appreciative citizens can contribute. Also, if someone doesn't voluntarily contribute for government services, then said person shall not receive government service/aid. Yeah!
Online headline: "Fortune 5: The biggest organized crime groups in the world" -- Ooops, my bad.. the DNC, IRS, and DOJ did not make the top 5...
HuffPost headline: "Cuomo Makes Surprise Afghanistan Trip" -- Hmmm... absentee voter registration drive?
Online headline story: "Ferguson police officer wounded in shooting, authorities hunt 2 suspects * St. Louis County Police Chief Jon Belmar told reporters early Sunday that the officer was shot after approaching two men at the Ferguson Community Center, which was closed at the time. As the officer approached, the men ran away. When the officer gave chase, "one of the men turned and shot," Belmar said. * Belmar said he did not think the officer's shooting was related to two separate protests about Michael Brown's shooting that were going on Saturday night around the same time." -- Good grief..the Police Chief saying he doesn't think this was coincidental to ongoing.. continual protests is as stupid an assessment as Obamageddon saying ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and Syria acronym) is not associated with Islam.
Online "headlie": "POLICE: MOORE MUSLIM BEHEADING Had Nothing to Do With TERRORISM – Just Random Workplace Beheading" -- Excuse me, but has Jay Carney landed a job as the press agent for this Oklahoma PD? Now, how many Muslims/Islamics did Moore behead before beheading a non-Muslim ex-coworker?
Online story: "Thursday, FBI Director James Comey criticized Apple’s encryption, which scrambles information on the new iPhone 6 using a code that could take “more than five-and-a-half years to try all combinations of a six-character alphanumeric passcode with lowercase letters and numbers,” Comey accused Apple of creating a means for criminals to evade the law," -- Good grief.. it seems like the FBI director is PO'd that he won't be able to spy on his children and grandchildren...Of course, maybe he should hire "Apple" to write security code for FBI information that the Chinese go after.
Up until the late games, U of Washington was leading for this weekends "ugly uniforms" award, bytthen Syracuse hit the field.. even Oregon's ugly uniform designer must have felt he failed in comparison.
Online Juan Williams' commentary: "When Richard Nixon made a show of quitting politics in 1962 he famously taunted his liberal critics in the media saying “you won’t have Nixon to kick around anymore. * The question on my mind today is: what are conservatives going to do now that they don’t have Eric Holder to kick around anymore?" -- Good grief.. Including his own, there are plenty more jackasses to kick around.. and not all of them are Democrats.
Online story: "After the rocky rollout last fall of the ObamaCare website, the administration wants to re-enroll those already in the system in hopes of avoiding another technological embarrassment." -- "avoiding another technological embarrassment"? If you have to re-enroll (versus renew), that is "another technological embarrassment", but then again, using similar job creation criteria format, Obamageddon could claim "another 8 million" signed up.....
In Washington, DC, the mayoral race is between David Catania, a white, gay, a Republican-turned-Independent Councilman, and Muriel Bowser (I kid you not.. a properly named yellow dog Democrat) Councilperson who unseated former scandal-ridden (uh,, average/normal Democrat politician) mayor in the last primary. Last week, in their first debate, Catania zeroed in on Bowser’s efforts to reform public schools, whose students lag behind those in essentially every other major U.S. city in math and reading scores, You know.. Congress basically runs the local Washington government.. if Congress knew anything about education/education reform, wouldn't.. shouldn't the schools in Washington, DC be shining examples/models for public schools around the country?
UGA's Gurley broke free for a 51 yd TD, spiked the ball into the end zone and got slapped with an Unsportsmanlike Conduct penalty. These rules are for the refs to get their faces on TV!
Online story: "When it opened in 1990 amid boom times deep in eastern Kentucky coal country, Shelby Valley High School had nearly 1,000 students, with enough demand that it built an addition the next year. Now the mines are closing, and the school big enough for 1,200 students sits at half capacity. * When the families leave, Principal Greg Napier asks them why. "Gotta have a job," they say." -- Hmmm.. no coal... no jobs.. and higher electrical costs.. the results of liberal base appeasement of Clinton and Obamageddon shutting down coals mines.
Chubb. .....What a great name for a bowling ball running back ...and he has a career waiting for him after football...working for "Pawn Stars".
L-E story: " When Walmart talks, people listen. And the mega-retailer speaks loudest when it makes the decision to build a large supercenter in your area of town, just as the Arkansas company plans to do at the corner of Victory Drive and Benning Drive in south Columbus. * Construction is expected to begin early next year on the 158,583-square-foot grocery and general merchandise store and take roughly a year to complete. It will be rising on 18 acres that included the former home of Baker High School, which opened in 1943 and roared through nearly five decades before closing in 1991" -- You know.. Walmart will build this store for less money than the MCSD said it would have to spend to rebuild of replace Baker High... and sadly, citizens of Columbus will benefit more from a new Walmart.
LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Georgia has the dubious honor of having the highest unemployment rate in the country; yes, the country. Gov. Deal’s solution: It is a conspiracy. That will certainly stimulate job growth." -- Good grief.. GA's job growth is one of the better ones in the country.. who "manuFACTures the Democrats' "facts"?
L-E's "Thought for Today": “To fight oppression, and to work as best we can for a sane organization of society, we do not have to abandon the state of mind of freedom. If we do that we are letting the same thuggery in by the back door that we are fighting off in front of the house.” — John Dos Passos, American author (born 1896, died this date in 1970)." -- Good grief..the Democratic Party platform is based on letting thugs in through the back doors of our borders and our voting booths!
L-E headline: "‘What Islam is — and what it is not’" -- Good grief.. has Dusty Nix become a messenger of Allah? If this is another side of Islam, then this side would benefit from a name change. Either that or destroy the jihadist element and show the world there' is a difference, and hope that Hillary understands there is a difference.
The L-E's "Looking back | Fifty years ago today, September 28, 1964" feature: " White restaurant operator Lester Maddox, his face flushed in anger, pushed and shoved four Negroes off his property today when they came to eat at his new cafeteria. * “Get off my property. I can run it the way I want to,” Maddox yelled at the four Negro clergymen." -- Hmmm isn't that the same Lester Maddox that won the Democratic nomination for Governor in 1966 but had less popular votes than Republican Party candidate Bo Callaway, but the Democratic Party majority GA House made Maddox governor over the wishes of the people of GA?
Mayor Obamalinson is trying to get her socialistic T.A.D. plans to look like the answer to all of our crime problems. In the L-E story, she says, " The violent crime rate in the area dropped 95%" as she tries to convince people that the Tom Cousins' East Lake/East Point project is successful because of government input. If anything, that 95% drop in crime rate for the area just moved to other neighborhoods. Based on the rates per 200,000 (which is Columbus' ball park figure) in the Atlanta area in 2010 were: 35+ murders, 33 plus forcible rapes, 806 robberies, 1269+ aggravated assaults, 2,988+ burglaries, 6,600+ larceny/thefts, and almost 1,900 vehicle thefts.
With Jameis Winston, Florida State is a definite points machine, but the FSU defense struggled in all its wins this year. Even "The Citadel" scored a couple of TDs. Perhaps the ratings folks should look a little closer before continuing FSU as the #1 team.

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