Thursday, June 25, 2015

Online headline: "Second worker linked to prison break arrested * State police said Wednesday Gene Palmer faces charges including promoting prison contraband and tampering with physical evidence." -- Remember that ad we used to hear when "right to work" laws were taking hold.... "look for the union label"? looks like they need a new one... "look for the union liable"..

From above story: "A maximum-security prison guard who delivered frozen meat with tools hidden inside to two inmates before they escaped will be arraigned on charges of promoting prison contraband and other offenses. * But a lawyer for correction officer Gene Palmer says his client had no knowledge any contraband was inside the meat." -- Good grief...why would a guard be delivering anything, much less "frozen meat" to a prisoner?

Online headline: "Obama's hostage recovery plan incites criticism" -- "incites criticism"? How about "DEMANDS criticism"... like the way he's "planned": border patrols, increases in the National Debt, tactics to pass OObamaCRAP, IRS investigations, Hillewinsky/Benghazi investigations, and Civil Rights purges?

Online story: "Boston Marathon Bomber Brother 2 returned to court Wednesday to be formally sentenced to death and listened as a procession of victims and their loved ones lashed out at him for his "cowardly" and "disgusting" acts. * Patricia Campbell, mother of 29 year old Krystle Campbell who was killed, was the first person to address the court. She looked across the room at Tsarnaev, seated about 20 feet away, and spoke directly to him. "I don't know what to say to you. I think the jury did the right thing." -- Yes, the jury did the right thing... now.. let's pray the government does the right thing and honor the victim's and jury's wishes for a SPEEDY execution.. today would be GREAT.

Online story: "Alex Rodriguez has joined Hank Aaron as the only players in major league history with 2,000 career RBIs." -- Hmmm. of course Aaron will be the only one on the list without a tainted (*) by his name for steroid/HGH use.

Online story: "The two U.S. senators who spearheaded a failed background check bill in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting massacre reportedly are considering a second gun control push after last week's mass shooting in Charleston. * Manchin reportedly mentioned a measure meant to keep guns away from those with mental illness. " -- Hmmm.. about the only way to do this would be to allow gun background checks to delve into a buyer's medical records.. Good luck in bypassing HIPPA...

Online headline: "As talks between the two countries came to a close Wednesday, John Kerry said China agreed to work together on a cyber code of conduct." -- Good grief.. of course China is willing to do this.. China already has our info, and Kerry wants to curb US abilities to get info on China...

Online story: " IRS employees erased computer backup tapes a month after officials discovered that thousands of emails related to the tax agency's tea party scandal had been lost, according to government investigators. * The investigators, however, concluded that employees erased the tapes by mistake, not as part of an attempt to destroy evidence. * As many as 24,000 emails were lost because 422 backup tapes were erased" -- Good grief.. my first question is: Why didn't the investigation committee subpoena/confiscate these when they were first discovered? My second is, Why was Nixon scourged for erasing 18 minutes of tape? My third is: How many other departments erase back up tapes on anything? My next is: Do you think someone in IRS did this without an Obamageddon staffer being contacted before doing so?

HuffPOOPOO headline: "Obama abandons drone promise" -- Ooops. my bad.. thought Obamageddon alerted "mainscream media" that his future speeches would be longer than his past ones.

HuffPOOPOO story from above headline: "- President Barack Obama has abandoned his two-year push to consolidate his controversial targeted killing program under Pentagon control and has spent the past several months finalizing a new plan that would give the Defense Department and the CIA joint control of drone strikes, sources tell The Huffington Post. * Two years ago, Obama promised during a speech at the National Defense University that he would move the CIA's controversial drone program out of the covert shadows and into the relative sunlight of the Defense Department. " -- Good grief.. is "mainscream media" so naive that it actually believed an Obamageddon promise?

A week from yesterday is when the new taxes come on board in Georgia... state gas taxes will now be grouped under an excise tax and jump 19.03-cents per gallon on July 1st ( the total gas tax would go up to about 53 cents a gallon, but that includes the federal 18.4 cents federal gas tax ) and...once the preliminary excise tax rate is established, it shall be multiplied by the annual percentage of increase or decrease in the Consumer Price Index, which means government will intentionally try to escalate inflation). Also, you electric vehicle owners (golf carts as well?) will get hit with a $200.00 fee, and if you "vacation" in Georgia, your rooms will cost an extra $5.00 per night with the additional state occupational tax. Happy vacationing, And in Columbus' situation, Phenix City, AL will become the destination for GA drivers to "fill up", and the new Phenix City hotel will fill before any Columbus rooms are booked.

