Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Breakfast Club - Aug 18, 2010

"potUS Nero-Imam-a" shall be the new definitive name for the president
Online story: "(Aug. 17) -- A federal jury in Chicago today convicted ex-Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich on just one count but deadlocked on 23 others, including the allegation that he tried to sell President Barack Obama's vacant Senate seat." -- Even the juries in Chicago are corrupt....
Online headline: "Obama Considers Easing Cuba Travel Restrictions" -- Let's just "HOPE" the "CHANGE" is limited to one-way tickets...
From online story: "(Aug. 17) -- Here's something President Barack Obama's political advisers missed when planning a fundraiser in west Los Angeles: Beware the power of unintended consequences.' -- That's nothing new...every DIM/DUMBorat bill or executive order has unintended consequences; that's why most are passed 2 or more years before the bills take effect so everyone who voted for it has time to point the finger of blame at BUSH!
Addendum to above: In GA, particularly in education bills, local taxpayers get saddled with the unfunded mandates the House/Senate passes. They then campaign on the new laws that they have passed 'for the children" but they forget to add that 'the children" will still be paying for these unfunded mandates long after the parents die.
Read the story in the L-E about 2 seventeen year old boys and 2 seventeen year old girls being robbed after they spent the night together 'overnight camping". Wonder which house the parents were told the girls were spending the night at?
Online story: "Recent revelations of exorbitant salaries paid to top officials in the Southern California city of Bell are only the latest developments in a long-running saga of corruption embroiling a string of cities along the Los Angeles River. " -- I'm willing to bet there's not one Republican mayor in these towns...any takers?
Online headline/story: "Suicide Bomber Kills 61 at Iraqi Army Post * A bomber struck as people lined up outside a recruiting center. It was the first major attack during Ramadan." -- So much for the sanctity of Ramadan for radical Islamist! Wonder if the bomber was wearing an identifiable Taliban uniform? Yeah, right! Now, explain to me again why we should be tolerant over Islamic culture; particularly the Ground Zero Mosque..
L-E headline: "DOT to present compromise road plan at public forum * During the April 13 briefing to the 10-member council, McMurry presented a plan that keeps the 2.5-mile road between Hilton and Seventh avenues near The Medical Center at four lanes but reduces the lane width from 12 feet to 11 feet. It also removes a raised concrete median along the roadway" -- Hmmm, if the DOT had been this co-operative in 1990, we'd have had a nicer 13th Street route from Macon Rd-through-Lakebottom/UPtown and connecting to the 13th Street Bridge to Phenix City, but the DOT had a 'my highway or good-bye way' policy to public input.
L-E headline/story: "Carver High School demolition delayed after error discovered in bid * If a new contract is approved, National Salvage will be released from their contract, but the district reserves the right to sue." -- Can we taxpayers sue the MCSD board/system for not requiring/acquiring a "performance bond" from National Salvage for circumstances such as this? It's the taxpayers $223,000.00 the MCSD board flippantly wants to unnecessarily disburse.
If any of you have the ear of anyone running for the school board seats, pass along that if they want to get elected (or even re-elected) campaign on 2 issues: changing the school schedule back to the old 'after-Labor-Day' Tuesday start date, and scrapping the new start times for the different school levels; and do it loudly!
L-E "soundoff": "School must come first. If sports activities conflict with school, then you do don’t (sic) sign your child up for sports. Those Little League children should be in school." -- Having a hard time figuring out who would actually think... no, 'feel' this way, and have come up with a handful of possibilities. The culprit is either a MCSD board member or MCSD school system executive (or Judy Brouillette). The real embarrassment belongs to the MCSD board who moved the school start dates from the Tuesday after Labor Day to mid-August.
Wow! Rosalynn Carter, Roman Polanski, Robert Redford, Timothy Geithner all have birthdays today. What is today, National Liberals Day?
L-E headline/story: "Judge drops piracy charges against Somalis * Defense attorneys had argued that their clients were not guilty of piracy because they made no attempt to rob or board the ship. The judge agreed, ruling from Norfolk, Va., that “the government has failed to establish that any unauthorized acts of violence or aggression committed on the high seas constitutes piracy as defined by the law of nations.” -- Talk about judicial activism! Under the judges concept of logic, he'd probably say I couldn't make a case of 'self-defense' if an armed robber confronted me, but I pulled my gun and shot him before the robber got a chance to shoot first!
L-E headline: " Sen. John Kerry presses Karzai on corruption" -- Huh? Isn't Kerry the same guy who tried to avoid Massachusetts taxes by docking his new yacht in Rhode Island, and the same guy who filmed himself purported throwing his war medals over the White House fence, but still has them?
I hope that Chuck Williams's travel to Williamsport doesn't distract him from the Parks&Rec issue.
L-E headline: "Poll: Majority now disapprove of Obama’s performance in job " -- And I bet this is probably a poll of potUS Nero-Imam-a's office staff!
If Brett Favre's season doesn't go well, he can get Christmas work as a Department Store Santa if he doesn't shave his beard between now and then.
Did I miss it or wasn't there a report of GA retail sales of the comparable weekend of last year's "tax free' holiday weekend?

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