Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Online headline: "Freddie Gray's family settles with city for $6.4M"- Good grief...I hope the Merchants Association counter sues the Gray family for encouraging .. at least not discouraging, the destruction of its businesses.

Oh, and the taxpayers should sue the Mayor/Council for malfeasance in office for settling a case before the police officers have been found guilty of any wrong doings.

Online headline: "Clinton apologizes for emails: 'That was a mistake'" -- "a mistake"? Good grief.. Porkchop HILLary cannot even admit it was "her mistake"..

From above story: "Clinton said, "That was a mistake. I'm sorry about that. I take responsibility, and I'm trying to be as transparent as I possibly can." -- Let's parse "to be as transparent as I possibly can".. Now this is Porkchop HILLary at her devious best.. she will never be truly transparent..

Online headline: "Erin Brockovich slams feds in wake of Colo. mine spill * The activist accused the EPA of lying on Tuesday about how much toxic wastewater spilled from a mine and contaminated rivers in three states. * 'They did not tell the truth'" -- "they did not tell the truth"? Since when has a liberal ever been concerned about the EPA telling "the truth"?

Online headline: "Emotional Ky. clerk salutes supporters after jail release" -- Hmmm.. guess her being a Democrat embarrassed the DNC with the publicity of Jesus Christ was getting...

Online headline: "UN estimates massive influx of migrants in Europe * How the US is being called to help" -- "How the US is being called to help"? I guess since Obamageddon won the Nobel Peace Prize doing nothing, The UN feels Obamageddon knows how to handle illegal border crossings while doing nothing as well.

Online headline/story: "Man severely injured after e-cigarette explodes in his mouth * He had burns to his hand and a fractured neck and finger, and burns to his cornea. It blew a hole through his pallet and at the same time, flames went down and he got first-degree burns on his chest and up on his face. It forced his front tooth up into his gum- out of sight -and chipped the other one and damaged a few other lower teeth." -- Well, well, well..  guess we have a front-runner nominee for a potential poster child for a "Smoking can be harmful to your health" for this generation.

Online headline: "'For the men in the audience ... think about that' * During a Labor Day weekend speech in Boston, President Obama gave the audience a good laugh when he broached the topic of maternity leave. *
'The human race would evaporate'" -- Obamageddon is the worst at trying to make up analogies to support his idiocy.. If he wants an example of what being paid for being pregnant can do for a federa; program, just look what LBJ's "War of Poverty" did for the poor...

Online headline/story: "White House fires back at former VP Dick Cheney * "Right? About the Iraq War?" the video asked in all capital letters while playing a series of clips from interviews in which Cheney's credibility was challenged. * In one clip, Fox News commentator Juan Williams pressed Cheney on why anyone should listen to him on the Iran issue given the botched WMD evidence in 2003. "People say, 'Well, Dick Cheney was wrong about Iraq. Why should they listen to you on Iran?' -- Hmmm.. I guess since Bruce Jenner became Caitlyn, other celebrites we've lost track of are coming out of the wood work.. Who new Pee Wee Herman. (Mr. I know you are, but what am I") has resurfaced as Juan Williams and become an Obamageddon spokesperson.

Online headline: "Police consider criminal charges for football players * Texas police have launched a criminal investigation into two high school players accused of assaulting a referee during a game on Friday." -- "consider criminal charges"? Let's start with a "hate crime" and work our way towards attempted first degree murder! There was obviously a preplanned conspiracy and terrorism.

Online story: "There’s a new quinoa restaurant in San Francisco — yes, quinoa restaurants are a thing in San Francisco, so that’s not what’s noteworthy. At this restaurant, customers order, pay and receive their food and never interact with a person. * The restaurant, Eatsa, the first outlet in a company with national ambitions, is almost fully automated. There are no waiters or even an order taker behind a counter. There is no counter. There are unseen people helping to prepare the food, but there are plans to fully automate that process, too, if it can be done less expensively than employing people." -- "plans to fully automate"? Yeah, this is how industry will respond to the $15.00 Minimum Wage,, there won't be any jobs available UNLESS the applicant.....and job opening are actually worth $15.00 per hour in a competitive environment...