The Kardashians have hit France..Rumors have it France will close all topless/nude beaches if Caitlyn shows up.

Online story: "Coming on the heels of one of the worst data breaches in U.S. history, new questions surfaced Wednesday about a $21 million government contract for credit monitoring services that was awarded by the Office of Personnel Management in less than 48 hours. * The contract, awarded to Winvale and subcontractor CSID, raised eyebrows not only because of its pricetag, and the speed with which it was awarded, but also because of complaints about its service, including 90-minute wait times for those trying to call." -- hmmm... a no bid contract? Interesting is a connection uncovered in 2006/07 of convicted lobbyist Jack Abramoff having a Winvale/DEO Kevin Lancaster phone number.

Online story: "Dr. Ben Carson was speaking at the recently held Faith and Freedom Conference as part of his campaign to become the next president of the United States. * an atheist called him a “moron” for believing in God, Dr. Ben Carson responded with one brilliant line that put the atheist in his place. * “I believe I came from God, and you believe you came from a monkey,” he told the individual, “and you’ve convinced me you’re right.” -- Whatta diplomat....Ben Carson for Secretary of State!

Random thought: The Lottery should not be able to begin with..somebody's friend or brother-in-law probably has the contract, but when the ads exclaim how easy it is, and everybody has " Lucky Numbers" that are bound to's like bait-&-switch. If everybody's numbers were so lucky, the lottery would be out if business.

Heinz just opened up a can of worms by attacking "French's Mustard"...French now has multi-flavored mustards is now selling Ketchup.... my new favorite brand of ketchup as well.

With our youngest daughter graduated from HS, and off to college in the Fall (mid-summer to be accurate), we look to begin traveling more next Spring, and are looking at brochures. This us going to be easier than I thought picking out an itinerary.. I can rule out France, Germany, and Greece because I'm not to find of their food.

A Seattle man was ticketed for holding up a sign warning of police ticketing motorist just ahead. What's the difference in a private citizen helping drivers be more wary of their driving offenses, and a police car just sitting visibly on the side of the road to remind drivers " we're watching you"?

Even though Democrats erected all the Confederate monuments/flags, "mainscream media" says Republicans are to blame and need to take them down. Republicans should leverage this to make the Democrats end their toxic and racist hate campaigns . A good start, and maybe the only one needed, would be to muffle Obamageddon, Al Sharlatan, and the DOJ.

Yes, Democrats are responsible for the Confederate flag issues.. Name me an elected Lincoln-coattail-riding-Republican in the South in the 1860-1865 time frame..

It must be killing Hillewinsky...that she has to run against Obamageddon's platform rather than the Republicans, because she knows her preferred "Hope and Change" platform is the same as Obamageddon's and after 6-8 years even liberals know it's not working.

Our top Democrats, Obamageddon and Kerry, are learning a vital lesson from negotiating with Iran.. There is no victory giving up good to the Devil. Now they feel what America and Republicans in Congress have felt having to give up good to evil Democrat ideals.

It's quite clear why Al Sharlatan has stayed out if South Carolina this past riots, no mayhem, and his number one tool to exploit guilt donations to his business had been taken off the table.

ISIS terrorist are destroying ancient monuments of history . Start taking out 2 or 3 mosques at prayer call every time any antiquity is defaced or destroyed.

Now the Ayatollah Khomeini is on twitter. Imagine..Obamageddon and the Ayatollah are negotiating nuclear options via 140 symbol tweets. These two are definitely two "Big Twits"

Online story: Hillary Clinton is refusing to say whether a Clinton-Gore pin featuring a Confederate flag was part of her husband's official campaign merchandise." -- Hmm... "won't say"?... more like "won't lie"! Probably because even "mainscream media" and Al Sharlatan wouldn't let this lie slide..

Educational update: "Georgia ranked near the bottom among U.S. states when it came to investing in education after the Great Recession, according to two new reports. * The state spent $4,466 per pupil during the 2011-12 school year, below the 50-state average of $6,189, according to a June report by the Center for State and Local Finance at Georgia State University. Georgia spent less than any of its adjoining states except Florida, ranking 40th. * Georgia’s rank rose six places when local revenue was added, since less than half of educational funding came from state coffers. But the total per-student amount of $9,402 was still less than the $11,337 average among states. * Georgia paid its teachers better than might be expected: The average salary during the 2013-14 school year was $52,924. That’s below the national average of $56,610, but it’s 23rd among states and above the per-capita personal income in Georgia of $39,097. " -- Hmmm two things are "perfectly clear" here.. one, private schools have better results and it costs less (Brookstone the exception" to send your child to private schools, and secondly, teacher's pay in GA is 33% higher than the average Georgians per-capita personal income..

