Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Breakfast Club - August 12, 2010

Jihadist and radical Muslim/Islamic people who have no tolerance for Christians, Catholics, or Jews are no different from the KKK or Nazi's or any other genocidal cultures, so why are we Christians, Catholics, and Jews expected to be tolerant of radical Muslim/Islamist and jihadists? There is no valid argument why the media or our government does not confront and condemn this movement, or the Mosque they are trying to build at Ground Zero!
Have you wondered why the media, especially CNN, CNBC, ABC, NBC, & CBS, have not gone to Colin Powell to get reconfirmation as to how he 'feels' potUS Nero-bama is doing as President and Commander-in-Chief?
Online story: "(Aug. 11) -- The turtle population in the Gulf of Mexico seems to be recovering from the devastating impact of the BP oil spill, experts say. " -- This surely will disappoint wacko environmental activists and agnostics alike.
L-E headline: "Signs of regrowth seen in oiled Gulf marshes " -- See's the liberals worst nightmare!
Online headline/story: "Gitmo Jury Recommends 14 Years for al-Qaida Cook * "To find out that the first conviction under the Obama administration is accompanied by a secret plea agreement, coupled with a dummy sentence, it's really troubling," said Andrea Prasow, a lawyer observing the hearings for Human Rights Watch. "I think this proceeding was a farce." -- Hmmm, another DIM/DUMB faction disappointed in potUS Nero-bama's campaign promises. Maybe he feels that the former al-Qaida cook was discriminated against as a child because he didn't have access to a good cooking school.
Can you imagine this...Harry Reid was elated over the election results Tuesday night; seems a DIM/BUMB won every DIM/DUMB primary race. How do these people ever get elected?
Didn't it strike you as 'funny' to see Sea Island Resort offering a "Georgia citizens only" special daily rate of $395.00 a day? It doesn't specify whether that's per person or family, or whether it includes all the amenities/sporting options it shows. Then you really have to wonder what they charge per day for out-of-state customers. Hmm, and they wonder why they went bankrupt...
Online story: "Some Democrats are upset and advocacy groups are outraged over the raiding of the food-stamp cupboard to fund a state-aid bailout that some call a gift to teachers and government union workers. * Arguably one of the most outspoken opponents on the Democratic side is Connecticut Rep. Rosa DeLauro, who has blasted the move as “a bitter pill to swallow” but still voted yes." -- This sums up the evil of the DIM/DUMBorat Party (and a lot of Republicans). Their loyalty is to Party leaders, not the people of their district.
You'd think Algore would have rushed to Russia to help put out the fires.....
L-E headline: "School board proposes punishment standards for students using cell phones" -- Say what? The MCSD board set punishment guidelines last year; why aren't they just carried out?
From same story: "Superintendent Susan Andrews said, after the new policy is implemented, there will be a grace period to allow students and parents to get used to the change in consequences. She suggested the grace period last until the middle of the first nine weeks, but the exact time is still to be determined. * The grace period should be long, board member Rob Varner said, because cell phones are so prevalent. * “It feels like to me that we’re trying to hold back the tide,” Varner said. “It’s such a norm. It’s like putting your watch on every day. It’s like telling the wind not to blow.” -- What defeatist attitudes for anyone serving on a board or in charge of shaping students' lives and development. Life and society have rules, and it's a joint venture for parents and schools to prepare their children/students for assimilating into adulthood.
One thing that voters need to keep focused on in November is that no state has done well under the potUS Nero-bama regime, but if a state has a Republican governor, that state has received even less support than other states. On the positive side, Republican led states will recover faster when the DIM/DUMBorat Congress is dismantled.
Go, Northern!
Pee-wee Herman (a.k.a. Paul Reubens) has re-emerged. Remember when he was arrested and vilified for strange actions in a porno movie house? That will probably be the theme of a new show for him and ABC Family will probably air it just before "The Secret Life of theAmerican Teenager".
In a L-E story, a "Fresh Market" customer said, "“I loved it,”she said.“I’m so glad it’s here, so I don’t have to drive to Atlanta.” -- Gimme a break! Who believes anyone drives to Atlanta to grocery shop?
L-E headline: "Chaos erupts among housing authority applicants; 20 hurt * Authorities say 30,000 — 3 times more than expected — came out to apply for voucher to get assistance with rent " -- Hmmmm.. looks like confirmation of the old DIM/DUMBorat adage that if you promise Paul you're going to rob Peter and give Paul the money, you'll get Paul's vote. Unfortunately, the DIM/DUMBs have recruited too many Pauls, and there aren't enough Peters left to have enough money to pay all the Pauls that have come out of the woodwork.
L-E headline/story: " Air Force Two in minor incident on Long Island * A small private plane parked nearby was lifted a few feet into the air by the jet wash from Biden’s plane as it taxied to take off from Francis S. Gabreski Airport, said Air Force spokeswoman Maj. Michelle Lai. * The left wing of the Piper Cub was damaged but no one was on board, Lai said. Biden’s 757 took off with those on board apparently unaware of what had happened." -- Does this no sum up the whole potUS Nero-bama/Biden/Pelosi/Reid regime in a nut shell? The DIM/DUMBs have no clue to the short term damage they are causing nor it's long term effects.
L-E's "Q U O T A B L E": “No two persons ever read the same book.” Edmund Wilson American critic (1895-1972) -- Of course, today, he'd rephrase this to, "No two DIM/DUMBorat Congressmen/News anchors ever read the Hell-thScare Bull".
L-E story: "CAIRO — Al-Qaida is appealing for financial donations for the third time in a little over a year in a sign that the terror network might be short on funds. * A message posted on a militant website Wednesday repeats a June 2009 appeal by the group’s top Afghanistan commander, Mustafa Abu al-Yazeed. Al-Yazeed was killed in an airstrike in May. " -- If potUS Nero-bama doesn't use his recently given authority to shut down this website, then he should be barred from ever shutting down any other website!
Isn't it nice that Columbus has a talented group of kids representing our city...and they are all from our city...and private citizens, not the city, are picking up the tab? Go, Northern!

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