HuffPOOPOO "headlie": "Hillary Clinton To Give Speech On Countering Iran After The Nuclear Deal" -- Good grief.. if Obamageddon's "Iran Deal" is as good as the Huff POOPOO promotes it as, there will be no need to countering Iran in the future.
No matter what Obamageddon or his minions say, the Iran deal basically funds Iran's nuclear weapons plans

Huff POOPOO headline: "NFL To Lobby Congress On Player Safety" -- Good grief.. shouldn't the NFL just adopt its own safety standards? Obamageddon would veto anything the Republicans send his way...

Why do same-sex couples go to Christian bakeries and Churches to demand services..oh..and how come we don't hear about the times they go to mosques?

Online story: "Pope Francis has radically reformed the Catholic Church's process for annulling marriages, allowing for fast-track decisions and removing automatic appeals in a bid to speed up and simplify the procedure." -- Little did I ever contemplate using Ronald Reagan's epic comment of, "Well, there you go again" when talking about political blunders of a Pope..... shouldn't religious icons be advising couples to enter into divorces as advisedly as religious icons tell couples to do so when getting married... actually, even more so?  Retire POOP Francis!
Online headline: "Hillary Planning to Be More Spontaneous" -- Good grief.. if this is not the most revealing statement to demonstrate how out-of-touch with reality, as well as people,  Porkchop HILLary is? The definition of "spontaneous" rules out "planning" altogether.. of course, the Clintons do feel they can define words like "is", "transparent", "honest" and "truthful" to whatever fits their needs at the time, so why not "spontaneous"?
L-E headline/story: "Cyclist robbed at gunpoint at Columbus bike trail * The Columbus man said the gunman aimed a pistol at him and demanded his property. Within minutes, the thief had fled the scene with the victim's bookbag, SIG Sauer P226 firearm and a Motobecane mountain bike collectively worth $1,250, according to the report." -- Hey, didn't the robber know that the Bike Trail is a "No Gun Zone"? Hmmm.. and the robbee, too?
Did you see the poll numbers for the Democrats in New Hampshire? I'm not talking about Sander's or Biden's numbers but Porkchop HILLary has only 32% of the poll. That means 68% of Democrats in New Hampshire want someone other than Porkchop HILLary to represent them.
L-E story: "An attorney representing Gordon’s mayor (Mary Ann Whipple-Lue) in her fight to remain in office has submitted an invoice of nearly $95,000 to the city for his services." -- Hmmm... hey, let's swap our Mayor TomLYINGson for Gordon's ... we'd be saving enough in mayoral legal fees to reinstate twice-a-week garbage pickups!
Online story: "GA Hotel executives are stepping up their lobbying efforts to reduce the $5 nightly tax added to every room in this year’s transportation-funding law. * The tax took effect in July, and industry leaders say it’s too soon to tell what impact it’s having. However, they have heard squawking about it from groups interested in booking multiple rooms for events." -- Good grief.. another GA DOT tax that has unintended consequences... rooms not booked because of it! My bride and I have converted three usually overnight trips to day trips because of the over-the-top room taxes added onto the room rate.In other words, for our $15.00 new tax savings, Athens , GA has lost nearly $500.00 in room charges and an additional $90.00 in before-the-new-tax  occupancy taxes.
Did you see the "pride" of mainscream media "lying in wait", ready to pounce, outside the office of the  dentist that shot "Cecil the Lion"? You know, somewhere in the world there was news being made that wasn't being covered. Hey, mainscream media, how about " pack hunting" in South wouldn't even have to wait long before you had a real story worth reporting... and how "The LYING King" is ignoring it..
Rosie O'Donnell says she'll leave the country if Trump is elected president. Rumors have it that her children have signed up to campaign for Trump.
L-E headline: "City will go over instead of under rail tracks at (the Buena Vista Rd) "spiderweb" -- Thank heavens.. guess someone looked more sanely at building a tunnel in one of the worst crime areas in Columbus. Now not only flooding will be eliminated, a blind spot for additional crimes will be, too.