Hey, MCSD! The 630,000 square foot Johnson Textile building is available for $3.9 Million (that's' about $6.20 a square foot) and make it a wrestling/weight room facility for all Columbus high schools rather than build separate ones at $312.00 a square foot...You could even build some "guest ones" and rent those out to the Phenix City/Riussell County school systems.

A "not sure which category" this L-E$ :soundoff" belongs: " Are state flags next on the NAACP hit list? I refer to states that had a slave population a century and a half ago." -- Is he taliking about the state flags of the secessionist states or all the states before the 1820 Missouri Compromise as well? Also, did you know, that at the time of the outbreak of the Civil War, Martland, and Bleep Veep Biden's state of Delaware were still slave states?

Info for above: "The 13th amendment to the Constitution of the United States was proposed to the legislatures of the several states by the Thirty-eighth Congress, on January 31, 1865 . the Secretary of State declared, in a proclamation dated December 18, 1865, to have been ratified by the legislatures of 27 of the 36 states.

The dates of ratification were:
Illinois, February 1, 1865;
Rhode Island, February 2, 1865;
Michigan, February 2, 1865;
Maryland, February 3, 1865;
New York, February 3, 1865;
Pennsylvania, February 3, 1865;
West Virginia, February 3, 1865;
Missouri, February 6, 1865; Maine, February 7, 1865;
Kansas, February 7, 1865;
Massachusetts, February 7, 1865;
Virginia, February 9, 1865;
Ohio, February 10, 1865;
Indiana, February 13, 1865;
Nevada, February 16, 1865;
Louisiana, February 17, 1865;
Minnesota, February 23, 1865;
Wisconsin, February 24, 1865;
Vermont, March 9, 1865;
Tennessee, April 7, 1865;
Arkansas, April 14, 1865; Connecticut, May 4, 1865;
New Hampshire, July 1, 1865;
South Carolina, November 13, 1865;
Alabama, December 2, 1865;
North Carolina, December 4, 1865;
Georgia, December 6, 1865.

The 13th Amendment was "ratified" on December 6th, with Georgia's confirmation.. in fact, 8 of the 25 states necessary to ratify the 13th were Southern States. The other states took up until March 18, 1976 when Kentucky finally did so.. but of particular note is that Delaware, Bleep Veep Biden's home state did not ratify it until, February 12, 1901 (Delaware actually rejected the amendment on February 8, 1865). Dirty laundry sure is revealing ...

Almost "Get's it" L-E "soundoff": " Disabled veterans: You are the charity I donate to and you aren’t receiving enough money. Research charities for one that gives you at least 50 percent and publish it. Help us help you." -- Better yet, reveal the ones that give at least 80% into actual services for our vets.

L-E's "Thought for Today": “A straight line is the shortest in morals as in mathematics.” — Maria Edgeworth,
Anglo-Irish novelist (1767-1849)." -- Hmmm... now we know why the MCSD wants "Common Core math and doesn't want a forensic audit.
I have three very good auto mechanic shops I turn to when I need .. Automotive Service (for my American made cars) on West Britt David, Willie Herald (for my 86 Porsche) on Warm Springs and Sheffield Automotive (my wife's 2004 MB Sportswagon) also on Warm Springs Road. I bring this up because I prefer to take my vehicles to mechanics (after warranties run out) that I feel works for my best interests and treats them like they are their own. That said, I will never buy another Mercedes product. As far as I can figure, only the dealer and one other repair shop have the necessary "computer set up" to service any electronic aspect on Mercedes cars,. and I do not feel either one cares to listen what I have to say. There is something wrong with a system that requires a multi-thousand dollar purchase of software that can read the compuet info on older Mercedes which limits the good mechanics ability to service them. You legal and elected readers.. "there ought to be a law" making such software available at a reasonable cost.. on the other hand.. MB doesn't care about being perceived as being friendly and reasonable... not when it comes to "service"// or lack thereof it.

L-E story: "U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch says the government is reviewing the deadly church shooting in Charleston, S. C., to determine whether any federal crimes were committed." -- Good grief.. of course there was a crime committed... against humanity and SC state law. The DOJ needs to back off and stop interfering with the immediate resolution and ultimate death penalty of the (_*_) who shot these people. All a federal investigation will do is slow down the process...

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