Monday, September 28, 2015

You know.. mainscream media and the Democrats simply have no concern about the priority of our country.. as jockeying continues about the status of an upcoming government shutdown, mainscream nmedia and Democrats are trying to convince us that the first aspect of government to shut down would be not paying our military.. of course, there's no mention of entitlement programs being unfunded.
Online headline: "Clinton defends email practices as scandal deepens" -- Good grief.. If you back a coyote into a corner, and what's it going to do... throw up its paws and admit it after all the previous lies about there being nothing to it?
Poop he gone yet? Now we sweep out his BS and get back to Real Life 101....that is if the Democrats haven't "found" him an American birth certificate...
Online headline: "Gates duo opens up on the need to end global poverty * The philanthropists appeared Saturday night at the Global Citizen Festival to speak about how their goals can be achieved." -- Hmm let's see.. if the UN nationalized Microsoft AND confiscated Bill Gates, there would be about $410 BILLION to divide amongst the world's population. Let's see,, the current World Population Clock shows that to be about 7,300,000,000. That would be about $56.00 a person. Yeah.. that'll do it. There is only 1 combination that ends poverty... a hard working person/family with goals, and a government that lives with its budget.
HufPOOPOO headline: "Another Deadly Snake Species Discovered In Australia" -- Oooops, my bad.. thought maybe there had been a sighting of the DNC on a campaign retreat.
HuffPOOPOO headline: "Obama Sends Merten Back to Haiti as New Election Crisis Looms" -- Hmmm... de we see a pattern evolving? Remember when Obamageddon sent in key members of his past campaign teams into Israel to try to get Netanyahu ousted?
HuffPOOPOO headline: "Chinese President Pledges Support For Women's Rights At UN, But Jails Feminists At Home" -- Hmmm... another deal negotiated by Kerry?
Online headline/story: "Virginia teacher put on leave for saying N-word during class * Pierce, a teacher for 40 years, landed in hot water Sept. 18 when a student in her Advance Placement U.S. History class brought up the Redskins and asked her what was the big deal. * "The kids kept saying, 'It's no big deal, it's a football team,'” Pierce told the Newport News Daily Press Thursday. “I said, 'How would you feel if people had a team named after another group?'" * WTKR-TV reported Thursday that Pierce then said to the class, “What would you think if someone started a team called the Newport News N----r?” -- Good grief.. one liberal just made the "trump" play to give credence to renaming the Redskins, and the rest of the liberals have hemorhaged. Guess you have to go day-by-day to figure out what liberals really want.
Online headline: "Jeb Bush dismisses drop in latest polls, says he needs to be better candidate - Trump promises..." -- Looks like Bush-zero has had a V-8 foreheadbump moment.. He needs to be a better Trump rather than trying to be a Republican Hillary.
Instant replay from yesterday's Breakfast Club as it's getting more attention today: Online headline: "Bill Clinton fires back at media over email scandal * In an interview with CNN, the former U.S. president said the controversy is merely 'catnip' that the Republican party is tossing to distract voters. " -- "catnip" that the Republican party is tossing"? Good grief.. the WHITE HOUSE has tossed the latest out it had been basically "sitting on",  waiting for the right time.. there's no love lost between the Obamageddons and the Clintons.. and don't forget, it wasn't Republicans that first brought up the Willie Horton "furlough rapist/killer" that brought down DuKakis in the 1988 election.. No, the "Willie Horton " issue was first brought up by Al Gore during the Democratic Party primary race.
All the PR in the world will not cover up this City's crime problems when visitors drive up and down Veterans Parkway and see business after business with barbed & razor wire topped fences surrounding them.
You's Democrats who are feeling the global warming/climate change..Reckon it could just be an  advertisement message God is sending to Democrats?
Latest e-mail headline from the Porkchop HILLsbury DOUGHgirl's campaign: "We;re under the microscope!"  Hmmm... truth is she and Slick Willie have always been under the microscope (deserved so) only this time mainscream media is looking through it, and the White House is contributing evidence.
Online headline: "PELOSI DOUBTS PLANNED PARENTHOOD VIDEOS ‘ARE REAL’" -- Later she admitted she had not seen them.. but the real issue is that she believes her vision is "real".
Just took out my trash for the week (and we were gone for the weekend)... is it just me or are two 45 gallan cans stuffed with garbage bags are no longer enough?
L-E headline/story: "Golfers dismayed at state of Bull Creek clubhouse *  A couple of Concerned Golfers have written or called recently to say they just played at Bull Creek and were dismayed by what they found.
* The courses were fantastic — never better, they said — but the clubhouse is an embarrassment, especially by comparison. One reader said the course management has even put a toilet on a table in the clubhouse, with a sign soliciting donations to help renovate the men’s and women’s restrooms." -- You know.. this is the same problem that exists at the Aqua Center and the Civic Center..and the Ice Rink... User fees aren't enough to cover ongoing maintenance and depreciation.. All the facilities have good purpose but just bad vision.. user fees just covering the daily use are not enough.. no private business can operate with making a profit which it can pour back into itself to keep people coming back for more.
L-E headline/story: "Columbus delegation ventures to Nashville * Intercity visit aims for ideas to make Columbus better place to live, work, play *    There’s no doubt Music City has been sizzling with attention over the last decade — a top city for job growth, a creative and livable community, and home of a vibrant music scene punctuated by its country roots * But how hot is Nashville, the Tennessee capital that is firing on most economic development and redevelopment cylinders? Look no further than other communities traveling there to get an up-close look at what all the buzz is about. *  “Over the last couple of years, there have been over 30 cities that have come here,” said Ralph Schulz, president and chief executive officer of the Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce." -- You know.. I applaud initiative to find solutions, but there is another more pressing question to be asked.. how many cities have come to Columbus to see what is going here that they can take back with them?
From above story: Seems like we've had trips to 19 different cities in the past 22 years.. but it looks like the only influence brought back was from Baltimore in 2006.
Jonathan Gruber stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": " One day I’m going to open up a chain of restaurants, and I’m going to name them after Donald Trump’s mouth, because they’re gonna be open 24 hours a day." -- Well, if your food is a good as Trump's ideas, you'll be very successful... problem is, I don't believe you will n\know how to handle success...not and stay loyal to the Democratic Agenda.
Mayor's Office originated  stupid LIV's L-E "soundoff": " If you are still complaining about once-a-week trash pick-up, you are making too much trash. Get over it." --  Hmmm.. you know, I cannot think of a single other person in Columbus that puts more garbage out on the streets of Columbus than Mator TomLYINGson... with the help of the Columbus L-E.
I often wonder why the online, reader interactive version of the L-E all too often is not up-to-date on the day's "SoundOff" column on the same day it runs.. but.. after seeing another option in the L-E to see "Live updates: Auburn vs. Mississippi State (chat)" on Monday morning sorta answers the question.
L-E's " Thought for Today, “A great truth is a truth whose opposite is also a truth.” — Thomas Mann, German writer (1875-1955)." -- Hmmm.. this will be fun... "Vote Conservative..don't vote liberal... yep.. sounds like two great truths..
L-E's "Today in history" feature: "In 1995, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and PLO chairman Yasser Arafat signed an accord at the White House ending Israel’s military occupation of West Bank cities and laying the foundation for a Palestinian state." -- Hmmm... did Kerry negotiate this for Clinton?

L-E's "Quotable" : “The winds and the waves are always on the side of the ablest navigators.”-  Edward Gibbon British historian (1737-1794) -- Hmmm still true today... witness the successes of Trump versus the Democratic Party "War on Poverty".

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