L-E headline: "Controversial RiverWalk restroom opens" -- Hmmm.. the Queen TT (in honor of "TT",  Mayor Teresas TomLYINGson) is about to open.. This L-E headline says it all.. where was the L-E when the construction of such was in progress.. I know.. in FULL SUPPORT of it.. now, I guess since the L-E has moved closer to the old RiverWalk "lounge", the distance to the new TT Lounge is not as attractive.
Possibly the stupidest of Jonathan Gruber stupid LIV L-E "soudoffs": "Social Security can be made solvent just by raising S.S. tax on the rich, but of course the GOP are against this because they want to privatize Social Security." -- Good grief.. everybody.. except Congress, the unemployed, and some unions, contribute to their own Social Security accounts, and their employers match such).. what's unfair is that the government takes these contributions and uses them for other programs while re[placing such funds with low-yield government bonds which do not keep up with inflation.. Re[publicans would like to give some investment say-so to the account owners, but Democrats object because they don't want to lose the power to spend other people's money.
Jonathan Gruber stupid LIV's L-E "soundof": " Kim Davis may be entitled to her own religious beliefs, but she is not entitled to defy the Supreme Court of the United States while holding a federal position. She should have just resigned." -- Good grief.. first, Kim Davis' job is not a federal job.. secondly, the US Constitution gives us, and that includes Kim Davis, the right (possibly demands we do so)  to protest with being responsible for the consequences so involve. Davis elected to exercise her given rights of free religious expression and freedom to publicly protest. Praise he.. it's not often a Democrat has pure conviction of his/her beliefs.
L-E story: " Pressing their advantage, the White House and insistent Senate Democrats locked up the votes Tuesday to frustrate attempts by outraged Republicans to pass a legislative rebuke to the Iran nuclear accord. * Three previously undeclared Senate Democrats — Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut, Ron Wyden of Oregon and Gary Peters of Michigan — announced their support for the international agreement in a coordinated burst. That pushed supporters to the crucial 41-vote total that would allow them to block a GOP disapproval resolution with a filibuster, and prevent a final vote. *  “There is no better deal available now,” declared Blumenthal, one of the Senate’s Jewish Democrats, announcing his support for an accord that is strongly opposed by Israeli leaders as well as Republican senators."   "no better deal available now"?  -- Sure there is.. "Just say NO"!.. What's really sad is a minority comprised of Democrats and more Democrats can control the future of America and the great country it could be again for our children and grandchildren.
L-E's "Late laughs": YESTERDAY THE Kentucky clerk who refused to issue gay marriage licenses was sentenced for contempt of court. She was sent to jail for not doing her job. Then everyone checking Facebook at work was like, “Wait, they can do that?” - Jimmy Fallon" -- Hmmm, and where can we line up to bring these charges against the White House and the left side of Congress?
Best L-E run political cartoon of 2015:
L-E commentary: "Commentary: A clear transportation vision *    The project drawing the most ire is one to convert a six-lane stretch of Peachtree Road from Midtown Atlanta to South Buckhead into four-car lanes, two bike lanes and a turn lane. " -- Good grief.. taking away a traffic lane for cars on one of the busiest roads in the nation and making bicycle lanes is typical of a committee that cannot finish any of its projects on time. And at what costs? The GA DOT is ribbon-cutting the "$244,000.00 Queen TT Lounge on the Columbus RiverWalk today, but who knows wht the actual cost will be when the final invoices are counted up.

L-E headline: "‘Black Lives Matter’ focus of town hall meeting * Group calls for people to join fight for justice" -- Since when can justice be met, much less meted, when discussions are efforts of one-sided political correctness?

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