Wednesday, June 24, 2015

You know... at best...flags of the Confederacy flew over the period of slavery in this country for less than 4 years... while the flag of the US flew over slavery from 1776 to December 6, 1865 when the 13th Amendment was finally ratified by the non-secessionist states. In fact, the American flag flew over legal slavery in all the other states during the Civil War.

From the "when Rush Limbaugh nails something, he nails it well" department - Online story: "Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh claimed Democrats are the ones “responsible” for raising the Confederate flag over the South Carolina Statehouse, therefore, they should be the ones — not Republicans — deciding what to do with the divisive symbol. * Limbaugh placed blame for the Confederate flag flying over the Statehouse on former Democratic Senator Earnest “Fritz” Hollings, who served in the Senate in 1962." -- Hmm.. wonder how the White House Liar-in-Chief, the DOJ, and the DNC will spin this?

From above story: "“When did all this become a Republican problem? Who wrote the lyrics of the song, “Dixie?”…If you go to Arkansas, you know, all these old racial segregationists, they’re all Democrats,” Limbaugh continued. “Bill Clinton’s mentor from Arkansas, J. William Fulbright, was a proud segregationist. And Bill Clinton signed a proclamation authorizing the Confederate flag to fly over the statehouse in Arkansas.” -- Hmmm... "and the truth will set you free".

Online headline: "John C. Calhoun statue vandalized in downtown Charleston" -- Last time I checked, vandalism of public property was a crime.. John Calhoun's living was not.

Online headline: "Autopsy reveals cause of Freddie Gray's death
The medical report revealed Tuesday Gray suffered a 'high-energy injury' that fit the legal definition of an accident but was ruled a homicide." -- Ooops.. looks like the Mayor of Baltimore and the State Attorney owe its citizens, its police department, and America an apology... maybe even resignations.

Online headline: "Pope to Gun Makers and Weapons Investors: You Can't Call Yourself Christian" -- Huh? Ain't this guy the head of the organization that brought us "The Inquisition"? Pope Francis? Nah.. Poop Francis.

Soapbox moment: You know.. the biggest problem with the educational systems is that it has matriculated into a "business". It's most evident in the college/university systems, but is showing up in the K-12 programs as well, and they are being run by non-business people who do not understand/comprehend balanced budgeting, maintenance & funded depreciation, nor labor cost ratios. Why aren't our Superintendents brought in from the business world instead of the educational world. Just look at the budgets here in Muscogee County, GA. In 1990, the entire MCSD budget was $54,000,000.00... now its over $260,000,000.00 and neither the majority of students nor the community is benefiting.

Question.. why would Bruce Jenner celebrate Fathers' Day after renouncing his manhood? He should be satisfied to share Mothers' Day like the mother he's chosen to become.

Online headline: "'Extremely Invasive': Pennsylvania lawmakers want a registry for strippers" -- Good grief.. legislative creeps are bad enough without giving them access to the phone numbers and addresses.

HuffPOOPOO headline: "Kanye West Admits He Was Wrong About Beck" -- Ooops.. thought for a second this was about Glenn Beck....Nah..

HuffPOOPOO headline: "Eight Arguments Against an Iran Nuclear Deal -- and Why They Are Wrong" -- Oooops, even the HuffPOOPOO explanations FOR Obamageddon's plans won't sell the left...

HuffPOOPOO headline: "Obama To Announce Changes To U.S. Hostage Policies" -- Oooops, my bad, thought he was scrapping the IRS, DOJ, and OObamaCRAP.

--- can taking down public displays of the Confederate flag stop individual racists/bigots from acquiring one and abusing its heritage and history? Will Senator Diane Feinstein draw up a new law to make them illegal .. maybe attach it to a new gun law mal\king those illegal, too?

After listening to Rick Santorum fumble a Fox question about who was sitting next to him at a SC event for healing following the terroristic shooting, I quickly remembered why wrote him off so fast in 2012...and he wasn't even wearing his signature sweater vest.

Those "favorable"/" unfavorable" polls for Hillewinsky will always be skewed in her favor...Democrat poll responders don't demand honesty in being influenced by Hillewinsky.


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