Saturday, June 27, 2015

Online story: "Baltimore prosecutors on Friday rejected a defense motion to move the trial of police officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray, saying jurors still could be impartial in the high-profile case." -- "jurors still could be impartial"? -- Good grief.. the Mayor nor the State Attorney of Baltimore have shown nothing but partiality... Does anyone really think... much less "feel", that the State Attorney would be impartial at striking/selecting jurors?
From the "hey, Algore, did "big oil" cause this" department - Online headline/story: "Scientists say climate change hastened demise of Latin America's oldest civilization * Droughts were so severe that they could have lasted between 60 and 130 years, which could explain why there were social crises in (civilizations like) Caral, Moche and Tiahuanaco, * Vichama pertains to the last period in the formation of the Caral civilization, starting roughly 3000 B.C., but around 1900 B.C. there was a deep crisis that we are investigating, caused by climate change," she said." -- I thought Algore said "climate change" was ongoing and irreversable...I also remember when he said "climate change" would destroy Earth in fact in 2008, Algore boldly declared to a German audience that “the entire North ‘polarized’ cap will disappear in 5 years, while the fact is that the ice cap in the Arctic actually got larger this year. Idiot...
Random Question: Have you noticed any successful black business leaders speaking out about how culturally unfair and biased capitalism is?
HuffPOOPOO headline: "White House Goes Rainbow After Gay Marriage Supreme Court Decision" -- Aside from the obvious fact that the White House knew the verdict before it was published (that's OK, "he" is the president, but was the Speaker of the House notified as well?), but did Obamageddon have another appropriate response waiting.. say like red, white, and blue... ready to go had the Constitution been upheld?
Online headline: "‘Court is not a legislature’: Roberts rips gay marriage ruling, day after he backed ObamaCare" -- Good grief.. will the real John Roberts please stand up? How can Roberts get bent out of shape that "words" in laws don't mean anything, when the day before he stood up and said the "words" of the OObamaCRAP law meant something else than what was printed? The man doth protest too much. By the way. Roberts IS right in that the Court system is not the legislature.. just wished it practiced what he preached... yesterday, rather than the day before.
Now that the Supreme Court has legitimized perverseness, how about it if the police start arresting public displays of lascivious acts in parades.
After yesterday's attacks in France and Tunisia, as I look over travel brochures for trips next year, food fondness will not be the only qualifier... Even more important will be the number of Jihadists that live in a country.
Random thought: It sure is nice this week to look at PGA golf.. the greens are actually green...
That second guard being questioned about sneaking tools to the two escaped murderers admits doing it but didn't think about them using the tools in an escape....Good Grief! What did he think they were going to do, make a pilot reality show on remodeling your cell?
Following the US Supreme Court aberration, hearing Obamageddon state that OObamaCRAP is "here to stay" is encouraging..we know he lies about everything.
Beginning Wednesday, July 1st.. every gallon of gas you pump in GA will cost you over 53-cents in taxes. In perspective, "big oil" makes only about 4-cents per gallon in profit. Even sadder is that the 53-cents in taxes will increase at the whim of government.
Online story: "Several special interest groups have come together to protest Father's Day as a day of discrimination, as it allegedly stacks the deck against those women who are unable to become fathers, as well against those men who have chosen not to. * "It's like an annual poke in the eye," said one concerned citizen, who did not wish to be self-identified as a member of any particular orientation nor gender. "As Michelle Obama recently said, the time has come to reconsider our traditions and reexamine our historical perspectives in order to accommodate this new generation who may not wish to glorify the barbaric practice known to previous generations as fatherhood. - "women who are unable to become fathers"? "barbaric practice"? My first question is why would even "mainscream media" even consider this "news" worthy of publishing? Secondly, we should all pray.. especially women who are wives and mothers and aunts, people like this aren't allowed a "day in the Supreme Court".. we have no idea how Justices Roberts and Kennedy will define the word "father"...Oh, and to all those "women who complain about not being able to be a father".. good grief.. just call Caitlyn for a referral...but their first issue is why they cannot embrace and enjoy being a female mother...
Soapbox moment: You know.. the founding fathers didn't create the US Supreme Court to be whimsical. Why is it now acceptable for judges to interpret any case on personal feelings or biases? For that matter, how can appointees be considered for their personal politics and biases when that's not the purpose of the Supreme Court?
L-E's " Thought for Today": “The main dangers in this life are the people who want to change everything — or nothing.” — Viscountess Nancy Astor, American-born British politician (1879-1964)." -- Not exactly.. it's more like the main danger in life are the people who want to change ANYTHING but don't want to sell others on the benefits change can bring.
L-E headline: "Obama delivers unvarnished race lecture at eulogy" -- Fancy this.. a prime example of my opinion above.. Truth is, Obamageddon "varnishes" everything... sorta like when he preaches the merits of "diversity" but wants everything one color. If he had time (NO, please don't give him more), Obamageddon would "varnish" over the "rainbow"...
L-E's "Quotable": “If a June night could talk, it would probably boast it invented romance.” - Bernard Williams British philosopher (1929-2003)" -- Fat chance.. Algore has probably already claimed know he claimed he invented the Internet, but did you know he claimed ""Love Story" was based on he and Tipper? On the other hand, we can give him credit for creating the "climate change" myth...(see item #2 above)
L-E "headlie": "Columbus officer involved in hit-and-run incident" -- "involved"? he was a VICTIM!
Have you seen recent pictures of Neil Young? I think he need to thinl about changing hih first name to "NoLonger".
L-E "headlie"/story: "Kardashian to speak to prestigious club * The 33-year-old reality star is set to speak to the Commonwealth Club next week to discuss her new book of selfies and her famous family, along with “the business of millennial culture, (and) the objectification of women in media.” -- Good grief.. any "club" that would book any KarFLASHian cannot claim to be "prestigious" any more.. Besides, what on Earth new could anyone learn about any KasFLASHian I've seen fish bowls with more privacy!

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