Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Random thought: Vanity Fair has lost it, and deserves its death... with 100s of millions of women available world wide to grace its cover... Vanity Fair couldn't find one to use...
Sepp Blatter resigned. Good grief.. FIFA is already better off being able to have a new leader with a name that won't sound like the wrong guess to a "Jeopardy" answer. Next move would be to remove all the directors who voted to keep him in charge last week.
Random thought: "You know.. why does the MCSD bring in someone who has never been an actual Superintendent of a School system? Surely, there are other choices than deputy or assistant Superintendents who have actually had their hands on the throttle, the whistle, and the brakes. Wannabees should not be brought in to a system as big as ours...On another note.. why does the MCSD not have a program of development that has a hierarchy system of personnel inline when a Superintendent retires/resigns or gets fired?
Online story: "Apple dodged $74 billion in taxes over a four year period, according to a US Senate investigation. That's enough to cover the $60 billion it costs to provide tuition-free college to everyone in the country." -- Excuse me, but... Why does anyone think our colleges and universities are entitled to Apple's profits? People will benefit more from Apple putting it to use than from paying liberals' salaries and issuing students useless diplomas. On the other hand..even if you confiscated Apple's billions, at the end of 4 years, college students would still be looking at $1.3 TRILLION in loan debt, still be looking for any job they could find, and Apple wouldn't be hiring.
You know.. both Council and the MCSD are under the "60 Day Fund Balance" levels that determine the cost of bonds issued.. how can either entity say they have the future of Columbus in mind?
L-E headline/story: "Westville archives move here ahead of village * A sign erected on the planned site for the village on South Lumpkin Road reads: “Future Home of Historic Westville, Coming in 2015.” * One of the conditions in the city’s Memorandum of Agreement with Westville, which was signed on Aug. 13, 2013, reads: “Westville will have 24 months after the date of this document to begin normal operations of the Living History Museum. Normal operations shall mean that a substantial portion of the Living History Museum will be open to the public.” * It further states that any extension on the MOA would have to be approved by council . Mayor Teresa Tomlinson said the city has not been contacted about any extension of the MOA." -- "the city has not been contacted about any extension of the MOA"? Hmmmm do we feel a little icy response from Mayor TomLYINGson? Does this further upset her budget fiasco?
Jonathan Gruber stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": " It seems many who choose a career in law enforcement immediately contract “Barney Fife” disease. This is an obsession of power, authority and control over others." -- Hmmm.. what this sounds like is the response of a long time criminal who currently has no respect for the law, and doesn't plan to nurture any in the future.
Random thought: After the Republican primaries have determined a candidate that appeals to a wide spectrum of conservative voters based on what they have heard how the candidate feels/thinks about the issues, why does the Republican strategy team then try to mold the candidate into a preconceived "party line"? It seems a Republican who's selected has a better message than the status quo agenda of party policy wonks. Romney is a great example of this.
The fact that Obamageddon signed the bill stripping the Patriot Act of tracking phone calls of terrorists just confirms it was his decision to not demand that 10,000 American soldiers stay in Iraq for monitoring support.
L-E story: "More than 10 million people have signed up for subsidized private health insurance this year under President Barack Obama’s law, the administration reported Tuesday. The positive numbers are finally putting the nation within reach of coverage for all, but the gains may not last." -- Excuse me, but under any circumstances, how can saying that 10,000,000 subsidized policy holders and 37,000,000 still without insurance is any better than the situation before OObamaCRAP started? We still have 47,000,000 on taxpayer subsidies.
L-E headline: "pratt & whitney spending $3.2M on area plant * Manufacturer adding 13,200 square feet of space, will ‘not speculate’ on use" -- Hmmm.. $3.2 Million to add 13,200 square feet of secure high tech space..that's $242.00 a square foot.. Hmmm. on the other hand, the MCSD wants to build sweat barns to house wrestling and weight activities and the MCSD says it will cost $312 a square foot to do this.. obviously, we have no rocket scientists in the MCSD administrative level..
L-E story: "ATLANTA — Southern Co. has an emerging message when discussing its over-budget nuclear plant in Georgia: It’s not our fault. * The cost of building two nuclear reactors at Plant Vogtle has grown since the project was first approved years ago. Early on, company officials assured regulators the project was on-time and on-budget. On Tuesday, they pointed the finger at their designer and builder, Toshiba Corp.’s Westinghouse Electric Co. and Chicago Bridge & Iron Inc. * “The company does not direct the contractor how to build the plant,” said David McKinney, a Southern Co. vice president tasked with overseeing Vogtle development, during a public hearing. “That’s a risk that the contractor took when they signed up.”" -- Hmmm"that's a risk the contractor took when they signed up"? Hey, how come we taxpayers are having to give the contractor of the Whittlesey Road expansion and extra 6 months and an extra $1.1 Million dollars because of unforeseen issues"? In fact, has there ever been a GA DOT contract that hasn't given the contractor more time and money that what the contractor bid?
L-E headline/story: "Study: Minorities in retail get paid less, promoted less * The study, done by the NAACP and Demos" -- Good grief.. this is about as accurate and reliable as asking foxes to design a hen house security system..

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