Thursday, September 10, 2015

Online headline: "Calif. lawmakers pass controversial right-to-die bill" -- Yes! When can we volunteer to help! Can we reserve the California lawmakers of our choice? I want dibs on Feinstein, Boxer, and Pelosi.

You know.. multi-billionaire Steve Jobs died of pancreatic cancer at the age of 56. Obviously, wealth is not a guarantee against health issues or healthcare success. Why then, do we need to bee as wealthy as Jobs to afford OObamaCRAP Insurance.

Online story: "The city Board of Health voted unanimously Wednesday to require chain eateries to put salt-shaker symbols on menus to denote dishes with more than the recommended daily limit of 2,300 milligrams of sodium. That's about a teaspoon." -- Good grief.. NYC labels about everything that affects your health except what would actually make your life safer. How about putting  "Felon" brand across the forehead of street thugs, and "Illegal" on illegal aliens that have been identified and released? Oh, unlike labels on food products, this would be "profiling" so they want do this.

How can the US Supreme Court say it is correctly OK for clergy to refuse to perform marriages because of their religious beliefs, yet deny clerks the same protection of the law? I do have a solution.. Kentucky County Clerk Kim Davis should get ordained by an online diploma mill and become a licensed clergy member!

Online story: "Cincinnati fires police chief over leadership issues * The firing of Jeffrey Blackwell was announced Wednesday after a sharp spike in violence this summer." -- "after a sharp spike in violence this summer"? Sounds like the people who should have been fired have found a scapegoat...of course, a change at this level will not help near as much as firings up the line.. say the Mayor, a liberal judge or two,  the DOJ, and Obamageddon.

There's a poll out rating the "Top 25 Cheese Pizzas in America".. Good grief.. once you're out of single digits in age, no cheese pizza should matter, so this is a bogus poll.

Online headline: "Watch this man go through labor pain" -- Ooops, my bad.. didn't realize this was about a man at the welfare office told he'd been found a job and had to work.

Online headline: "Americans reveal negative experiences with Obamacare" -- As opposed to illegal aliens experiences with it?

HuffPOOPOO headline: "Former Guatemalan Leader Otto Perez Molina Blames U.S. For His Fall From Grace" -- Wait a minute.. Obamageddon does not represent the rest of America!

HuffPOOPOO headline: "About 3,700 More Migrants Stream Into Austria From Hungary In Single Day" -- Hmmm.. now the HuffPOOPOO is concerned

Online story: "The Daily Beast reported late Wednesday that more than 50 analysts had supported a complaint to the Pentagon that the reports had been changed to make the terror groups seem weaker than the analysts believe they really are. Fox News confirmed last month that the Defense Department's inspector general was investigating the initial complaint, which the New York Times reported was made by a civilian employee of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). * The assessments in question are prepared for several U.S. policymakers, including President Obama." -- Is there anyone surprised that "facts" from the White House are not as truthful as they should be? Now, could any of these "civilian" US Policymakers be a Secretary of State?

Remember when Porkchop HILLary presented the "Reset" button to Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in Geneva?  Lavrov rolled his eyes and commented, "This says ‘peregruzka,’ which means ‘overcharged.’” -- Wow.. not only was Lavrov right.. he was prophetic.. We ought to get a refund of any salries/perks Obamageddon sent to Porkchop HILLary.

Remember Job Corps -- the $1.6 billion antipoverty program launched during President Lyndon Johnson’s tenure to provide free vocational training for low-income students? Well, Jose Santos Amaya Guardado was lured into the woods by three of his classmates at the federally funded Homestead Job Corps in Florida. Outside the live-in vocational school, the students pulled out a machete, police say, and began to hack away at him. * As he lay in a pool of his own blood, the attackers threw him in a shallow grave and set him on fire, authorities say." -- "Vocational training school"? What are they training them for.. Philadelphia Voting Precinct Monitors to make sure no Republican voters are allowed in?

Online story: "It was quite a spectacle over the weekend in New Hampshire -- when followers of Hillary Clinton sang praise songs to their Lord and Savior. * “I woke up this morning with my heart stayed on Hillary,” crooned the Voices of the Heart, a “women’s alternative chorus * The ladies desecrated an old gospel song at an official campaign stop -- replacing the word Jesus with the word Hillary" -- Now I AM in support of the separation of Church and Democrats!

Instant repeat - Online story: "It was quite a spectacle over the weekend in New Hampshire -- when followers of Hillary Clinton sang praise songs to their Lord and Savior. * “I woke up this morning with my heart stayed on Hillary,” crooned the Voices of the Heart, a “women’s alternative chorus, replacing the word Jesus with the word Hillary." -- Good grief.. by "women's alternative chorus" do we assume that there are no straight women involved? This asked, then I must ask, why the "alternative women" want to have their marriages recognized by Jesus when they don't have the respect of leaving Him in a hymn of praise?

Online headline/story: "Senate Dems secure enough votes to block GOP-led resolution against Iran nuclear deal * Democrats clinched the crucial Senate votes Tuesday to block passage of a disapproval resolution against the Iran nuclear accord, an outcome that would be a major victory for President Obama against united Republican opposition. " -- "a major victory for President Obama"?  Good grief.. our mainscream media has lost it! What it should be applauding is when America gets a "major Victory". not  one party or person in the minority of what is actually good for America. Why isn't the "Iran Deal" being treated like the treaty it is? Treaties are Constitutionally required to be approved by a 2/3rds majority of the Senate, not just blocked by a minority of dissenting Senators. Why hasn't McConnell rushed this abhorrence straight to the US Supreme Court?
L-E story: "For the third time since 2006, the RiverMill Event Centre in Columbus has a new owner, but there are no plans for changes at the venue for weddings, military formals and other community events. * The Hospital Authority of Columbus recently purchased the 60,000-square-foot indoor space that’s occupied by Jamie Keating Culinary, the managing company for the RiverMill Event Centre." -- What in the world is going on? Doesn't the Hospital Authority of Columbus have enough on its plate with the financial scandals involving CRHS and St Francis to enter into an event leasing business? Oh, and how come the crack L-E reporting team brought up the profit made between the quick turnaround sale to the Helms/McMillan group?
Question instigated by above story: Hey... where's the Hospital Authority of Columbus getting the money to buy into a event-leasing entity? Maybe the $30-Million dollar accounting error at St Franic has been
Jonathan Gruber extra stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": " An old saying: “The bigger the lie, the more people believe it.” Looks like a Trump. Smells like a Trump. Must be a Trump." -- Hmm just another liberal starting another big lie..
L-E's " Thought for Today": “If there is no knowledge, there is no understanding; if there is no understanding, there is no knowledge.” — The Talmud. -- Good grief.. we no longer have to wonder why the Jewish continually vote for Democrats, or wonder where the Democrats got their creed.
From the "prime example of the above item" department: Good grief.. two shareholders at a Tesla meeting asked that leather be stripped from materials used/available for the cars.  They were a married veggan couple. So much for ever getting liberals to compromise their lack of understanding of what creates consumer interest to make a company stay successful.
L-E story: " The State Department has failed to deliver nearly 70 pages of documents to The Associated Press, as instructed by a federal judge, about Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton’s hiring of longtime aide Huma Abe-din as a special government contract staffer. The department provided only seven pages of emails. * Meanwhile, government lawyers asked another federal judge to delay releasing thousands of pages of documents from Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state until January 2016." -- Good grief... America's security is at stake and the White House wants to delay it until after the next election.. I think we should have a recall election tomorrow!


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