Sunday, September 20, 2015

Online headline: "Kerry: Russian fighter jets in Syria raise serious questions" -- Good grief.. but Iran's leaders shouting "Death to America" during the nuclear negotiations didn't raise serious concerns?
You know.. how can mainscream media sit back and ignore the White House persecutions on the freedom of religion Amendment of our Constitution... it's the same Amendment that protects mainscream media from government censorship?
Online story: "Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump said on Saturday it was not his job to defend U.S. President Barack Obama after a man at one of his campaign events said he was a Muslim and "not even an American." -- Once again, Trump is not only "right", he's "right on"! On the other hand, Obamageddon took an oath to protect you, me, .. and Trump...and has not done so to the best of his abilities... well, I hope he has better abilities than we've seen.
HuffPOOPOO headline: "Φώφη Γεννηματά: «Να τελειώσει η σύγκρουση του άγονου δικομματισμού»" -- Hmmm... does this look Greek to you, too? It is... and I'm sure it's a popular for an American market...NOT!
My daughter, her husband and my brother/sister-in-laws went to the GA-SC game yesterday.. I looked for them on TV.. They were wearing red.. it was like looking for "Where's Waldo" in a collage of candy canes.
HuffPOOPOO headline/story: "Here's Why The South Poses A Huge Problem For Bernie Sanders * He needs to pick up more support among nonwhite voters to have any chance of competing with Clinton. * Clinton still has a lock on nonwhite Democrats." -- "Clinton has a lock on nonwhite Democrats"? You know, maybe Porkchop HILLsbury DOUGHgirl needs another "makeover".. say as Uncle Remus's "Tar-baby".. when people ask her a question about her competence.. she just stands there and don't say noithing...
HuffPOOPOO headline: "Pope Francis Praises U.S.-Cuba Detente As Model For World" -- Good grief.. bet Poop Francis would be ecstatic if Obamageddon created detente with Iran...
Speaking of Poop Francis.. how many jihadist refugees is he allowing into Vatican City?
Online story: "Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz was heckled at an event Saturday in New Hampshire by crowd members calling for “more debates” for their party’s presidential candidates. *  Wasserman Schultz has steadfastly said the committee, not her alone, has decided on the number of debates." -- Hmmm..."the committee, not her alone, has decided on the number of debates"? You know this is how the Democrats treat their base... telling them what's 'best" for them rather than listening to the people.. and their "people" will vote for them anyway.
After a few months of listening to Jeb Bush talk like a Democrat, I'm not sure even his mom will vote for him.
UGA's Mark Richt may have made a really bad tactical move by putting transfer QB Greyson Lambert in the starting position. He may have a tough time recruiting new QBs willing to wait 2 or 3 seasons to get their shot at starting while but wondering if another "import" could take away their opportunity.
Why is it the US is being called on to take in middle-east refugees? When has Europe offered to take in refugees trying to cross our borders ?
 I'm listening to a International Fellowship of Christians and Jews plea to send $25.00 to buy a box of food for a Jewish family in dire needs in Israel. I have a deal to propose.. I'll start sending food boxes ad fast as I can, if the IFCJ will start endorsing  and getting American Jews to vote for Republicans.
Johnson & Johnson just pulled its advertising from "The View" because of disparaging remarks about nurses. Too bad, J&J, you should have thought it out before, because putting a "Band-Aid" on it isn't going to work.
Hey... got an e-mail from Porkchop HILLsbury DOUGHgirl warning me that "Time is running out to meet Hillary". I'm not going to worry about this, though, because I feel pretty sure she will re-package herself 2 or 3 more times, and I'll get asked again to "meet the new her".
One thing about he Secretary of Army Obamageddon's pushing.. you don't have to ask...
L-E story: "The area ranking highest for violent crime was the neighborhood between Victory Drive and Cusseta Road that includes Winston Road, Calvin Avenue, Harbison Drive, Fletcher Avenue, Head Street and Wade Street." -- Hmmm.. bet a new bicycle/walking trail will reverse the crime trend in that neighborhood.... NOT!
The L-E is picking on Circle K stations as high crime area.. either this was a very old picture, or proof that Circle K is really committing a crime (gas at $3.49) itself..

L-E interview with Cathy Williams, former School Board Chair, and current non-profit ED: "It (Columbus, GA) was a very different town. The community had decided to not be on the interstate system."
Reader note: I-185 was begun in 1969 (4 years before her first move here) and completed in 1979..  (3 years before Cathy moved back here in 1982.).

Columbus Council/City Manager;'s Agenda: " 60 FOOT BUCKET TRUCK WITH CHIP BODY — NATIONAL JOINT POWERS ALLIANCE (NJPA) CONTRACT: It is requested that council approve the purchase of one 60 feet bucket truck with chip body (Ford XTPro 60 feet Forestry) from Forestry Equipment of VA (FEVA) (Forest, VA) in the amount of $137,672.00, by cooperative purchase via National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA) Contract #042815-TER. The vehicle will be used by the staff of the Urban Forestry & Beautification Division to cut down trees and tree limbs hanging over streets. It is a replacement vehicle. The purchase will be accomplished via Request for Proposal Contract, initiated by the National Joint Powers Alliance (NJPA), whereby Terex Utilities, was one of the successful vendors contracted to provide Heavy & Agriculture Equipment. Terex Utilities has authorized FEVA to sell the XTPro product under the NJPA contract." -- You know, just a year or so ago, "we" purchased a 100' bucket truck.. won't that reach 60 ' as well? I wonder, at times, whether the City knows what it owns.. just a couple of weeks ago, a request was made to buy 4 new tractor-mowers... yet every day you can drive by the beautification areas along J.R Allen Parkway and see numerous, pretty new looking tractor-mowers just sitting out in the open ... I guess waiting for the grass to grow again.

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