Wednesday, August 25, 2010

The Breakfast Club - August 24, 2010

A Monday L-E headline: "Little League World Series: Trip to Williamsport 'a blessing' for one family " -- Hmmm, personally, I think it's a blessing for all the team families, and all of Columbus.
Welcome to HELL-thScare. Insurance companies won't be able to drop/deny you coverage but the government can cut Medicaid.
Nissan is back with it's obnoxious "Mr Opportunity" so why would Lexus want to make a campaign around "Golden Opportunity"? They aren't even related .....
Another neat thing about the Little League World Series is that the world sees how welcome the US makes immigrants/visitors feel when they enter our country legally.
I'm not mad that Muslims want to build a mosque in New York; I'm mad at the intolerance of the Imam who wants to build "Hamas-que".
A TV ad for Chantix, an anti-smoking prescription drug, warns that you may have suicidal thoughts after you stop taking them, but warns you to stop taking them if you entertain suicidal thoughts....doh?
Our MCSD board must feel like pikers compared to the Los Angeles California school system. LA just opened a school that cost $578,000,000.00 (over half a BILLION), and California has sent Pelosi, Boxer, Feinstein, and Waters to Washington to tell us how to run our state/business/lives.
Has anyone in the potUS Imam-a administration even thought about how many more jobs there'd be in America for Americans if the illegal aliens couldn't slip in to take those jobs?
Only in California.... online headline/story: "'Pain Beam' to Be Installed in LA Jail * Called the Assault Intervention Device, it uses millimeter waves to heat the top layer of skin, causing an intense burning sensation that forces the person being targeted to move away immediately. * The Pentagon this year did send a truck-mounted version of the weapon to Afghanistan for testing, but it was sent home without ever being used." -- How could the military use it after the California delgation to Congress chastised the use of 'waterboarding'? Of course, the CIA could use this since California has approved it.
Online headline: "Fed Loses Appeal and Must Disclose Information on Bailouts" -- Finally! After all, potUS Imam-a campaigned on being the most transparent administration ever, but it's taking an activist judge to make him...ironic, isn't it?
In the L-E's "Today in History" column: "In 1954, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the Communist Control Act, outlawing the Communist Party in the U.S." -- Of course, Congress was DIM/DUMBorat run, and nothing was done, and the Communist Party runs a candidate for the US presidency every 4 years. You know, I think they won in 2008.

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