Thursday, September 17, 2015

While it was evident that the "other candidates" had one purpose in the debate last night... gang tackle Trump... the results may have the opposite effect.. another thing became more evident..  that with proper leadership, Republicans can unite (yet they don't do so in Congress)  in a common front... but it takes a leader in their midst to get them together, and, like it or not, Trump was the leader.
No wonder Trump is leading..whether media or the RNC liles it, he's the only candidate from either party to demonstrate actual leadership.
Tell you what..Donald Trump may need to get the RNC, Bush and Fiorina  to sign a pledge to whole-heartedly support Trump if he wins the nomination.
You know.. two past effective campaign slogans could be the focus points of the 2016 Presidential race.. "It's the economy, stupid." and "Are you better off than you were four years ago." Both of these favor a Republican, yet will not change any Democrats.. Democrats feel the economy revolves around entitlements, and the sheer number of entitlements make Democrats feel like they are better off.
HuffPOOPOO headline: "Cuomo aide is brain dead" -- As this is a sad time for many, I am not going to make a joke (that just went off on its own) about this.
Online headline/story: "Obama invites Texas student arrested for homemade clock to White House *  A***** Moh***d, 14, was accused of making a hoax bomb, police in Irving said. The Council on American-Islamic Relations said he is Muslim and the case serves as an example of the climate of hate and manufactured fear around the religion. * Police said the device, which had a digital display and circuit board, was in a case and could be mistaken for a bomb." -- Good grief.. it had nothing to do with whether the kid was a Muslim.. he brought a "clock" built into a briefcase with a digital display.. and with violence erupting in schools throughout America the teacher was absolutely right in causing alarm.. and now, Obamageddon is making local authority look prejudiced. It's just another wedge in dividing, rather than uniting, our country.
Remember the two football players who bowled over the referee from behind earlier this month? Here's an online story follow up:  "Although The Dallas Morning News has editorialized in favor of firing the head coach and suspending the entire team for the rest of the season, athletic officials suggest that they believe that option would be too harsh and unfairly penalize non-offending football players, cheerleaders and fans." -- What are the athletic officials THINKING? Penalizing the coach and program are exactly what's needed to keep the two young (_*_)s from becoming celebrities and inspirations for copycat crimes on other referees. There's already been another incident in California where a QB violently shove another referee.
Comment on above: I believe I heard, though I cannot confirm it with any news release online, that the two players have been suspended or just two games.. if this is confirmed to be true, then this has to be one of the largest "FAILS" in education history. Personally, I think using athletics as an incentive to keep students focused on school work and blending into their societal role should be one of the most effective tools the school systems have to get students ready to join the real world after graduation.
HuffPOOPOO "headlie": "Americans divided over US role in migrant crisis" -- "divided"?  More like ADAMANT.. that Obamageddon solve our illegal alien crises before trying to solve Europes.
Online headline: "Queen of England now has a Chicago Flat" -- Hmmm.. can't wait to see the future headlines about the Palace Guards standing resolute.. unperturbed about drive by shooters picking them off.
 El Chapo was recaptured Saturday.. Watching videos, what you basically notice first.. and the most.. is El Chapo making no attempt to cover his face but the Mexican soldiers going to great lengths to disguise themselves. Is this what is going to happen in America... are out police officers.. even high school football referees.. going to have to conceal their identities to protect themselves and their families from retaliation from thugs?
L-E headline/story:" Harp, Tomlinson debate plan to 'thaw' tax assessment freeze * To get it on the ballot, Columbus Council would have to approve making a formal request of the local legislative delegation to bring it up in the General Assembly. Then the General Assembly as a whole would have to approve it." -- Hmmm...
You know, since the GA constitution was altered after Columbus voted in the freeze, so that other counties could not do the same, if  Columbus voters vote for a change of any sorts, the new rules will take away the ballot referendum protection the old rules enjoy? This would give TomLYINGson and subsequent mayors the opportunity to change the new rules with simple Council decisions.

In a letter of support for Mayor TomLYINGson, the president of the Greater Columbus Home Builders Association says that "The current tax structure puts a heavy burden on any purchaser of a new home in Columbus." What BS.. it's the irresponsible spending habits (and this Mayor in particular) and the power to raise millage rates with 6 votes that's the problem.. The tax freeze takes a greedy mayor/Council out of frenzy spending. In 2003, I sold my home in Harris County and bought on in Columbus of the same price.. my property taxes in Harris County were $1,900.00 and my new one in Columbus started out at $5,300. Throw in the fact that the property taxes on car tags in Harris County also save about 50% compared to Columbus. No, the "freeze" is not an enemy of the home fact, if it were NOT for the "freeze", I would not have moved back into Muscogee County.

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