Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Summer is over, and the rafting season is winding down.. can we get a report form both sides of the river as to how much in rafting fees have been collected so far ?

Online story: "Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, who was elected to a second term in February, proposed a $543 million increase in property taxes. * However, the city's requests have become entangled in the Illinois budget standoff between the Republican governor *  Governor Bruce Rauner wants to temporarily freeze local property taxes, while giving local governments ways to save money, including curbing collective bargaining with their workers -- a move strongly opposed by Democrat" --  In a nutshell.. Democrats want to tax you out of your property, and Republicans want you to be able to afford your home. While this is about Chicago's Mayor Emanuel, it's also about Columbus' Mayor TomLYINGson.

Online headline: "Los Angeles calls homelessness an emergency, unveils $100 million plan" -- Hmmm.. basically an "instant repeat" of Chicago.. Democratic Party Mayor wanting to raise taxes on homes to home the homeless.. The only guaranteed result will be that the taxes will make some more homeowners become homeless.

Online headline: "Trump launches scathing attack on Fox News" -- Hmmm.. and the White House is livid as it's favorite "tune" has been usurped by it's biggest nightmare.

Online story: "The Barbie doll is often scrutinized for being unrealistic and difficult to relate to for young girls, but the new Lammily doll, also known as a "normal barbie" has completely changed how young girls see these dolls and themselves. * These dolls with pimples and cellulite have been around for about a year now, and they look more realistic and relatable than any Barbies on the market. * The doll has taken a new step towards being more human, though. Now she gets her period. * The "Period Party" kit comes equipped with a pamphlet that explains periods, underwear, and 18 pads for the doll. There's even a calendar so that the doll's owner can track the doll's period." --  Good grief.. what's next.. G.I. Joe with PTSD and an AK-47 with 18 clips?

L-E headline: "Council votes 10-0 to pay almost $400,000 to Darr's, Pierce's attorney" --  Now we know why Mayor TomLYINGson has been so adamant at curtailing twice a week garbage pick up.. she's needed the money to pay for her garbage.

From above L-E story: "The city will take the money from its Judgments Assigned Fund Balance, an account set aside to pay legal judgments against the city." -- You know.. only a lawyer like Mayor TomLYINGson would think of a way to set aside tax dollars into a fund she could direct toward her legal friends...

Online story: "Back in April, Dan Price, CEO of Gravity Payments, announced a plan to cut his own salary in order to raise minimum pay at the company to $70,000/year. * And there was much rejoicing. At last, a CEO gets it! Finally, someone at the top is putting their money where their mouth is and striking against inequality! * two higher-ranking employees at Gravity Payments, who said the blanket raise minimized their contributions to the organization, quit... spurred in part by their view that it was unfair to double the pay of some new hires while the longest-serving staff members got small or no raises. * According to some economic theories, it's human nature to think like this. * Equity theory, which was developed by psychologist J. Stacy Adams in 1963, claims that if one group of people within an organization discover that a second group of people within the same organization are being compensated similarly for work they perceive to be less valuable, the first group of people get — to use a bit of social science terminology — "pretty pissed."" --  Hmmm.. sorta like the way that entitlement programs have undermined the "work ethic" A job use to be a measure of worth at any level... now, "work", if it pays less than welfare entitlements, is beneath the recipients...

Ever thought about why the mainscream media and the Democrats are so interested in undermining Trump? It's as simple as Trump speaking out on subjects that the majority supports.. .. Anything else and the mainscream media and Democrats would simply allow Trump to self-destruct.
Oxymoronic .. well, more like.. MORONIC headline: "New duck-billed dinosaur uncovered in Alaska" -- "new...dinosaur"? Pobably more like a "previously unrecorded" specie..
Online headline: "Hall of Fame catcher Yogi Berra passes away at 90" -- While it's "over" forever here,  eternal life is never over... RIP friend..
Remember those two Texas High School football players who blindsided the it's coming out that the coach ordered them to do so. Abolish the football program for 4 years and etch the YouTube URL in the coaches forehead so he'll never coach again.
Online headline: "Huma Abedin Debuts on Twitter, Rips Ben Carson" -- Huma Abedin.. is Porkchop HILLsburt DOUGHgirl's number one aide, and a Muslim who's married to Carlos Danger "the naked"  Wiener . Why is this news?.. No Dem is going to vote Republican, so why do they exchange/publish hateful Tweets?
Scott Walker is not bowing out gracefully..seems he wants the other establishment Republican candidates to "collude" in derailing Trump. Trouble is that even if all the "establishment Republicans pooled their votes, they are still on the short end of the votes that Trump, Carson, and Fiorina are pulling in.
The libs are going for VW's jugular..even analogizing it compared to a Ford Pinto.  Now, since VE says it manipulated the software to give it less power but less pollutants , then why doesn't VW simply give current owners the option (or software codes) to either have a more pollution compliant vehicle or one that has more power performance . My guess is that owners bought it for the power performance.
Speculation is that most of Poop Francis's White House lawn Mass will be conducted mostly in Spanish.. Huh? This is America, and Catholic rituals are Latin based. Speak English!
Online story: "Ohio Democrats, still pushing their phony “voter suppression” meme, kicked off a campaign tonight to put a constitutional amendment on the November ballot. They even brought in Al Sharpton for support. * Melowese Richardson, convicted of voter fraud and then released early from prison, called to stage for a "welcome home." * Remember Melowese Richardson?  * She was a poll worker who used her position to vote for Obama multiple times. She is one of the few who ever gets caught for voter fraud and was sentenced to five years in prison. That was only eight months ago. For some reason, she has already been released. * Democrats seem to oppose any changes in the law that make it harder to cheat." --  And the DOJ "feels" photo voter ID's are too much to impose on the privilege to be a voter.
Online story: "Hillary Clinton on Tuesday broke her years-long silence over her stance on the Keystone XL pipeline, announcing in Iowa that she opposes the controversial project." -- Guess her being married to a professional pipe-layer has conditioned her hatred.
HuffPOOPOO headline: "How Much Is Pope Francis's Visit Costing The U.S.?" -- Hmmm...another guess would be "about the same for any white person dressed in a white robe and wearing a pointy hat in Philadelphia.
Almost "get's it" L-E "soundoff": "Only one question in the Mayor’s Tax Freeze Plan: Do you want homeowners to pay more property tax?" Close, but the other half of the equation is do you want Council and Mayor TomLYINGson to have more tax dollars to waste on whimsical projects?  Additional revenues are not going to be used to shore up existing problems.. there's no fun for a politician in spending money more wisely..
Jonathan Gruber stupid Mayoral staff member's L-E "soundoff": " Let’s spell it out for you: If everybody paid his fair share of property taxes, the rest of us wouldn’t have to support people who live in $300,000 houses and pay only $300 in taxes." -- Typically, as in every other liberal's claims, no specifics, no provable examples are named... What's really unfair is that I have to pay $5,300 a year for my property taxes, and none of Mayor TomLYINGson's plans include any relief for me.
It's been a while since I commented on women's golf, but a tip ot the hat and a dip for the American flag to the ladies of the American Solheim Cup team.. A last day demolishing of the European team has brought the Cup back to America! To the ladies!

Jonathan Gruber publicly-miseducated LIV's L-E "soundoff": "Amnesia perhaps? Jeb said his brother kept America safe. 9/11 attacks were 8 months into W’s presidency." -- Bill Clinton refusing to have Osama bin Laden "eliminated" during the 90's had absolutely no bearing?

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